Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Heavenly Dogs and Heavenly Humans and Heavenly Bears

Monday, June 29, 2009
Good Morning from a "Kennel"
Done! Thirteen bowls, and time to hand them out to their special feeding places...one, two....ten, eleven...what the??? Who are you?
HONEY!!!! Why is here a new dog in my kitchen wagging her tail off?
Silence...."Can't we keep her?"
Ehh, welcome number 14...to the crazy Mercer Family (Kennel)
My 4 year-old daughter turned around on the kitchen chair and said; "Mom, this is a new dog!" A big smile over her face, "Can I pet?"
I guess this is starting to be crazy Amore!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Grace and Cucci Update
People that know them have seen their changes for the better. It is wonderful to work with committed people. Committed Amore.
Strays -- Randangi
It has been hectic here with a lot of troublesome people and wonderful dogs, plenty of driving and giving people service. In return, solving people's dirty laundry. I will write everything in my book, and when that one will be published I will have to move to the moon!
Relax, there will be good stories too. Actually I am doing a project about "happy rescue dogs" and their families.
Right now am I doing research, because there is one thing I don't get....why are so many international people abandoning dogs? Is it because they don't think the dog can tell anyone? Some have told me the dog(s) had it great for the time they were with them... that should be enough!
I met woman today, she told me that in Germany the US military is not allowed to adopt any strays. There have been to many who abandoned their pets and the German people were tired of it. Same is happening here and it is a shame. I have to do more research about this!
Vania thank you so much for donating four big bags of dog food, and for fostering Tiger. Thank you for your big heart.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Adoption Fee
Still, I think being nice to people will pay off for the dogs they want to adopt. Still I believe in peoples words, and still I get surprised that people have not much respect. That a dog is nothing worthy, pick it up and leave it back.
Animals Without Limits will take out a donation adoption fee/security for the rescue dogs that will be finding new homes.
The donation will help paying for medicine and surgery for the next stray in need.
A person will take a dog, and after 12 hours he calls back telling me he is getting deployed, I have to take the dog back! (in this case he had been promised no deployment, and he was really sad letting the dog back)
Another call 15 hours later --they want me to take back the dog they adopted, because they found another cute dog on their way home
Three days later, ops it was more work than I thought with a dog, another one says.
3 months later, the adopted dog barks, come and get him
6 months later, oh it was expensive with a dog, cannot keep him.
Is this respectful commitment Amore to anyone?
A friend told me today, "Mia if you don't charge, many will think it has no value." That's true but shitty Amore.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Pa-Law The Sofa Amore
Hey Mia,
Here's my new pup!! His name is Pa'Lon (pronounced Pa-Law). Tony, who owns the hardware on JFC, found him on the interstate. He's about three months old, very well behaved and loves my sofa!! He's also very smart.
He's a very calm puppy and responds to commands like a well trained dog.
I'm so excited to have him!! I'm getting him registered this week. He gets along happily with my cat Shakespeare.
This is a "very" Amore sofa. Good Luck Guys!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Every Morning
Adoption A Friend For Life
Monday, June 22, 2009
Strong Fighting Grace

I put collars on them, so people can see they are getting help. Thanks to Maria Kurta Cucci got a black with white paws on, and from Ylva Mercer Grace got a pink collar. Just to let every one know, they are being loved and cared for--even if I need a fosterhome.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Limping Dog Bigger Problem Than Limping Humans
I'm not a veterinarian. I'm the first to admit that. But, I work with some great veterinarians, and I've been doing this sort of work with animals and vets for quite a while, ten years together with strays. Experience is a great teacher.
So, I get frustrated and sensitive when people without the experience start offering their opinions like they have a knowledge beyond their education, training or experience. It happens often. I take someone who is very interested in helping the animals out on a mission, or I meet somebody and help an animal they reported to me. The next thing I know, these people think they are experts. Is this human nature? Ego? Something else?
Some "animal friends" seem to have convinced themselves that this or that dog needs to be euthanized, and call us expecting to be validated in their belief. If we, or our vet, does not agree, they seem to be upset with US! One would expect the "friend" would be happy that they don't have to put the animal down. I don't get it.
Its not like we don't euthanize when necessary. Remember Morris? Remember Flower? Even Lupa, and others I've talked about on this blog. So, when I say that we are doing what is required for a dog to have a quality life, and their condition is under control, why would a novice question me? I'm all for a second opinion... but that opinion should be informed by knowledge or experience, don't you think?
Funny thing is, in this most recent situation... the dog is clearly in better condition now than she was previously, and the issue that is of most concern to the "animal friend" was there before. Yet, now he wants to euthanize?
Strays on the streets have become society's problem. Occasionally, and usually for reasons that have nothing to do with the strays, the problem is trotted out so that bureaucrats can "solve" it publicly. Yet, for the strays themselves, life on the street may be shorter, but it is of more quality during that period than being incarcerated in one of the "shelters" that merely warehouse the animals until their life is over. Their spirit and soul leaves much sooner.
And we do not want anyone to suffer, but euthanize because the picture isn't pretty, that is wrong.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Giove Getting Happier

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Its Not Right!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Children and Animals
Youth who spend a lot of time socialising puppies and rescue dogs, not only help to make the dogs easier adapt to a new family, but they also grow, become responsible and calm in the process.
Children from 4- 16 (youth) help with grooming, the younger ones holding while the older ones are doing the washing or brushing.
We also educate youth on simple First Aid on a pet. We tried with a cat once but ended up doing first aid on each other. The cat was happily satisfied licking his paw..."purr-fect"
We all learn from each other. Quite often they are the best teachers, with all their questions that also makes me question myself and life more, and not keep my beliefs tidy in a box.
This is Amore outside the box.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Broken Painful Amore
It seems like Grace's problem is not her hips. It is her two front legs. Her front "wrists" are not right, and it causes her to wobble when she tries to put any weight on them.
Some time ago, she probably jumped down and broke both "wrists". That explains why she suddenly became a skeleton, she couldn't walk to find food. Poor thing.
Tomorrow am I going out there again and we are going to do some x-rays to determine a good solution for her. It is so painful in my heart and her wrists to put her back out on the street again. It doesn't feel right! (For either of us.)
Later on this afternoon it was time for Olivia's riding lesson. I sensed something was wrong when we came back home. Most of the dogs were out, but one I couldn't see. She was laying under the back stairs bleeding. My heart ached when I saw her, Shiloh. (She is the one that narrowly survived getting hit by a car last year this month.) Jack, our kind of new-comer was bloody over his chest and legs. I was so disappointed, and my head was spining around. WHY?
I gave Shiloh a bath so I could spot all the wounds and see how bad they were. Luckily not too bad, but this poor girl hasn't had it easy since we arrived to Italy. Poor Girls!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Newspaper Kvallsposten and Expressen
Also everyone that wrote comments after the article...we all thank you so much for your kind words and support.
One comment posted to the article was that Mafia are also humans and "animal friends". Yes, but we are talking about a business that is done here, and very lucrative for the criminal element. Of course they love animals as long as there is money to be made. Don't confuse how they feel and treat their own pets with what they are willing to do to unwanted strays to make a euro!
Another poster thought helping animals was a waste when there were so many starving children in need of help. He apparently didn't do good research. If he were to go to my homepage http://www.miamattsson.com/, he could read that we are helping orphans at Centro Laila. Also, my finished manuscript is about children's suffering in the whole world, and also how animals can help to heal children's trauma. But also, how mean children can be towards animals.
But that is like saying to veterinarians, "why not help humans?"
A measure of a society is how it treats all its less advantaged and those without a voice... two AND four legged.
If you want to read the article in english you can get help from http://translate.google.com/
Sunday, June 14, 2009
KIMBO Needs A Home
Evening News Paper
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sully is Going Home
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Grace and Cucci Getting Treatment Today
A Soldier and His Dog
US military personnel overseas are not allowed to adopt stray animals. The reason, say officials, is to protect soldiers from diseases strays may carry. Click on the link above.
Update on Cat the Tiger
"We will find him a home, have faith Mia!
If I found a home for 30 cats and dogs in Spain, and 2 cats and a rabbit here, we will manage again! He is a sweet cat really, not bad, he just needs to learn what he can and cannot do. Already I found a way to stop him biting-I blow in his face!he hates that and it stops him straight away and if he bites again, it's not as hard as before. Now I have to figure out how to stop him getting up on the tables-
This morning tiger broke a one of a kind hand blown vase we had received as a wedding gift-the naughty boy keeps getting on the furniture, I guess his previous mum and dad did not teach him better manners!
Needless to say, I was furious even though I know he did not mean to. I usually push him off as soon as I see him jump up.it really just boils down to him and I building up an understanding-I have to understand him as much as he has to understand me and what he can and cannot do.
He is still young and energetic and would be best in a family with older kids and preferably other cats as he does love company."
Thank you Vania for your great work and for giving Tiger a chance in life. You are wonderful.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Fiori: A New Start in Life

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Grace And Cucci Abandoned

Monday, June 8, 2009
One Rescued, Several Others Need Help
Then a shelter is calling telling me that one dog is ready to be picked up, and it is 45 minutes drive from me. I ask her if we can meet up half way, the answer is, "No, don't have time!"
Another phone call from a great animal friend, she needs help finding a dog that got hit by a car and limped away probably with a broken leg. The driver, an Italian woman didn't stop.
Afternoon, a phone call from a concerned man. There is a dog in a parco that has been feed by a British lady, but she had returned to the UK two months ago. The dog is a walking skeleton, can I come and help?
Animals Without Limits is for the moment without money and it is painful to have to tell people that. Maybe it is because it is summer season and people are going on vacations? Or maybe the bad economy is causing wallets to stay closed?
I want to thank Ylva Mercer for her donation of dog food, collars, bowls, treats, and brush.
The collar came in handy for Sully who looks great in pink! Thank you for being a loyal AWL friend.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Little Sully Update
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Our Little Sully

Our little Sully is not a puppy! She is between 2-3 years old and have had at least one litter of puppies before. No one has given her much food and she is very underweight so the vet cannot do any spaying on her until we get her weight up. (She's 20 kg, normal is around 30 kg). Angie, her Tuesday overnight foster mom, reports that the first poop she had, was all grass... indicating she was foraging for anything and everything to eat, even grass!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sully is Cold and Starving

I look with begging eyes to my husband who is home today; "Can you drive and take a look?"

Via cell phone and computer I am sick in bed, trying to coordinate everything; pictures are being sent to me; sure she really need help. She got some wounds on her back.