Monday, June 8, 2009

One Rescued, Several Others Need Help

The phone rings, I look at the watch, it is 08.30. I regret answering since I have a personal policy not to answer the phone before 09.00, because it is my family-time. But my brain was still in sleep mode, so I answered. An Italian lady wanted me to come and take her 2 puppies, she could not have them anymore. I love this when people call and demand the same day to pick up dogs. When I say we are not an adopting foundation and that myself have 12 dogs they seem not to understand, they get kind of pissy. I am even paying kennel fees for two other dogs.

Then a shelter is calling telling me that one dog is ready to be picked up, and it is 45 minutes drive from me. I ask her if we can meet up half way, the answer is, "No, don't have time!"

Another phone call from a great animal friend, she needs help finding a dog that got hit by a car and limped away probably with a broken leg. The driver, an Italian woman didn't stop.

Afternoon, a phone call from a concerned man. There is a dog in a parco that has been feed by a British lady, but she had returned to the UK two months ago. The dog is a walking skeleton, can I come and help?

Animals Without Limits is for the moment without money and it is painful to have to tell people that. Maybe it is because it is summer season and people are going on vacations? Or maybe the bad economy is causing wallets to stay closed?

I want to thank Ylva Mercer for her donation of dog food, collars, bowls, treats, and brush.

The collar came in handy for Sully who looks great in pink! Thank you for being a loyal AWL friend.

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