Sunday, June 28, 2009

Strays -- Randangi

I realized that I haven't been posting on the blog since Thursday! Shame on me.

It has been hectic here with a lot of troublesome people and wonderful dogs, plenty of driving and giving people service. In return, solving people's dirty laundry. I will write everything in my book, and when that one will be published I will have to move to the moon!
Relax, there will be good stories too. Actually I am doing a project about "happy rescue dogs" and their families.

Right now am I doing research, because there is one thing I don't get....why are so many international people abandoning dogs? Is it because they don't think the dog can tell anyone? Some have told me the dog(s) had it great for the time they were with them... that should be enough!

I met woman today, she told me that in Germany the US military is not allowed to adopt any strays. There have been to many who abandoned their pets and the German people were tired of it. Same is happening here and it is a shame. I have to do more research about this!

Vania thank you so much for donating four big bags of dog food, and for fostering Tiger. Thank you for your big heart.

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