Sunday, January 27, 2013


Living with Lyme disease (that also comes with co-infections) is not only "eating" your health, it "eats" on your mentality too. Every good thought can suddenly be changed in a heartbeat to a negative thought. Its difficult for outsiders to really understand since it is even confusing for us and many doctors. But there is hope, and of course a lot of work.

 First its important to focus on what makes you smile and to force that thought process into a routine in your daily morning routines. It’s not easy! 

 I started to collect "good thoughts” and I put as many were I can see them, first thing in the morning.


 This painting was my birthday present from my husband. I love animal portraits since it makes me smile, I'd seen this on a trip to a nearby town.  Animals make me smile. Every morning when I come down from the second floor I see my cow and cannot help but to smile.
 Earlier on the blog you could read my column about friendship and faith. Martina sent me a wonderful letter about how my words had changed her life in a positive way. I framed the letter in a beautiful silver frame and I keep it in my office to be able to read it every day.
Finally after a very long time of not being able to read, I can now enjoy reading again. It goes slowly and I get tired quickly, but it is progress in the right direction. I don't get as dizzy as before, and I can read more than one page before loosing the book's concept. It was  frustrating reading and then realizing I had no idea what I had read in the first place.

I like to read different litteratures. It is like eating during the day. Different food can stimulate different taste buds. My brain needs different stories.

I only publish the ones that I like. When I don't like a book I put it away, since writing negatively would not be fair to the author or other readers that might like the book. Each person's taste is different.
Who knows, maybe next year will I love the book. We are on various journeys, moods and we have different expectations.

Book, Happy Kids! Who doesn't want happy kids?
This book is a good remainder and a lot of common sense in every chapter. Sometimes you just need to be reminded about which you already know and feel to have a happy family.

The power of Praying Wife, was given to me one year ago from "moms group." Last week I dusted the book off and started to read.  I love the author's way of  sharing of herself about her marriage problems and mistakes and how she turned it around to be positive.
Tess Gerritsen has always been one of my favorites and she is a fantastic medical-thriller author. She keeps me glued from the first page to the end. None of her books have made disappointed me.
Gaby, our wonderful rescue dog that was terribly  sick April 2012 with a high fever and infections She was even waging her tail when she was found so incredibly sickly. She never gave up, not one day .... every day despite feeling horrible for eight long months she never stopped waging her tail. Today, she lives adopted by a wonderful person in Sweden and has many friends.

What can Gaby teach us?

--- Never give up no matter how hard it feels, keep wagging your're happy day will return!

That's Amore!

Friday, January 25, 2013



MY weekly column in Swedish Magazine NARA CLICK HeRE FOR SWEDISH OR SCROLL TO THE END


I can see the great love from my children's footsteps in the snow as they laughing, make beautiful snow angels. I smile when I see them throw themselves into the snow again and again to make different patterns.

Life with children is a gift. Much great advice comes from my children, and several times a day they challenge my own capacity to reason about my own faith. I laugh, and ask them when did they grow up so fast to know such common sense? They are old souls who sparkle and remember.

We re-program our children, and we likely do not think about it. Many of us forget the wisdom, but we are searching and we can find our way back again.

Community, school, friends and parents all make their own impressions on a child about which way is best. We want what is best for our children after all. We forget that children also inherently possess wisdom. And we can remember more if we listen to the children's words.

Sometimes I can see how the children are trying to tell their parents about something important to them. But parents wave it off with a blithe "we know what's best for you." Hearing what is best for you often during growing up can trigger insecurity and the individual will always ask for what is best for him. It can cause us to continue asking others about "what should I work with? or "what do you think?" (Balance of course; we have to in some way teach children what is best but not to forget to tell the consequences) Since we have been taught from the beginning to hear from others what is best for us.

I currently struggle with chronic Lyme disease that is affecting my nervous system. For six months now,  I have also been battling pneumonia. Often, I have terrible pain, or exhaustion. I try not to show my children what is happening to me, but of course they know. Wise eyes cannot be deceived.

Olivia (seven years), with her little hands asks me where she should put them on my body so that I'll feel better.

When I fall because of my illness, Olivia is by my side and comforting.  She says, "Mom, it's okay to fall.  I fall sometimes!"

But what made my heart overflow with love was when Olivia said, "Let us pray to the great (Spirit) to help you to feel better. I know they are listening. "

Olivia's grandfather lives away in the United States and he has recently lost his sister. (seventeen years days earlier, her husband of 60 years died). I told my husband to fly over from Germany to the U.S. to be with his parents. My husband squirmed. Olivia noticed it and exclaimed, "Daddy! If you were sad or had problems, then your father would be there for you. "

I smiled inwardly when I saw how the words that came out of our daughter's big heart had a purpose, and with power pierced through his closed and clouded heart.

Wisdom has no age. If we only could close our eyes and listen more often, we wouldn’t judge the source behind the wisdom. And we could allow our own hearts and souls to decide what  the lesson is for us instead of looking down on the children. 
That's Amore!


Jag ser den stora kärleken i mina barns fotsteg ute i snön när de skrattandes gör sina vackra snöänglar. Jag ler när jag ser dem kasta sig i snön om och om igen för att göra olika mönster.   

Livet tillsammans med barnen är en gåva. Många goda råd kommer från mina barn och flera gånger om dagen utmanar de min egen kapacitet till förnuft och tillit. Jag skrattar och frågar dem när de växte upp så fort i förnuftets skola. De är gamla själar som gnistrar och kommer ihåg.

Vi omprogrammerar våra barn utan att vi kanske tänker på det. Vi är många som glömt visdomen, men vi letar och finner vägen tillbaka igen.
Samhället, skolan, vänner och föräldrar, gör sina egna tolkningar om vilket som är bäst. Och många gånger vill vi ju endast våra barn det allra bästa. Vi glömmer att barnen också besitter visheten. Och vi kan också komma ihåg mer om vi lyssnar till barnens ord.

Ibland kan jag se hur barn försöker berätta för sina föräldrar om något viktigt. Men föräldrarna viftar bort det med ”vi vet vad som är bäst för dig”. Det kan leda till att vi fortsätter fråga andra om vad vi vill och kan under vår egen uppväxt, då vi är lärda från början att från andra få höra vad som är bäst för oss.

Jag kämpar med kronisk borrelia som satt sig på mitt nervsystem. I sex månader har jag också dragits med lunginflammation. Ofta har jag en fruktansvärd smärta, eller är trött. Jag försöker att inte visa mina barn vad som händer med mig, men naturligtvis vet de. Kloka ögon kan ingen lura.

Olivia (sju år) kommer med sina små händer och frågar var hon skall lägga dem på min kropp så att jag ska må bättre.

När jag trillar på grund av min sjukdom, finns Olivia vid min sida och tröstande säger: ”Mamma, det är okej att trilla, jag trillar också ibland!”

Men vad som fick mitt hjärta att svämma över av kärlek var när Olivia sade: ”Låt oss be tillsammans till den stora ”Spirit” om hjälp att du skall må bättre. Jag vet att de lyssnar.”

Olivias farfar bor borta i USA och han har nyligen mist sin syster. En vecka senare dog hennes man. Jag bad min man att flyga över från Tyskland till USA för att vara tillsammans med sina föräldrar. Min man skruvade på sig. Olivia märkte det och utbrast: ”Pappa! Om du var ledsen eller hade problem, då skulle din pappa finnas där för dig.”

Jag log inombords när jag såg hur de stora orden som kom ut från vår dotters stora hjärta, med kraft borrade sig igenom hans stängda och rädda hjärta.

Visdom har ingen ålder. Om vi blundar och lyssnar ser vi inte vem som är källan till visdomen, utan vi låter endast våra egna hjärtan och själar få avgöra vad som är lärdomen till oss.

That’s Amore!

Mia Mattsson-Mercer

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Mia Mattsson Mercer is being honored by Harliga Hunds Magazine "The Dog Friend of the Year" for her fantastic commitment (work in Italy)

From Mia; Thank you so much Lotta Sjölin Fredriksson for posting and lovely words on my private wall. It was a nice "welcome" home. I want to share my honor with so many, and I am afraid to start mentioning names and probably with my fog brain forget to write someones name. First I want to thank Magazine Harliga Hundar for  putting such a big spotlight on a big problem. THANK YOU for daring being such a flexible interesting Magazine. That's Amore. 

To  journalist Katarina Arnstad who also have a great mind and heart, who listens and understand how important the whole picture is even how bad it is (or strange) You really help making a difference for animals in need. Your pen becomes magic and the message can come out in the light. THANK YOU! 

My animals friends and supporters in Sweden, Germany, Italy, USA without you we cannot exist. Thank you for believing in me and my passion and our volunteers. To every animal rescuer, single person or organization the honor should go to you too. I know how hard you work and how hard it is. Keep the passion flowing, and let the tears give you strength. That's Amore. 

Thank you everyone, Grazie, Tack Mia

PS THE Magazine is out in the Swedish stores.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


My weekly column in the Swedish Magazine NARA

Encouraging words are a wonderful gift

Words can be beautiful, encouraging and at the same time influence and give a person a meaning in their life without us knowing or realizing it.

Words can also do damage and destroy someone without the speaker being aware of it. Not until I became seriously ill, did I realize how beautiful words of encouragement could have the capacity to make me smile again.  They make me  feel something warm inside grow. That feeling grows into  a power and a longing!

At this moment am I struggling with a disease that consumes my power and quite often my self-esteem. I work twice as hard with my mental abilities and myself, but sometimes it can be difficult to have that extra measure of fire. My longing to live again is greater than ever. I want to go on adventures!

Rarely, but still sometimes, the pain is so severe that life doesn’t feel meaningful anymore - even if that thought only lasts a brief time, it’s there whispering in my ear. During crises the whole family will also be tested. Marriage will be measured to determine if it is strong or weak.

Something very unique are my two small children (seven and five years old) who are lovingly interrogating me all the time. Their eyes search mine to give and get support.

Friendships are being put to the test, too. Some friends cannot stand to see someone they love and admire to be weak, even for a moment. Some do not have the time to provide friendly comfort and words of encouragement. Others become closer and show who they really are and make sure you do not forget it.

Martina is a special friend that helps me with rescuing dogs in Italy. We have the same ability to see the animal spirits and energies. We have known each other for five years. I took Martina under my wings. I saw in her a great soul and wisdom.

Martina has been more or less by my side all these years. Our passion to save animals is big and collaborative. When I share my knowledge with Martina she has never received it without taking it into her heart, saved and incorporated it. She has grown rapidly and wonderfully. Several times I have joked with her, "You must be my daughter!"

Despite my illness, we are soldiering on in our work.  Sometimes I cry of despair for not being able to be out in the field, rescuing and working as I did before.   She hears my despair and desire and stands by my side quietly, no unnecessary words between us.

I am like the sick dogs we rescue, and do not want to be a burden to those I love, I try to fight on in silence. But she knows the truth. Today I got a letter from her that I have framed in a beautiful silver frame.  I am inspired!

It was the third of December I think three years ago.  Animals Without Limits volunteers delivered food to Adriana's shelter where there are 400 dogs in cages. It was the first time for me.

"Smile please! "You told us," You must be strong and smile or else the people in this shelter will not like us and want us back. "

And we smiled, until I stopped outside the cage number 65. Still today, I think it was the most painful thing I've seen. A wonderful dog, seventeen years old (thirteen years in the cage), sad eyes, unfocused, lying on a cold damp concrete floor, waiting to die.

I cried!
I cried so much that you could feel my pain and you said to me: "Save her!"
I was scared. I dared not do it alone.

But you, Mia, had faith in me.
"Save her! I will help you! "
This is how the best gift could ever come into my life. You do not know it Mia, but I am still forever grateful for your words that gave me the strength to dare to save a life.

Please Mia
Smile today!
/ / Your friend, Martina <3 o:p="o:p">

During these following days, I ask you readers to think about who might have said something important to you that made you grow and receive courage. Write a card to that person and tell them how their words became a gift, fertilizer to your growth as a human. And, go and mail it.   Today. Don’t wait another day.  Give someone a smile today.  You too can change a life!

That's Amore.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


When fighting Lyme Disease (Borrelia, and with its other infection fan club) the most important thing is attitude and laughters. And that is very difficult.
I have been very sick for a long time, and I am under a very heavy antibiotic treatment with herbal supplements and a special diet for 6 weeks. It is the toughest thing I ever gone through and every day is a battle field.

It is so difficult not to think of everything I cannot do, and to live with the pain, not to mention being scared.

But, I have a wonderful Lyme Fighting Friend, Laura who sends me funny dog pictures (we love dogs) and this morning this picture was waiting for me.

How wonderful to start out the day with a smile, and so important. Try today to find a picture (or post card) that makes you smile and send it to someone you would love to give a smile today.

That's Amore!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Urgh! The things I do when working through this "brain fog" caused by Lyme disease.

During the whole year I have been sick, I think one of the worst parts is having "brain fog". Before getting diagnosed with Lyme disease, I swore I had started to get Alzheimer's. It is scary and embarrassing and especially difficult for one who works as a writer.  Suddenly, I would lose what I was thinking. Or out driving and I said to my daughter; "Olivia, do you recognize where we are?" I had passed our exit 30 minuets before, we were on the way to Switzerland! (Thank God my daughter is young and only giggles)

I try to do my best and raise my children to be polite. If they have done something wrong or hurtful they have to apologize.
A couple of days ago, me and my children were ready to go in my Jeep, I made sure the kids were buckled up and I put it in reverse and started out of our carport. Kaboong!

What was that?

"Mom!!! you just hit a car, now you have to go and apologize."

And so I did. I swear I didn't see it. Today I got the "thank you:" 3500 euro. How I in this moment miss Naples, Italy when we lived there. My SUV, so damaged on the sides that it became a joke from my husband every day I came home, "Honey, what color is on the sides today?"

There, it was a smile and a "domani" (tomorrow) and for free. That's Amore.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Augsburg Borrelia Clinic

On the train back home from the world well known Lyme Clinic in Augsburg, Germany. Today was the time for my big blood test to see if the six weeks heavy antibiotic treatment have done any wonder. I feel a little better and I know the way is still long but at least I am on the right track!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


 Outside a friend's house, by their door in an apartment area with hundreds of children. On Saturdays and Sunday's, the door bell can go off every minute, so when mom and dad want peace and quiet, they hang up these signs. I loved their idea with these signs.
 Lyme disease can bring down even the best and strongest smile (of course this is my disease.) My best friend from Italy sent me this. I just love it. I printed it out and have put it up by the front door. Now, neither me or the kids forget to take a smile with us when we leave for the day. A smile makes wonders!
 Olivia, my seven- year old daughter's favorite animals are horses. I am making her a scrap book with pictures from when she started riding until today. I got very nostalgic and proud when I found the pictures from when she started at age three in "bella Napoli" all the way to today in "wunderbar Deutschland".
That's Amore!

Friday, January 11, 2013


 The more I research Lyme disease, the more surprised I am about the ignorance towards so many sick people --- . As with other illnesses, it's possible to be very ill and outwardly look fine. Very low energy levels, neurologic and brain dysfunction don’t often change a person’s appearance. Family and friends are sometimes hard on victims simply because they don’t look sick. Don't give up searching for your answer to why you are sick.

 This is Mullet, a dumped dog and now searching after a new family. He is such a sweet heart, he just wants to stay close to people and especially boys. He was out hiking with teenage boys escorting them around where he now lives. He is around 8 years-old, castrated yesterday thanks to volunteer Lori and sponsored by Animals Without Limits. He is in Southern Italy, but we can arrange a passport and have him at your door whenever you say YES!
This is how I look in the mornings. With two small children and "around" fifteen dogs. But it is also very soothing for my body especially when seven of them lay in my office snoring while I am writing.

I wish you all a stress free weekend! That's Amore.

Lyme warning

Thursday, January 10, 2013


 With a lot of lovely pressure from many people around the world, I have now decided to re-start my old blog. This time I will write about different subjects that are dear to me. I have a wide range of readers, but mostly they are my animal rescuer and fans. But I am also a mother, writer, lecturer, rescuer and a Lyme disease warrior.
 In the next issue of the Swedish Dog Magazine,  "Harliga Hund, there will be a great article about mine and my Animals Without Limits (AWL) volunteers-work down in South Italy. I am so thrilled that a great magazine like "Harliga Hund" is giving us spotlight on the stray situation.

 I still volunteer full time for my lovely foundation Animals Without Limits I love this picture I feel like this will be me after 30 years, still driving across Europe with dogs that are being adopted. My goal is to open more hospice facilities for older and sick strays. For more information you can follow our work on our  AWL BLOG
For over two years have I been writing a column for the Swedish Spiritual Magazine, Tidningen NARA You can visit the link and read more about them. I will continue writing stories that are use by NARA, most of the them will be spiritual stories about animals and we people.

I am happy to be back! That's Amore!