Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Monday, November 30, 2009

She is wonderful, calm and nice, a little bit of an older lady between 8-9 years old. Micke could not turn her down. We met up at the vet clinic and she was terrified to walk in. Dr Damiani was wonderful and took his time, comforting her and taking it very easy. Jackie was there with AWL Abby, and I had Stray Sammy with me who needed to remove the stitches after his surgery.

She's not sterilized so we made an appointment so she can have that done and they discovered that she had mammary tumors. Blood tests was done and we are happy, Leishmania test came back negative. This week she is going in for an x ray and surgery, please keep Sophia in your heart and mind.
She just found her Amore partner in crime!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We love Jackie and the dogs yesterday all 85 dogs got hot dogs. (We turned the grill on later and there were 8 hot dogs left for the volunteers :-) But a big strawberry cake and drinks later for our volunteers )
Lindy, Kristin, Brandy, Mark, Todd, Jackie, Eric and Mia
Friday, November 27, 2009
After a couple of days I found out the phone number and spoke to the lady. This is the story I heard; "We bought Jazmin for 10 euro 7 years ago. She has been great with my three children the age between 2 and 11 years old but she chases the cat."
I told her people would not understand why they were not bringing her with them. "The airlines said it was too cold to fly her in and it would be 4 stops for her."
And they were going to live in an apartment and wanted Jazmin to have a better life than living in an apartment.
In September she got hold of them and was told she could come down to the adoption day with Jazmin but she couldn't do that with three children, standing there the whole day.
I told the woman not to tell the children any fairytales about where Jazmin would go or why.
To my surprise I was told the children rather wanted the cat, the cat slept with one of the children!
I sent her an email telling her we could come Friday and pick her up. The reply was if we could come before 12, since they had other things to do!
Of course she had thought about that.
I told them we are a foundation that helps sick strays not driving around picking up pets that the families are tired of, or "cannot bring the with them"
Today at their house, no one said good bye to their dog. I asked the girl what Jazmin didn't like, "To be out in the rain and being jumped on!"
The rain poured down when we entered where she lay, for three years, her home was under a terrible balcony on an old wet blanket. She didn't want to come out to the man who tried to get her. Finally he got her out and I had to tell the girl, the daughter to hug Jazmin good-bye. They had been together for 7 years, and she had to be told!She petted Jazmin and ran into the house. Eric opened the door and Jazmin jumped right in, and so did we ---quickly--- we just wanted to get away from there. In my SUV she was in the back. Eric said, "Do you want to sit in my lap?" (Eric wants her :-)
She is wonderful inside. No accidents. Nothing with my 13 other dogs. Olivia loves her and have been sitting with her for hour. My husband looked at me. "I love this girl"
She is calm, polite and careful. She is a true wonderful lady.
Her heart is broken. She doesn't understand what went wrong or like children many times wonder, "What did I do wrong?"
Her best friend for many years, the older dog, that kept her warm was put down to sleep a couple of weeks ago, and she didn't get closure on that loss, either.
We didn't even get to know what her habits were, what she eats...nothing. Just the paper and made sure we would sign the ownership. That was it!
And what I don't get is that she is microchiped, rabies and vaccination shots, her record is up to date, how can you be so thourough with that and not bring her with you?
Apartment! Well start walking the dog, it's just one dog!
Oh yes, thank you Eric for carrying in the four bags of dog food that was donated from them.
And yes they said thank you!
Remember this is not Animals Without Limits blog! The views expressed are mine alone.
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Click on the box were it says AWL Animals Without Limits Suditalien
A presentation AWL shows up, scroll down
At the bottom, will be the place where you can vote. Please click the bubble next to "AWL- Animals Without Limits" and then press the button at the bottom that says "abstimmen".
Now, also please share this out to all your friends and family. We only have a few days to get as many votes as possible... the judges will take the voting into consideration. The prize is a "Golden Paw" trophy, and Euro 5000. If AWL wins, this will go toward establishing an animal hospice in Campania Region of S. Italy.
One day I got to know that the family couldn't keep Lussy, I was told she was snapping towards their son. But the mother wanted to have help since she loved the dog. I told the go-between that I could and would drive over and help them every day, for free. They would take care of it. I told them that for any problem, I would be there in a heartbeat. The go-between told me that it was the son that was "not nice to the dog."
My heart stopped. Poor Lussy, another family that doesn't want her. But I couldn't believe Lussy was that bad. She had been with my daughter, we were different people carrying her around and interacting with her.
I knew she was like a "Princess," loved to be a lap-dog and could be around other dogs and children.
At the day, ten minutes late, me and my 4 year-old daughter rang the door. No one answered. I looked around and there were a lot of garbage bags outside the door (I can have that too,) toys laying around, maybe they were sleeping? I rang la ong time on the doorbell. Finally, the lady opens the door and their 2 year-old peeks behind her legs...sure enough they were sleeping. She had completely forgot about our agreement.
I asked about the snapping and why she thought Lussy would do that?
I took Olivia and Lussy under my arms and hurried out, very angry. It clearly wasn't Lussy that was the problem in this situation... it was the "parents".
A wonderful young Italian woman agreed to try to foster Lussy and a few days later, I got this email from her;
She is beautiful and very sweet. My dogs love Lussy and Lussy loves my dogs and my cat. They have a lot of fun and play together all day! Last night the princess has stayed with me on my bed. Perhaps we have already found a wonderful adoption for her, though, when she goes to live with her new family, I will be sad because I already love her so much and she is already attached to me.
Be happy and peaceful.
She is really like a little princess with me.
Lussy sends you a big kiss.
I will communicate to you all the news.
See you soon.
Martina & Lussy
Lussy in Martina's arms.
My heart was so happy, I was worried but my gut said something else. One week later I got this email:
Hello Mia,
we finally found the adoption to the Princess Lussy. We chose a nice lady who comes from Pisa and has three cats. We believe that Lussy arrives in her new home on weekends. Yesterday I cried so much for this information but I am happy that Lussy has found a family. She is fantastic and very sweet.When I have more news I will inform you immediately.Thanks very much for giving me these beautiful days with Lussy.
Many kisses Martina
Good Luck Amore Lussy, I hope and pray that this is your final, "forever" destination. I will keep an eye on you, though. Martina, a big thank you to you for your wonderful help and heart.
Above three (3) pictures are Martina's other dogs. As you can see, she is a big animal lover, and spends much time working at the Rossella Shelter helping the many souls there. Don't these guys just look so content?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dear Friends of Animals Without Limits,
Our Dear Friends Malte and Sabine, took a great deal of time and effort to enter Animals Without Limits into an annual contest in Germany for organizations working to assist Animals. We were very thankful and flattered that they did so.
Guess what?! Animals Without Limits is among the 13 finalists for the 2009 prize. We have just one more hurdle to clear!
For one week from 24 November, people can go to the website http://www.blogger.com/www.tasso.net and vote for the organization most worthy of winning the 2009 "Golden Paw".
Its in German, but look for "Goldene Pfote 2009", then vote for Animals Without Limits. The judges will take the voting into consideration in their final decision, but it is not the only thing they will look at.
Animals Without Limits requests everyone go to the website and vote during the week after 24 NOV. Pass this to all your friends and relatives, as well... lets get a vote that goes viral!
Your efforts to do this will help us to win. We can only imagine the competition is stiff, but we think we have a worthy goal. Along with the Golden Paw trophy, the winner will receive 5000 Euros. This money would go a long way to establishing AWL's number one priority in Campania: a Hospice for sick, injured and elderly strays that is a safe and loving place for them to recuperate or live out their final days in dignity.
Please, pass this around to family, friends, coworkers and strangers. Lets get as many to vote for Animals Without Limits during the week of 24-29 November as possible.
Its during the Thanksgiving Holidays for Americans, so mark your calendar and don't forget amongst all the turkey dinner and pumpkin pie!
For the Animals,
Monday, November 23, 2009
She is a pointer mix and 7 years old. She has been our pet since she was 4 weeks old. She is great with my kids and they love her to death. My 2 year old sometimes pulls on her ears and sits on her and she just sits there.
We can't keep her because of my Tad school house orders to the states.
We want her to be well taking care of. She has all her shots up to date and is micro chipped as well. Her name is jazmin. Is there anyway you can help take her from us? We only have 15 days until we leave. "
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Abby is doing much better. No nose blood, and her psychological trauma is letting go more and more... she's getting closer to "normal". Before she wouldn't walk, and then she started a little but no stairs. Now she walks down the stairs.
Time will heal in many cases, but we are always in a hurry to get results. And today many clinics don't have room for the dog long term, or the ability to conduct rehabilitation. If they did, it would be a lot of money for a person to pay.
That's why we need a hospice so we can rehabilitate and give these wonderful strays that got dumped a chance to get well physically and mentally, to show the world that every life has to be fought for.
Abby's Swedish family Maria, Richard, daughter Engla and doggie Becci are so excited to adopt Abby! Our wonderful foster family has agreed to keep Abby another month. Abby's tests and blood work will take 4-5 months before she can go to Sweden.
Jackie in the picture is Abby's driver to the veterinary clinic, we call Jackie "Abby's Guardian Angel".
So many wonderful people are involved and it gives us hope and smiles. Amore thank you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Without your help we cannot keep up with our work.
Because of recent generosity from YOU, we have recently been able to buy more medicine for sick shelter dogs. We can spay and neuter more dogs (and some cats) and give them something wonderful to chew on while locked in cages in the Shelters. We can also clean them so they feel (and smell) better, and don't itch so much which can lead to wounds and infection.
Thank you so much from our hearts, we can be able to do what we do best....help the stray's to be happier and healthier.
Ann-Krisitn Jonsson in Sweden
In memorian of their beloved dog Tossi ("mom" Maria Svegard) in Sweden
Raymond Milen in PA, USA
Monica Ohlsson and Kenny in Stockholm, Sweden
Bella Appelblom in Sweden
Ulla Seidel in Irland
Ulla Lindner in Sweden
Birgitta och Bertil in Hladisch, Sweden
Pigears from the store Smulan & Josefin in Stockholm, Sweden
Shampoo from the company Unique Cosmetics, Sweden AB
Himmelska Hundar, the fantastic dog cafe~resturant in Stockhom, Sweden. Thank you for the medicine for the dogs, walking halters, and all the treats.
Perla is a great, gentle little dog, about 3 years old.
She's been spayed, and is longing to be someone's companion in a "forever" home. She is currently in a shelter near Naples, Italy, but could be adopted world-wide.
Won't you consider taking this little girl into your home and heart?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fred and Ginger are siblings, about 5 years old.
Fred's been neutered, Ginger spayed. They are great, playful, loving dogs that deserve better then the shelter near Naples, Italy where they live. Won't you give these two a chance? Keeping them together would be great, but loving, forever homes for them individually would also be wonderful. They are exceptional dogs!
Remember, Ginger did everything Fred did, but while dancing backwards in high heals!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Introducing Scoobie. He is ready and eager to have a place in your heart. (He's my favorite).
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
She became one of our favorites quickly, happy and gentle and with an auroa full of light. She had been in this out door kennel for three years, on a conrete floor together with three other dogs. No one adopted her!
She couldn't walk very well with her back legs old recovery from broken legs in the past.
She had a hard time getting quickly to her food and the little time they were allowed to get out she couldn't move fast. Lindy our volunteer found her in the dog house, carried her out. Lindy brushed off a bag full of hair we don't know when she had been brushed before.
Lupetta loved it, never had anyone touched and loved her that much. She loved every second Saturday when we came out to clean the shelter. We always hurried to her cage.
Lindy bathed her, took her out so she could start exercing her legs, and to our joy she started to use her back legs more and more. We tried to find a foster home but many said no, afraid of getting attached to her. One day Sweden told me after following Lupetta on the blog "We will adopt her" And Lindy said, "I can take her for the 5 months before the papers are done for her to go to Sweden."
The family in Sweden couldn't wait until she could come to them. They were talking about getting her a wagon on wheels and a card to go with her to the aqua swiming therapy for dogs.
At Halloween I got a call, Lupetta was worse she needed blood transfusion and they needed my authority to do so. I called my translator who called the veterinarian and then me and then back again, it was emergency. I cried, she was so close to freedom, and we were so many loving her.
Last Saturday I went to see her (pics above) and she could walk, it was amazing. Still she needed care 24 h/day but maybe the following Saturday (14th) we could bring her to Lindy.
I was happy! Lupetta was weak, but her tail wagged and I got a small kiss, I left her whispering that I would soon come back and bring her out to the freedom she deserved. "You hang in there girl, promise me."
Yesterday I got the phone call that made my heart go all to pieces. Lupetta had become worse and wouldn't make it. She had to be euthanized, she was suffering. They needed my authority!
When you get that kind of call that means they have done everything....
I cried the whole day yesterday, even if my head understood that at least she didn't have to die in a cold, outdoor shelter --- but you tell that to my heart.
I called Sweden crying....I blamed myself for not getting her out earlier.
Yesterday I was ready to throw in the towel...you know, Lupetta meant the world for me. We could have saved her!
Today the "towel is back in" This is why I need your help with donations, contacts to be able to open up an AWL Hospice. So no one has to say "no" again, being afraid of getting attached to the dog in need. And so no beautiful souls have to die because we couldn't get them out in time.
Lupetta got her freedom but we got our heartache. I got a beautiful email from Doctor Mariagrazia, "Lupetta sadly left us at 14:10 yesterday, in our arms . She thanks anyways for our love." (Mio malgrado devo darle una brutta notizia. Alle ore 14.10 Lupetta ci ha lasciato tra le carezze della collega Paola Corcione, Angela, una volontaria, e le mie. Ringraziando lei e la Sig.re Mia per l'amore dimostrato a Lupetta)
Now, we really need a hospice. Please donate in Lupetta's memory. Don't let Lupetta's death mean nothing to us, let her memory and spirit live on in our hearts and through other strays that can be treated in her name.
Monday, November 9, 2009
And oh my dear it was a fantastic, heartwarming gift for AWL to drive out to Rossella Shelter with it. I was speechless.
This woman is full of life, guts and heart. AWL is so grateful for what she did together with her boyfriend. They drove down from Rome with 210 kg (500lbs) dog food, boxes of dog treats, many bottles of shampoo, cleaning detergent, sponges --- lots of things we always need on our cleaning missions. It was amazing!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Many have not been to poor countries, or in war zones. This becomes as a shock for them, the poor-quality shelters, sick animals, the smell.
I remember when I went to Sarajevo by myself, to work with people I didn't know. I followed them watching destroyed buildings, strays running around, starving --- the snow made it difficult for them to find food-- here we have so often garbage laying around.
I listened to their war stories and my tears rolled down. The man in front of me starred at me and said in a harsh way, "Why are you crying, your tears won't help us!" At that moment I became angry at him: how cold hearted his statement was towards me who only tried to help. But later on in my life his words have helped me to keep fighting for the weaker and poor, and it has gone on for 10 years now.
Right now I can feel I want to say his words to many people, "Don't let your tears make you give up, they won't help anyone."
One great woman was so upset over how little people were helping out, and how they could comment about strays in a cold-hearted way. She looked at the shelter dogs and said, "They would have it better off outside on the street."
I understand her feelings, I feel them daily. But like I told her, I won't join those people by giving up, that would show they were right the whole time (and they're not!).
I am not going to stand behind a person who's comments are negative and contribution to the solution is zero.
Strays be happier off on the street? Yes and no.
It's like life, nothing is black or white. It depends on what area you are in as a stray, happy kind people maybe, that make sure the strays get food and medicine and safe zone from traffic. A roof over his head!
Out on the country many farmers are shooting strays protecting their animals since many strays are hungry. They cannot go into a food market and buy a can of food!
The farmer is protecting his animals so we humans can have something to eat.
Some strays are getting beat up on the street with baseball bats, set on fire (see the dog that's on my logo on http://www.animalswithoutlimits.com/ was put on fire by some kids). I have seen people run out, beating the parco dogs with brooms and barbecue sticks. I have seen dogs locked in tiny enclosures, starved, pooing only grass. Strays being thrown over the fence into a shelter.
Medicine and veterinarian treatment are so expensive, so many people cannot afford it and let their "pet" out on the highway in hopes of a quick death by a car hitting them. Or maybe, with no thought at all about how the end will come?
Some volunteers ask me why we don' t get help from other organizations? Some organizations are already helping many other small organizations. Some are only helping their own countrymen, others are against shelters, for euthanizing or against the laws of the Italian Government.
Some internationals are abandoning their pets when leaving and they won't survive 5 minutes on the street or end up in over-crowded shelters. People are complaining about the problem and there are more than 70 shelters with thousands of dogs inside, never coming out because of what the eye's doesn't like to see... nobody knows about.
AWL is against shelters too, but you go into these shelters, and look into the dogs' eyes, and tell them you won't help them because of your opinion.
Its amazing studying people's faces when seeing something that looks ugly, or people with no experience but with an opinion and no solutions.
To you wonderful women, don't let this get you down, behind the corner will always be someone helpful and something bigger. Our Amore belief is always being tested!
Before leaving you gave me a warm and strong hug. It's me who is going to give you a big bear-hug for everything you do for AWL, together with the shelter dogs! Thanks so much!
You got a true Amore heart.


Remember from earlier blog http://mytailwagsforyou.blogspot.com/2009/11/kitten-blackie.html
An update from Jackie who went on an AWL mission, took the kittens and Abby into Dr Damiani's veterinary clinic.
"The two baby nibblets have a new forever mom! They are both timid, especially the black baby, who's hiding behind her brother. They've been through a lot. Being orphaned from their mom, losing their siblings, their first ever car ride, and the vet visit where they were poked and pricked (thank you Dr. Longo for your time today!) But tonight they're curled up together in their safe and warm new home and not the bed of broken glass they are used to sleeping on. Thank you Elizabeth. Thank you Mia."from AWL Jackie

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today was not a happy day, and big crocodile tears were falling down the (AWL) President's face. I am human, or like someone said, "Some animal lovers are dangerous --- they are emotional rescuers like you"
That comment didn't hurt, it more suprised me because I thought everyone working with animals were emotional rescuers. Maybe the mask is on so it is easier to put the animals to sleep?
We have had Benjamin at a foster mother's home. http://miamattsson.blogspot.com/2009/10/benjamin-chapter-2.html
She's single, working a lot but that didn't concern us much since we needed Benji to get healthy and to be safe. He slept in the garage in his crate and had free acces to the garden. Heaven we thought!
First time we spoke to the lady she would donate food, she even said she would like to donate so he could be castrated, and even said she would consider bringing him with her to USA. It sounded too wonderful, but adoption I didn't want to think of since I have heard lately people saying adoption and after some time they change their mind. For the time being, we just needed a reliable, dependable foster solution for Benjamin, so he could get healthy.
When we arrived to the place with him, she didn't have food. She told she was going out of town --- we arranged a dogsitter. Then it all really started: complaints about everything--not Benji--she told us she was worried about a lot here, her work, her landlord, yada yada.
Some concernes came up about Benji, we suggest and created solutions, then we got an e mail saying he had to be gone December 1. No problems, we would do our best to get him out before. Some people in Sweden showed interest but it would take approximently 5 months with all the shots and to get his passport.
Today, the last shoe dropped. This morning, an email was in my inbox when I came up with my coffee, saying she was in "crisis mode". The problems she was grappling with seemed pretty minor and easily resolved --- an inconvienience at worst. But she stated she had to have Benjamin out, today. Just like that, no warning or 3-day notice!
What is it with people today? Have they no honor or personal responsibility? Ok, I can understand when things go rougher than one expected, and when life throws curve-balls. But, honorable, responsible people find solutions, and do what they committed to do--with our help of course. They don't simply throw out a living soul with no notice, cancel an agreement unilaterally with no response time to react!
Tonight, Benjamin is safe, warm and dry. But it comes at a cost of risk to other dogs's health, and is not even a short-term solution --- more like a micro-term solution. We still desperatedly need a foster person/family to open their hearts and homes to this soul and give him the chance to recover his health.
Is there any big Amore left for Benjamin? Or have we seen the true colors?
Monday, November 2, 2009

She is a very laid-back female, loves to lay under a coffee table, not big on walks --- children and other dogs she loves. I never met such a calm fantastic dog! DO you know anyone with a great coffee table in need of a dog to lay underneath it?
Sunday, November 1, 2009