Sunday, November 1, 2009


Abby was found abandoned at the gas station. Shivering and timid, she was sneezing blood. AWL was working full speed to rescue her. Since we don't have many foster homes or a hospice we don't know were to bring the dogs after a visit at the vet clinic. And here are thousands of wounded--in one way or another--and we cannot keep up. It's heartbreaking many times. We think Abby got hit by a car because she couldn't walk.

We brought her to the vet. and he examined her. A foster home with Tiffany and husband, cat and a small dog and she is recovering. Still sneezing --she's on medication--but not blood. I had the feeling she would start walking, after some peace of mind, food and warmth, her shock would diminish. We humans are the same.

I called Tiffany to check on Abby after a one-week stay, and to all our happiness Abby can walk--but not down stairs. The family had put out treats and exercised her in that way. Abby loves to lay under the coffee table, she is a very quiet, calm, loving dog, who just wants "a coffee table" and a stay forever. An easier dog you would have to look hard to find....

(Abby earlier blogs)

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