Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today was a sunny warm --19C-- day (yesterday it was storm and cold) and AWL team went out to Rosella's shelter to help her out a little. Elizabeth above walked this happy comfortable rescue (?) dog. First I thought something had happen, I saw this dog "just" lay on the ground and E sitting in the dirt. Elizabeth smiled and showed me that they "just" enjoyed the sun and freedom. That's Amore.
AWL Darren, it was so good to see him again and many dogs thought that too. I saw him with different dogs, out walking and grooming.
You guys make a big difference, thank you so much for giving this shelter "sunshine"
Niccol (Gucci and Grace mom), Vania, Adam, Vince, AFN guy--sorry I forgot you name, shame on me-- Elizabeth, Katarina with daughter, Tyreema. You guys are wonderful!
Tomorrow I am going to write about some other amazing people that also help(ed) AWL


Anonymous said...

You are AMORE - all of you!!! :-D
XXXXXXX from Sweden... /Anna :)

Mother in Action said...

Thank you Anna for your Amore support :-D xo AWL