Friday, November 20, 2009


Picture; two gorgeous ladies at the 2009

Abby is doing much better. No nose blood, and her psychological trauma is letting go more and more... she's getting closer to "normal". Before she wouldn't walk, and then she started a little but no stairs. Now she walks down the stairs.

Time will heal in many cases, but we are always in a hurry to get results. And today many clinics don't have room for the dog long term, or the ability to conduct rehabilitation. If they did, it would be a lot of money for a person to pay.

That's why we need a hospice so we can rehabilitate and give these wonderful strays that got dumped a chance to get well physically and mentally, to show the world that every life has to be fought for.

Abby's Swedish family Maria, Richard, daughter Engla and doggie Becci are so excited to adopt Abby! Our wonderful foster family has agreed to keep Abby another month. Abby's tests and blood work will take 4-5 months before she can go to Sweden.

Jackie in the picture is Abby's driver to the veterinary clinic, we call Jackie "Abby's Guardian Angel".

So many wonderful people are involved and it gives us hope and smiles. Amore thank you.

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