Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today was not a happy day, and big crocodile tears were falling down the (AWL) President's face. I am human, or like someone said, "Some animal lovers are dangerous --- they are emotional rescuers like you"

That comment didn't hurt, it more suprised me because I thought everyone working with animals were emotional rescuers. Maybe the mask is on so it is easier to put the animals to sleep?

We have had Benjamin at a foster mother's home.

She's single, working a lot but that didn't concern us much since we needed Benji to get healthy and to be safe. He slept in the garage in his crate and had free acces to the garden. Heaven we thought!

First time we spoke to the lady she would donate food, she even said she would like to donate so he could be castrated, and even said she would consider bringing him with her to USA. It sounded too wonderful, but adoption I didn't want to think of since I have heard lately people saying adoption and after some time they change their mind. For the time being, we just needed a reliable, dependable foster solution for Benjamin, so he could get healthy.

When we arrived to the place with him, she didn't have food. She told she was going out of town --- we arranged a dogsitter. Then it all really started: complaints about everything--not Benji--she told us she was worried about a lot here, her work, her landlord, yada yada.

Some concernes came up about Benji, we suggest and created solutions, then we got an e mail saying he had to be gone December 1. No problems, we would do our best to get him out before. Some people in Sweden showed interest but it would take approximently 5 months with all the shots and to get his passport.

Today, the last shoe dropped. This morning, an email was in my inbox when I came up with my coffee, saying she was in "crisis mode". The problems she was grappling with seemed pretty minor and easily resolved --- an inconvienience at worst. But she stated she had to have Benjamin out, today. Just like that, no warning or 3-day notice!

What is it with people today? Have they no honor or personal responsibility? Ok, I can understand when things go rougher than one expected, and when life throws curve-balls. But, honorable, responsible people find solutions, and do what they committed to do--with our help of course. They don't simply throw out a living soul with no notice, cancel an agreement unilaterally with no response time to react!

Tonight, Benjamin is safe, warm and dry. But it comes at a cost of risk to other dogs's health, and is not even a short-term solution --- more like a micro-term solution. We still desperatedly need a foster person/family to open their hearts and homes to this soul and give him the chance to recover his health.

Is there any big Amore left for Benjamin? Or have we seen the true colors?


Maria Svegare Berglund said...

Fy fan (ursäkta ordvalet) för dåligt beteende!

Det är ju som att man tittar honom ända in i själen när man ser hans vackra ögon, jag hoppas på ett mirakel, det är han värd!

Mother in Action said...

DU skulle ha hort mina ord i dag, jag fick skriva om det flera ganger. Min alskade man fick kora och hamta Benji, jag var sa arg och ledsen.


Eric said...

Mia, I'm sorry I could find anyone in that amount of time. I will try not to fail again.

Anonymous said...

what would it take to get him to sweden?

Ulla said...

It's so sad, and I'm so sorry for Benjamin...
Yes, one can really wonder what's with people...? Thank God there is still a few good ones left, hopefully there is one for Benjamin, cross my fingers!
Lot's of hugs to you all from a snowy north

Angela said...

I dont know what to say but wow. I do not know why people in this area seem to have a problem with commitment. I dont understand why people just refuse to do the things they promise.
And I guess my biggest problem of all is that even when you make suggestions and come up with solutions, people just wont listen to you at all.
I will pray that you find this pup a good home.

la ragazza svedese said...

People are idiots that deserve a special layer of hell, which they WILL get. Mia, I hope that you can find this lovely soul a home and very very soon, all my prayers to you and benji./Mitra

Anonymous said...

Det är helt sjukt, synd bara att det drabbar en oskyldig stackars själ. Kram erika