Monday, November 30, 2009


Micke contacted AWL after one of our volunteers Vania had told him we maybe could help him. Micke had been adopted by the German Shepard who fell in love with him the first time she saw him. Sophia was a stray, or an abandoned dog with no microchip or collar.

She is wonderful, calm and nice, a little bit of an older lady between 8-9 years old. Micke could not turn her down. We met up at the vet clinic and she was terrified to walk in. Dr Damiani was wonderful and took his time, comforting her and taking it very easy. Jackie was there with AWL Abby, and I had Stray Sammy with me who needed to remove the stitches after his surgery.

She's not sterilized so we made an appointment so she can have that done and they discovered that she had mammary tumors. Blood tests was done and we are happy, Leishmania test came back negative. This week she is going in for an x ray and surgery, please keep Sophia in your heart and mind.

She just found her Amore partner in crime!


Äppelblom said...

Of course Sophia will be in our thoughts!!

Maybe the tumors will show out to be benign just as Bambis...

We´ll keep our fingers and paws crossed for her ;)

Lots of hugs!


Mother in Action said...

Thanks Bella for your kind words. Good to 'see' you again :-)
