Friday, June 13, 2008

Help me Help the Animals

Helping animals is easy but paying the veterinarian bills is not so easy. It is getting harder since we don't right now have a lot of excess money (who does?), and it is a nightmare to pass sick and suffering animals since we cannot pay their bills.

Do you know how hard this is?

I have now paid vet bills out off my own pocket, 300 Euro during the last two months, for strays and injured animals I've found, and since I am a "stay at home mom" you can now realize who's pants the money is coming from--eh, I hope my husband doesn't read this--(he just did!! TM)

He is already paying for the gas when I am out on my trips; from poor areas to the veterinarian clinic with animals that need help.

I plead for help! Don't let me pass these animals that are laying helpless on the walkway or roaming around in the streets with a broken leg, virus in their brain or badly burnt by children.

I've set up a donation button to the right, and through PayPal I can now accept credit cards or (if you have a PayPal account) direct transfers. Every little bit helps, even a dollar! (Kronor, Euro, Pound, etc.)

All donations will be documented, and you can follow my assignments and projects on the blog. All the donations will go to pay the bills at the veterinarian at Lega Pro Animale, or other projects that we take on. Any expenditure (as well as a running balance of donations) will be fully reported. Our aim is to be completely transparent.

As for the veterinarian services, I assure you we are getting a real good discount!

Spay and Neuter of animals, we get 50% off of already low prices.

Drontal (a medicine) 10% off

Euthanasia 50% off (we hate to do this, but sometimes it is the only option)

Vaccinations 50% off

Boarding/Observation 20% off

I also need to buy de-worming pills and Frontline/Expots. Also blankets to cover dead dogs on the streets so I can carry them to the side, out of the way, with some final respect.

If you'd rather want to send us a package with different supplies I will be more than happy to receive it. Just email me and we can coordinate. Maybe your local veterinarian would like to sponsor. If so, we will post their logo or an endorsement on my blog and website.

Please help me help those without a voice, and to show the EVILNESS that we can beat the heck out of it with Amore, Frontline and Education!

Help me Help with Amore donations!

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