Saturday, June 14, 2008

Still Going Strong

Those who have read my three books, have been able to follow my dog Tjojs' adventures, and they know what a great dog she is. I cannot take any credit for that, she is the one who taught me what do and what not to do!

She is now 12 1/2 year and has moved with me several times; around in Sweden, then to America, were I promised her this was it. "Ehhh how about some pasta, Tjojs? Italy?" And now we are here in Southern Italy.

Lately I have noticed that she is getting "old." It hurts but at the same time I am so happy that I am privileged to have her still with me, alive.

But when she becomes sick I get so worried, always afraid this is something very serious? Maybe even, the end?

She is way too old to be put in for any surgery, and she cannot stay in a kennel anymore ... that would stress her too badly.

Jumping in and out of the car are just memories now, but I gladly lift her up and down even if I can see she is embarrassed. Especially if some of the other dogs are outside watching. She doesn't want to show the pack she is getting weak, that will give her trouble in the rank position.

She started to throw up and have diarrhea the last two days. I felt that it could be out of stress with the two new "brats", even if there is not visible stress, it can many times be invisible stress in the pack. But I wanted everything to be checked out, not one minute to re-think or wait if I was right.

At the veterinarian clinic she got an IV since dogs can become dehydrated quickly, just like children. No fever, heart-beats were good; blood work good for her age. So now it is just for observation, homeopathic medicine and an IV with us home, time will tell.

She is doing much better and the veterinarian also thinks it could be stress; Ranger's death, and two new dogs to keep low in the pack's rank-- After all, she is the "alpha" queen.

After giving her an IV in the late afternoon, she seems to do better...keep your fingers crossed, please.

This is worrying Amore!


Anonymous said...

Här håller vi både tassar och tummar att Tjojs ska bli bättre! När jag ser bilden så blir jag påmind om hur lika hon och Maxi är. Och inte bara till utseendet, han gillar inte heller att få hjälp in i bilen... "Framdelen" är pigg och kry, men bakdelen får allt svårare att hänga med. Ska till veterinären på koll nästa vecka. Hoppas Tjojs är på benen igen så ni kan ha en skön midsommar.
Stora kramar från Ulla & Maxi på Ingarö

Mother in Action said...

Hi Maxi and Ulla
Thank you so much for your tumb and paws holder. Tjojs is back to her old self, telling everybody where their positions are!
Give Maxi a big hug...miss you guys
Tell me how the visit at the vet went!