Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Good Bye My Handsome Friend
RIP JOEY my Friend,
Last Saturday I noticed that we were running out of time. You were still wagging your tail, but something had changed around you. Sunday came and you were laying close to me, closer than ever before. I knew the time was here.
That Monday morning phone call to the veterinarian was the hardest to make.
That Monday morning phone call to the veterinarian was the hardest to make.
Joey was the happiest stray dog in Campania, Italy. With his love and positive attitued he was loved by many Italians, Brits and Americans. He touched so many hearts.
I got a message from Carol Mander Yeomans asking if we could find Joey a home. Stray, getting older (not in his mind at all) winter was coming....I said yes we would find him a home.
Jolene Callahan took him into her home during the health check and passport (helped us great during that time it took, Thank you)
Jolene Callahan took him into her home during the health check and passport (helped us great during that time it took, Thank you)
Joey came to me and he was wonderful, deaf, positive little guy. He had a tough stabile charisma that told the other dogs to accept him. And they did, right until the end heart emoticon
No one answered on Joeys adoption add. Maybe because he was black...maybe because there are millions of dogs searching for homes out there!
He was loved, so much loved....and I didn't get to have you for a long time, but you are forever in my heart.
Joey, you got your wish granted, to fall a sleep outside in "your" freedom with me by your side.
Thank you my veterinarian Martina (Germany) for helping me with Joeys wish heart emoticon
Freedom Joey. I miss you so much. heart emoticon
That's Amore
Mia Olivia Max
Mia Olivia Max
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
What an incredible journey!
Beautiful Chief Editor from Magazine Nara, Madeleine Walles wished us speakers welcome on board. Olivia, my daughter and I were so exited. When I am part of beautiful events I always wish I could do them twice. First time, I am always so exited that I walk like in a big smile meeting fabulous people. Its like walking in a wonderful daze. People come up and told me their own animal stories, and afterwards they wanted a picture of them and me. When I started it was always an autograph :-)
Benny Rosenquist and Monica Aberg, fantastiska och varma manniskor. Fantastic and wonderful people.
And me and Olivia's lectures starts. An Amazing warm and wonderful audience. We got many laughs and tears...especially with my English, Swedish and Skane dialect.
I was (am) so proud over my 10 year old daughter, that walked up infront of many people and held her own lecture "how it is to work for a mom that rescue animals." Amazing little (big) Angel.
Three lectures per day (two cruises) and in different rooms. It was so much fun I cannot find the perfect words for it. However, even the Captain of the boat, came up and said it was a very interesting lecture. People from the audience came up and gave hugs. It was so much love and thankfulness. Amazing to walk around hearing people with excitement saying "hurry we have to run and listen to Monica! Did you listen to Benny..it was fantastic! or all the other speakers Joakim from Antikrundan, such a sweetheart, or singer Sonja Alden magic voice. And of course all the other speakers...amazing, interesting that shared their wisdom.
Olivia had a wonderful time meeting many loving new friends ( and I am lucky to also get to know them). Rebecca a dancer with a lot of sweetness in her heart.
This amazing lady Ann-Louise Sundstrom came up to me and told me I have a very special little girl. Its always wonderful to hear it from other persons. Ann is an Angel Healer among many things and gave Olivia and me healing.
Amazing view from our windows.
Thank you all inspiring people from Tidningen NARA and Johanna from Stockholm that helped me with my slides so I could show the audience pictures. Perfect help with calmness and perfection.
I think your name is Estelle... with so much love. Your smile was always reassuring everything was ok. You welcomed the guests in to have a seat. And you tried to get my attention that it was time to end my lecture :-) Me, talking and talking so focused I didn't see your arms up in the air "Mia!!! time to end" Thank you !
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...what an honor to have been part of this journey.
Beautiful Chief Editor from Magazine Nara, Madeleine Walles wished us speakers welcome on board. Olivia, my daughter and I were so exited. When I am part of beautiful events I always wish I could do them twice. First time, I am always so exited that I walk like in a big smile meeting fabulous people. Its like walking in a wonderful daze. People come up and told me their own animal stories, and afterwards they wanted a picture of them and me. When I started it was always an autograph :-)
Benny Rosenquist and Monica Aberg, fantastiska och varma manniskor. Fantastic and wonderful people.
And me and Olivia's lectures starts. An Amazing warm and wonderful audience. We got many laughs and tears...especially with my English, Swedish and Skane dialect.
I was (am) so proud over my 10 year old daughter, that walked up infront of many people and held her own lecture "how it is to work for a mom that rescue animals." Amazing little (big) Angel.
Three lectures per day (two cruises) and in different rooms. It was so much fun I cannot find the perfect words for it. However, even the Captain of the boat, came up and said it was a very interesting lecture. People from the audience came up and gave hugs. It was so much love and thankfulness. Amazing to walk around hearing people with excitement saying "hurry we have to run and listen to Monica! Did you listen to Benny..it was fantastic! or all the other speakers Joakim from Antikrundan, such a sweetheart, or singer Sonja Alden magic voice. And of course all the other speakers...amazing, interesting that shared their wisdom.
Olivia had a wonderful time meeting many loving new friends ( and I am lucky to also get to know them). Rebecca a dancer with a lot of sweetness in her heart.
This amazing lady Ann-Louise Sundstrom came up to me and told me I have a very special little girl. Its always wonderful to hear it from other persons. Ann is an Angel Healer among many things and gave Olivia and me healing.
Amazing view from our windows.
Thank you all inspiring people from Tidningen NARA and Johanna from Stockholm that helped me with my slides so I could show the audience pictures. Perfect help with calmness and perfection.
I think your name is Estelle... with so much love. Your smile was always reassuring everything was ok. You welcomed the guests in to have a seat. And you tried to get my attention that it was time to end my lecture :-) Me, talking and talking so focused I didn't see your arms up in the air "Mia!!! time to end" Thank you !
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...what an honor to have been part of this journey.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
I held a lecture about my work as an animal psychologist. A mother approached me wanting to talk to me in private. We arranged for a day to meet since I could feel her sadness, like she had one million of stones hanging around her neck. We met in a beautiful park sitting on a bench. It took some minutes before she took a deep breath and started to tell me her story.(-- In my book I wrote about me being bullying in school. The years of horror, constantly nightmares and fear during the day. The brain and heart never rested from anxiety.---)
Her son is paralyzed laying in a bed like a baby, despite that he is now 16 years old. Close to every day was her boy harassed, with words. His dad told him to hit back and they would stop bullying him at school.
"Boys will always be boys! You have to stand up for yourself!"
His son tried but they were four against him that day. The teacher was yelling at everyone, even the boy being attacked. The teacher disliked that he was causing a problem that she didn't want in her classroom.
When he walked home from school one day, the boys were following him. When no one saw they attacked him, badly.
To make many years of battle and tears short. Every one in school blamed on each other, denial, fear and then....silence. Some teachers changed school, but the children had to stay.
We adults don't like or accept to be treated incorrect, being yelled at, called names or hit!!!
What are we teaching our children by our silence?
How will they become as adults?
The best defense against Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, and even threats of physical violence is to create an atmosphere where children can communicate with adults. Too many children feel unprotected and unsafe not just in schools but in their communities.
Our silence is not helping the children. Lets be great raw-models so our children can be proud over us....and safe.
That's Amore!
Her son is paralyzed laying in a bed like a baby, despite that he is now 16 years old. Close to every day was her boy harassed, with words. His dad told him to hit back and they would stop bullying him at school.
"Boys will always be boys! You have to stand up for yourself!"
His son tried but they were four against him that day. The teacher was yelling at everyone, even the boy being attacked. The teacher disliked that he was causing a problem that she didn't want in her classroom.
When he walked home from school one day, the boys were following him. When no one saw they attacked him, badly.
To make many years of battle and tears short. Every one in school blamed on each other, denial, fear and then....silence. Some teachers changed school, but the children had to stay.
We adults don't like or accept to be treated incorrect, being yelled at, called names or hit!!!
What are we teaching our children by our silence?
How will they become as adults?
The best defense against Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, and even threats of physical violence is to create an atmosphere where children can communicate with adults. Too many children feel unprotected and unsafe not just in schools but in their communities.
Our silence is not helping the children. Lets be great raw-models so our children can be proud over us....and safe.
That's Amore!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Veckans Krönika Tidningen Nära Web Varför hjälpa djuren när det finns människor som lider?
Att man hjälper och ger är det enda rätta, om det så är till en person, ett djur eller till vår jord. Vi delar alla samma plats." Krönikören Mia Mattsson-Mercer berättar i sin senaste krönika om sin tid i Sarajevo efter kriget och varför hon räddar djur när det finns människor som lider.
That's Amore!
Foto Sarajevo efter kriget. Jag blir intervjuad av TV Sarajevo för att AWL hjäper djur. (Sarajevo after the war. Being interviewed by TV Sarajevo about AWL work after the war)
AWL were together with children too. Helping and creating!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
After the first hitting incident towards my son Max I talked to the teacher and parents. I felt it was out there. Now everyone knew and could keep our eyes open. To prevent children from hurting each other.
I spoke to Max that it is not ok to be hit and laughed at. Respect and kindness are what rules in our home.
Yes, it is ok to be angry and argue, but never hit anyone or let the anger go out on someone else in a cruel way.
Max (7y) and I talked about that he should always come and talk to me if something is wrong in school. He wouldn't worry me, he wouldn't be in any trouble at all, and I promised to always be there for him.
Max didn't say anything more to me. Every day I asked him how school was.
'It‘s fine!' he answered me back.
I tried to come up with different questions, trying to outsmart him. And I thought this week had been fine.
Three parents that doesn't know each other, contacted me telling they were sorry to hear that Max still got hit in school!
I froze!
I didn't finish reading the messages, I walked out to Max that sat watching tv. I turned off the tv and sat down next to him.
'Max! I have been told that you are still getting hit in school. Is that true?'
Max looked down and started to tell me that one boy had grabbed his shirt and with big force thrown him into the wall were sharp metal hangers had hit his back head. He had cried! Kids laughed.
I, his mother cried so hard out of anger, and feeling my sons broken heart.
'Its ok mom!'
I said I would go again and talk this time with the principal and find someone that could translate for me. I don't want the emotions to disappear in the lack of my language. And I have noticed many times that if you cannot speak the language proper you are not taken seriously.
Max hugged me and said, 'mom sit here and wait.' He disappeared out in the kitchen. A couple of minutes later he came with a small trey with a cup of coffee and a note written in red, MOM and a heart and two lovebirds.
He was trying to make me happy! I realized I had to show him my concern, not tears. I would have to do that later, alone. Not that I am ashamed or don't want to show tears, but in this content now he knows I get sad, enough with tears and time to show full action.
I asked him if it was ok to tell his story in public. He nodded, he wanted that very much.
My daughter is 10 years old a beautiful spirit. Together with me she is working with animals and holding lectures. She and her brother went out to play with their friends on the street. There are these sisters, same age as Olivia and Max. The younger girl fell on her inliner since it was slippery on the street. The bigger sister flew on top of her sister and hit her while screaming naughty words. Olivia got upset and told her to stop being mean to her sister. The older sister looked at Olivia with dark eyes and said, 'I hate my sister.' and walked away.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Bullying a Person is not OK
When some kids start bullying another child, it is like an invisible energy goes out on the school yard, that it is ok for others to also join bullying--as laughing.
Parents talk to your children about bullying. Do not hit them, talk, explain and show examples.
And parents, support each other, you are the children's raw models.
This is my son and he is getting bullied It is not OK!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Me and My MOther Rescuing Animals Together
Veckans krönika är skriven av Olivia, min dotter. Hur det är att rädda djur tillsammans med mig. Det var verkligen intressant (och nervöst) att fa ta del i hennes tankar och känslor. Hoppas ni gillar Olivias (10 ar gammal) första krönika. heart emoticon
Olivia 10 years old wrote her first column for Magazine Tidningen Nära how it is to help her mom rescuing animals. An honest and warm story about her firecracker mom. Hope you enjoy it
Read the Story HERE
heart emoticon
Sunday, September 13, 2015
The Dogs are Cleaning their Energy Fileds Several Times a Day
Hur kan hundar vakna varje morgon och vara i det perfekta nuet
och alltid vifta glatt på svansen? Mia Mattsson-Mercer skriver om
hundars energifält, dess aura, i hennes senaste krönika
"Hundarna rensar sina energifält flera gånger om dagen!".
Läs det fina budskapet hon fick av en gatuhund på Näras hemsida: tidningennara.se/ Mia20150910
och alltid vifta glatt på svansen? Mia Mattsson-Mercer skriver om
hundars energifält, dess aura, i hennes senaste krönika
"Hundarna rensar sina energifält flera gånger om dagen!".
Läs det fina budskapet hon fick av en gatuhund på Näras hemsida: tidningennara.se/
My weekly column in Tidningen Nära,
How can dogs wake up every morning and always be in the
perfect flow, tail going happily?
This week I write about the dogs energy field, aura, how they are cleaning
their energy fields several times a day.
Read what the wise dog could teach us about aura cleaning on following link www.tidningennara.se/Mia20150910
That's Amore heart emoticon
My Biggest Star
This upcoming week its time for my handsome boy to start first grade and in German school. Im so proud of him. He has the biggest sweetest heart.
When he was born we didn't know if he would survive. It was the worst moment in my life. But he overcame it and has grown to become a strong fine young man. I love spending time together with him, listning to his thoughts about kindness and love.
Like he always says, 'Mom, Love is the Religion in our House'
That's Amore!
When he was born we didn't know if he would survive. It was the worst moment in my life. But he overcame it and has grown to become a strong fine young man. I love spending time together with him, listning to his thoughts about kindness and love.
Like he always says, 'Mom, Love is the Religion in our House'
That's Amore!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Children and My Art
Many children are allergic to animals but they love my animal paintings. The children love my art since the colours are bright and happy (just like their spirits are) One little girl told me she felt happy looking at her picture before going up from bed. I have to tell you, my heart skipped a beat and my tears came. What a better art critic can I get?
I am so happy and blessed that my pictures are touching hearts and spirits.
That's Amore!
Många barn är allergiska mot djur, men älskar mina tavlor. Barnen älskar mina målningar, då färgerna är starka och glada (precis som deras själar) En liten flicka talade om för mig att hon tittade på "min" målning varje morgon innan hon steg. Det gör henne glad och harmonisk innan dagen börjar. Mitt hjärta gjorde ett kraftigt dubbelslag och tårarna kom fram. Bättre beröm kan jag inte få!
Jag är så lycklig och tacksam att mina målningar berör hjärtan och själar.
That's Amore!
Photo, Happy Morning Cat. from price contact awlrescueteam@gmail.com
I am so happy and blessed that my pictures are touching hearts and spirits.
That's Amore!
Många barn är allergiska mot djur, men älskar mina tavlor. Barnen älskar mina målningar, då färgerna är starka och glada (precis som deras själar) En liten flicka talade om för mig att hon tittade på "min" målning varje morgon innan hon steg. Det gör henne glad och harmonisk innan dagen börjar. Mitt hjärta gjorde ett kraftigt dubbelslag och tårarna kom fram. Bättre beröm kan jag inte få!
Jag är så lycklig och tacksam att mina målningar berör hjärtan och själar.
That's Amore!
Photo, Happy Morning Cat. from price contact awlrescueteam@gmail.com
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Happy Birthday my sweet girl on your birthday, 10 years old today and we are many that love you
Benny your GodFather have always been in your life, today he came to our hotel to wish you Happy Birthday.
Throughout life, you have been our sunshine, filled with smiles and dogs.
Today when you saw your pictures from the past you said, "I miss myself from that age" I take that as a big compliment that you loved yourself from every stage in life. From America to Italy to Germany. You are a world traveler.
Sonja, held a wonderful dinner for you. She was always been there for you too.
Benny GodFather came up and congratulated you this morning. We know your busy schedule but you gave her time this morning. What a wonderful surprise.
Happy Birthday sweet Olivia, my sunshine. I LOVE YOU (always a proud mom)
Benny your GodFather have always been in your life, today he came to our hotel to wish you Happy Birthday.
Throughout life, you have been our sunshine, filled with smiles and dogs.
Today when you saw your pictures from the past you said, "I miss myself from that age" I take that as a big compliment that you loved yourself from every stage in life. From America to Italy to Germany. You are a world traveler.
Sonja, held a wonderful dinner for you. She was always been there for you too.
Benny GodFather came up and congratulated you this morning. We know your busy schedule but you gave her time this morning. What a wonderful surprise.
Happy Birthday sweet Olivia, my sunshine. I LOVE YOU (always a proud mom)
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Wonderful People in Malmö Sweden
Went to DREWEX to pick up my art prints. So exited. Amazing great service and Anders was lovely showing us around. Teaching the kids about different kind of prints. Love everything and I am so satiesfied. Thank you.
Had lunch with another amazing person, Madde chief of editor at Tidningen Nära. She is so inspiring and a heart of gold. I am so thankful to work for a boss like that.
Thats Amore!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Something Great Wakes up from something Bad
Back in the summer 2013, Mia started painting by “coincidence”.
She searched for something that would make her feel less pain or otherwise help replace the pain that she had in her body, if only for a little while.
For a couple of years Mia have lived with Lyme disease (Borreliose) and have been going through treatments. She didn’t want to eat more painkillers or use any morphine plaster. Instead, she began painting!
Mia called her project: ‘The Pain-Paint Therapy’
Never before had she held an artist’s paint brush in her hand, Mia bought home what she thought was she needed to create ‘something’. And she just started!
It also brought her children and her closer together, to create a hobby room outside for all of their creativity.
Mia's daughter Olivia (9 years old) and Mia paint together. Olivia is truly Mia's best adviser and coach. Max (7 years old) is creating colorful snail houses. They are a colorful family
That’s Amore!
For more information you can write to awlrescueteam@gmail.com
Follow your dreams!
Dark Secrets
Follow the Joy!
Tangled in Colors!
Free Pit bull Puppy!
Pride Boy!
Seniors do have Value
Happy Pit bull
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