Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Having lyme disease you have to be creative the whole time or you fall down the black whole. Chronicle Lyme is always there, and you have to be strong to keep it under control. My painting has (is) my savior. Never would I have believed ...me painting.
I love it. Its so much fun and relaxing. I don't have to eat painkillers. So I named my work
"Pain Pain Therapy"
Dog, Senior, no value in many eyes (I adore them)
This I actually made last year. It was my first painting. I dusted it off today.
Butterfly, in so much chaos around but still so beautiful.
Working on this one, and its interesting why this one is starting to become my favorite.
Not to have a voice. Stand up and find your voice, your key.
I am happy! That's Amore!
I love it. Its so much fun and relaxing. I don't have to eat painkillers. So I named my work
"Pain Pain Therapy"
Dog, Senior, no value in many eyes (I adore them)
This I actually made last year. It was my first painting. I dusted it off today.
Butterfly, in so much chaos around but still so beautiful.
Working on this one, and its interesting why this one is starting to become my favorite.
Not to have a voice. Stand up and find your voice, your key.
I am happy! That's Amore!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Canvas 40x40, Acryl
Namaste, hummingbird..its amazing what comes out when you don't think or make any plans.
Some have asked if my painting are for sale, and yes they are. My passion is helping those without a voice. This passion also colors my work on canvas. You may own one of my works for a minimum donation of 50 Euro + shipping. The full donation, minus the cost of the materials used in the work of art, will go to help animals through the non-profit organization I founded in 1999, Animals Without Limits. The larger the donation, the more animals in chaos, crisis and war-zones we can assist.
We are on Facebook , Twitter (AnimalsWL)
#painpaintproject #acryl #canvas #namaste #hummingbird #thatsamore #art
Namaste, hummingbird..its amazing what comes out when you don't think or make any plans.
Some have asked if my painting are for sale, and yes they are. My passion is helping those without a voice. This passion also colors my work on canvas. You may own one of my works for a minimum donation of 50 Euro + shipping. The full donation, minus the cost of the materials used in the work of art, will go to help animals through the non-profit organization I founded in 1999, Animals Without Limits. The larger the donation, the more animals in chaos, crisis and war-zones we can assist.
We are on Facebook , Twitter (AnimalsWL)
#painpaintproject #acryl #canvas #namaste #hummingbird #thatsamore #art
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Det verkligen ar trist vader har i Sodra Tyskland. Ruggigt som jag sager pa skorande Skansk dialekt. Fast idag laste jag nagot mycket intressant att var Skanska dialekt inte harstammar fran Danskan, utan Franskan. Jag visste val att jag hade Franskt blood i mina skorrande Rrrrrrrr
Barnen och jag fikade och sedan gick vi ned till floden. En man stod och matade dessa vackra svanar och ankor. Mannen var super rar och gav barnen brod. Jag kan tala om att Mamma Svan var stor!!!
Ankungarna var en klar attraktion.
Barnen och jag fikade och sedan gick vi ned till floden. En man stod och matade dessa vackra svanar och ankor. Mannen var super rar och gav barnen brod. Jag kan tala om att Mamma Svan var stor!!!
Ankungarna var en klar attraktion.
Barnen hade hur roligt som helst, tillika jag som mamma. Jag sjalv gick ofta och matade ankor i Pildamsparken. Mysigt avkopplande.
Mamma Svan med sitt barn som vi har foljt sedan hon lag och ruvade.Karlek!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Never would I have expected I would cry for a tree in a movie!
My whole family are still teasing me for sniffling in the movie theater. This Saturday was Olivia's birthday. 9 years old. I arranged a family day for all of us-- First we went and had lunch at an Italian restaurant (white linen cloths--) You see, I prefer lunch over dinner, since I always am the one starting to yawn early and want to go to bed.
That happens when you have been living a long life....hard and exiting ;-)
(I love mornings, that's why)
After the fantastic lunch, I took them to see the movie-- Guardians of the Galaxy. The theater was full of exited people and children-- and our excitement were high.
The young man that worked that day selling tickets and goodies, made it very extra for Olivia. --I love people which are doing extra kindness for others! Bless his heart!
Olivia told him...and to hundreds other people on the way "its my birthday today!" The young man handed her his hand and wished her happy birthday. He took up a box of candy and told her to take some as a gift. When we sat down in our chair, and the light was being turned down, we heard a special message coming out from the speakers, "And before the movie starts we want to wish Olivia a happy birthday!" What a guy!
I cried--happy tears. Not that guy was the tree, that comes later.
The movie started. And it was funny, great effects but....I fell in love with the tree. I cried and laughed, and then cried a little bit more. My sweet son (6y) leaned over to my side and whispered, "Mom, its not real, you don't have to be sad."
My sweet boy!
My whole family are still teasing me for sniffling in the movie theater. This Saturday was Olivia's birthday. 9 years old. I arranged a family day for all of us-- First we went and had lunch at an Italian restaurant (white linen cloths--) You see, I prefer lunch over dinner, since I always am the one starting to yawn early and want to go to bed.
That happens when you have been living a long life....hard and exiting ;-)
(I love mornings, that's why)
After the fantastic lunch, I took them to see the movie-- Guardians of the Galaxy. The theater was full of exited people and children-- and our excitement were high.
The young man that worked that day selling tickets and goodies, made it very extra for Olivia. --I love people which are doing extra kindness for others! Bless his heart!
Olivia told him...and to hundreds other people on the way "its my birthday today!" The young man handed her his hand and wished her happy birthday. He took up a box of candy and told her to take some as a gift. When we sat down in our chair, and the light was being turned down, we heard a special message coming out from the speakers, "And before the movie starts we want to wish Olivia a happy birthday!" What a guy!
I cried--happy tears. Not that guy was the tree, that comes later.
The movie started. And it was funny, great effects but....I fell in love with the tree. I cried and laughed, and then cried a little bit more. My sweet son (6y) leaned over to my side and whispered, "Mom, its not real, you don't have to be sad."
My sweet boy!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Veckans kronika i Tidningen Nara Hemsida.
Min första starka
upplevelse från Andra sidan var när jag gick i tredje klass. Jag och min
storasyster delade på den tiden sovrum. Jag vaknade en natt av att jag kände
att någon drog mig i foten. Jag var säker på att det var min syster och
irriterat bad jag henne att sluta.
Någon kittlade min fot för att få
uppmärksamhet. Jag satte mig bestämt upp i sängen och min blick drogs ut till
hallen som vårt sovrum gränsade till. Där, på vår orange målade stol satt
gammelfarmor och gammelfarfar och tittade på mig.
Jag minns att det var
fascinerande och skrämde mig samtidigt. Tillsammans såg de ut som siluetter i
vitt. Det var som att titta på en spegelbild i vattnet. Inte med total klarhet,
men jag kunde urskilja konturerna.
Jag var hänförd över att jag visste att det
var min fars farmor och farfar. Jag kände deras energier. Mötet kändes som en
lång stund. De log mot mig. Jag kände mig trygg, som om tiden stod stilla.
Det var när de
svävade ut som jag insåg vad som hade hänt. Min rädsla tog över. Mina tankar
virvlade runt som till slut blockerade mitt hjärta. Jag blev rädd och gömde mig
under täcket. Jag bad till Gud att aldrig mer se eller känna något liknande
Det tog mig många år innan jag vågade inse att tankarna höll mig
tillbaka. Att våga öppna hjärtat igen utan rädsla, till att kunna få se från
Andra sidan igen. När jag till slut släppte taget öppnades min förmåga att
kommunicera med djuren.
Resan till det oändliga kunde börja igen, med färger
och enorma möjligheter till härligheten. Efter många års väntan vågade jag
äntligen höra universum sjunga igen.
That’s Amore!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
This project, did I start last year, due to my chronicle Lyme disease. The pain was horrible and I started to drift into a lighter depression. For years struggling with pain, with different diagnoses--that I didn't accept--
Later, I found a long good treatment. However, the pain came and went, due to stress in life and wrong food (and wrong people). Instead of eating painkiller or using morphine pad I started to paint. I had never before held in a brush, not even being close to a canvas....but it helped me. When starting to paint my mind went into a kind of meditation. And I love it! Its amazing what can come out from you without you knowing whats hiding inside of you. An interesting fabulous journey. And my wonderful children, are also starting to have fun with the brushes.
Jag startade detta projekt forra aret pga min kroniska Borrelia sjukdom. Smartan har varit fruktansvard (kommer och gar) och jag borjade dala in i en latt depression. I flera ar har jag fightats med dena sjukdom men under aren har jag fatt olika diagnoser--som jag inte har accepterat. Men till slut hittade jag en behandling som har gjort livet lattare. Men, smartan kommer och gar pa grund av stress eller fel mat. Istallet for att ata smartstillande eller anvanda morphin plaster borjade jag att mala! Jag har aldrig tidigare hallt i en pensel och aldrig varit nara en malarduk.....men det hjalper!
Nar jag borjar mala ar det som jag gar in i ett meditativt tillstand. Jag alskar det!
Det ar otroligt vad som kommer ur dig utan att du vet om det.
Djupets hemligheter!
Livets intution!
Intressant underbar resa. Och mina underbara barn, har ocksa startat att ha roligt med malarpenslarna.
Not done, still in working progress.....I have never painted a hummingbird before, it "just
happened ;-)"
Today I looked up what it stood for; "In many traditional cultures of the western world the hummingbird has powerful religious and spiritual significance. In the high Andes of South America, for example, the hummingbird is taken to be a symbol of resurrection. This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth.
Namaste, has a deeper spiritual significance. It recognizes the belief that the life force, the divinity, the Self or the God in me is the same in all. Acknowledging this oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honor the god in the person we meet.
That's Amore, Namaste
#namaste #thatsamore #paintpainproject
Later, I found a long good treatment. However, the pain came and went, due to stress in life and wrong food (and wrong people). Instead of eating painkiller or using morphine pad I started to paint. I had never before held in a brush, not even being close to a canvas....but it helped me. When starting to paint my mind went into a kind of meditation. And I love it! Its amazing what can come out from you without you knowing whats hiding inside of you. An interesting fabulous journey. And my wonderful children, are also starting to have fun with the brushes.
Jag startade detta projekt forra aret pga min kroniska Borrelia sjukdom. Smartan har varit fruktansvard (kommer och gar) och jag borjade dala in i en latt depression. I flera ar har jag fightats med dena sjukdom men under aren har jag fatt olika diagnoser--som jag inte har accepterat. Men till slut hittade jag en behandling som har gjort livet lattare. Men, smartan kommer och gar pa grund av stress eller fel mat. Istallet for att ata smartstillande eller anvanda morphin plaster borjade jag att mala! Jag har aldrig tidigare hallt i en pensel och aldrig varit nara en malarduk.....men det hjalper!
Nar jag borjar mala ar det som jag gar in i ett meditativt tillstand. Jag alskar det!
Det ar otroligt vad som kommer ur dig utan att du vet om det.
Djupets hemligheter!
Livets intution!
Intressant underbar resa. Och mina underbara barn, har ocksa startat att ha roligt med malarpenslarna.
Not done, still in working progress.....I have never painted a hummingbird before, it "just
happened ;-)"
Today I looked up what it stood for; "In many traditional cultures of the western world the hummingbird has powerful religious and spiritual significance. In the high Andes of South America, for example, the hummingbird is taken to be a symbol of resurrection. This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth.
When we
assume hummingbird consciousness, our life becomes a wonderland of sensuous
delights. We live for beauty, delighting in flowers, aromas, fine mist, and
delicate tastes.
When it becomes our totem, the hummingbird teaches
us to laugh and enjoy the creation, to appreciate the magic of being alive, and
the truth of beauty.
Hummingbirds awaken us to the beauty of the present moment. As they
dance the four quarters of embodied exisence, they bring us medicine to solve
the riddle of duality. They also awaken us to the medicinal properties of
Namaste sign in the triangle, Namaste, has a deeper spiritual significance. It recognizes the belief that the life force, the divinity, the Self or the God in me is the same in all. Acknowledging this oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honor the god in the person we meet.
That's Amore, Namaste
#namaste #thatsamore #paintpainproject
Monday, August 11, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Karleken ar stor mellan Olivia och Benny.
Benny hamtade oss pa hotellet och vi akte hem till hans fantastiska hem i Limhamn Malmo. Vilket harligt hem. Vi fikade, barnen lekte och allt kandes sa underbart bra.
The love between Olivia and her Godfather Benny is big.
Benny picked us up from our hotel and we all drove home to his fabulous home in Limhamn, Malmo. What a fantastic home. We ate, talked and the kids played. Everything felt so fantastic.
Nar jag var barn var skadespelaren Edvard Persson min stora idol. Jag alskade de svart och vita filmerna. Han sjong sa underbart! Han var alltid snall, men kunde bli arg nar det var orattvisa. Det var sa jag dromde det skulle vara.
When I was a child, I admired the actress Edvard Persson. He was one of my biggest idols.
I loved the black and white movies. He sang so wonderful and he was always kind. He could become angry if there were any wrongfulness. It was like that I always dreamt about.
Skulle vara fin i min tradgard!
This cow would be lovely in my garden.
Nar ni besoker Malmo maste ni prova att ata pa dena resturangen. Helt otroligt bra! Friisgatan.
If you are visiting Malmo, you have to eat at this Rawfood Place on Friisgatan. To die for!
Nar vi kom upp pa vart rum stod dessa underbara blommor och vantade pa oss. "Valkommen till Malmo" Underbara Sonja gor alltid sa man kanner sig som en Prinsessa.
When we came up to our room, these flowers were waiting for us with a card, "Welcome to Malmo"
Wonderful Sonja, always makes us feel super special. Like a Princess.
That's Amore!
#bennyrosenqvist #scandichotel #hiltonhotel #rawfood
Benny hamtade oss pa hotellet och vi akte hem till hans fantastiska hem i Limhamn Malmo. Vilket harligt hem. Vi fikade, barnen lekte och allt kandes sa underbart bra.
The love between Olivia and her Godfather Benny is big.
Benny picked us up from our hotel and we all drove home to his fabulous home in Limhamn, Malmo. What a fantastic home. We ate, talked and the kids played. Everything felt so fantastic.
Nar jag var barn var skadespelaren Edvard Persson min stora idol. Jag alskade de svart och vita filmerna. Han sjong sa underbart! Han var alltid snall, men kunde bli arg nar det var orattvisa. Det var sa jag dromde det skulle vara.
When I was a child, I admired the actress Edvard Persson. He was one of my biggest idols.
I loved the black and white movies. He sang so wonderful and he was always kind. He could become angry if there were any wrongfulness. It was like that I always dreamt about.
Skulle vara fin i min tradgard!
This cow would be lovely in my garden.
Nar ni besoker Malmo maste ni prova att ata pa dena resturangen. Helt otroligt bra! Friisgatan.
If you are visiting Malmo, you have to eat at this Rawfood Place on Friisgatan. To die for!
When we came up to our room, these flowers were waiting for us with a card, "Welcome to Malmo"
Wonderful Sonja, always makes us feel super special. Like a Princess.
That's Amore!
#bennyrosenqvist #scandichotel #hiltonhotel #rawfood
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Fantastic weather in Malmoe, Sweden. Turning Torso from Ribersborgs beach
Underbart vader i Malmo, Sverige. Fran Ribban kunde man se vackra Turning Torso.
The kids were super happy that they could swim and have so much fun. We left the beach 19.00 in the evening.
Barnen var superlyckliga over att kunna bada i havet. Vi akte darifran vid sjutiden pa kvallen. Trotta men lyckliga.
The best day for them was the yearly visit at the old Tivoli from 1856. Even I have great "kids" memories. So extra fun to enjoy them again, but through my kids eyes. Tivoli parade.
Basta dagen tyckte barnen sakert var det arliga besoket pa Tivolit byggt 1856. Aven jag har underbara bardomsminnen fran Danska Tivolit. Det var verkligen roligt att fa uppleva dem igen genom mina barns ogon.
Resan hade inte blivit av om det inte hade varit for underbara Sonja. Hon ordnar och foljer med och fixar sa vi far se och uppleva sa mycket fantastiskt.
The trip wouldn't have existed if it hadn't been for wonderful Sonja. She arrange and makes sure we get to see and explore as much as possible. And they are fantastic things.
Olivia and I visited "our" church St Johannes and lit a candle each.
Olivia och jag besokte "var" kyrka St Johannes kyrkan och tande varsit ljus.
We met so many wonderful people during these days. People we knew and people we didn't.
The manager at the Scandic Hotel (former Hilton) Sofie had put this gorgoues plate in our room when we came back. The note was the best!
Vi mote sa manga underbara manniskor under vara dagar. Okanda och kanda personer.
Chefen pa hotelet Scandic (forra Hilton) Sofie gjorde detta fantastiska fat at oss. Lappen var den basta!
All three of us down at the restaurant by the beach. We are all very exited to be "home"
Vi tre nere vid resturangen som ligger vid stranden. Vi ar alla sa lyckliga over att vara "himma"
That's Amore!
Underbart vader i Malmo, Sverige. Fran Ribban kunde man se vackra Turning Torso.
The kids were super happy that they could swim and have so much fun. We left the beach 19.00 in the evening.
Barnen var superlyckliga over att kunna bada i havet. Vi akte darifran vid sjutiden pa kvallen. Trotta men lyckliga.
The best day for them was the yearly visit at the old Tivoli from 1856. Even I have great "kids" memories. So extra fun to enjoy them again, but through my kids eyes. Tivoli parade.
Basta dagen tyckte barnen sakert var det arliga besoket pa Tivolit byggt 1856. Aven jag har underbara bardomsminnen fran Danska Tivolit. Det var verkligen roligt att fa uppleva dem igen genom mina barns ogon.
Resan hade inte blivit av om det inte hade varit for underbara Sonja. Hon ordnar och foljer med och fixar sa vi far se och uppleva sa mycket fantastiskt.
The trip wouldn't have existed if it hadn't been for wonderful Sonja. She arrange and makes sure we get to see and explore as much as possible. And they are fantastic things.
Olivia and I visited "our" church St Johannes and lit a candle each.
Olivia och jag besokte "var" kyrka St Johannes kyrkan och tande varsit ljus.
We met so many wonderful people during these days. People we knew and people we didn't.
The manager at the Scandic Hotel (former Hilton) Sofie had put this gorgoues plate in our room when we came back. The note was the best!
Vi mote sa manga underbara manniskor under vara dagar. Okanda och kanda personer.
Chefen pa hotelet Scandic (forra Hilton) Sofie gjorde detta fantastiska fat at oss. Lappen var den basta!
All three of us down at the restaurant by the beach. We are all very exited to be "home"
Vi tre nere vid resturangen som ligger vid stranden. Vi ar alla sa lyckliga over att vara "himma"
That's Amore!
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