Friday, December 30, 2016


Last Wednesday I flew to Sweden. A crazy wonderful trip, the same day.

I left my house 04.00 in the morning, drove to the Stuttgart airport, flew to Dusseldorf changed plane to Copenhagen. Train over to Malmo, Sweden to the train-station. Are you with me?

At a favourite coffee place, I met my wonderful Friend and also my chief editor Madeleine. Amazing, brilliant, smart and loving woman. She inspires me as a woman, mother, person and writer.

When I walked back on the train going home, my thoughts were going through our conversations. I thought to myself, everyone should have a person like her in their lives! 

A very good Friend that is a very important key person to me, and my children's life.

Madeleine is the chief of the Magazine Tidningen Nara and you can read my columns on the their web. 
And, I promised her I would also write for 2017 . 

Something very interesting. See the silver leaf or Angel Feather that I am wearing. 

That was a wonderful Christmas Gift from my nine-year-old son for Christmas. He went to the store in Germany himself and bought the necklace, with his own money. 

Madeleine looks at the silver leaf/feather and says, "Wow, I have the same necklace as you. I bought mine in New York six years ago."

Even if it was  many crazy hours traveling, --and I was home by midnight, --but it was totally worth every minute.

That's Amore!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Children Knows Already the Universal Truth

In raising my children, I've never taught them any specific Religon. I raised them to be polite, truthful, helpful and loving children. To respect People, Animals,
Nature and Life, as most major Western religions in one fashion or another.

I wanted them to find their own truth, their beliefs, not to have me as a parent directing or forcing them. Children are amazing with their brightness, if we only listen to them. Many times we are in hurry, we get frustrated when our child is taking to long explaining about something they dreamt about, or explored in real life.

When my children saw someone being bullied, I wanted them to step in and say NO! (or go quickly and get an Adult.)

And if someone was mean to them, to try their best to understand that it wasn't anything about them. Anger comes from an unhappy heart.

We travel a lot and meet many different kind of people and try to observe their beliefs. Our little town where we live is filled with the inhabitants of many different cultures.

Suddenly, at an age of thinking, reasoning and questioning everything, Olivia and Max became aware of life in a different, more determined way.

We had a small fire in our house, not long ago, and after a year with many"life bumps " my tired mind said in a self pity way (I don't like self pity parties)

"I don't think God loves me!"

I thought I was alone with those words in the room, when I suddenly hear my daughter (11 years-old) say behind me,

"Why wouldn't he, he created you!"

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Last Sunday we went to listen to the Angels singing.

It was a wonderful funny, different and brilliant play about "Seeing is Believing" a Youth Christmas Play, the joy of seeing and hearing the story of God's Promises fulfilled through the birth of Christ.

This was a fantastic start on Christmas.

When my daughter Olivia is riding out I walk with her. And, what I love about this area, is that in the middle of "no where" you find beautiful Religious Ornaments.

Right at the right place to be, in the peaceful Nature were you can hear your mind and heart speak at the same time. Synchronising!

When you pray you speak to God
When you meditate God speak to you.

That's Amore!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Selfie with the Big Queen of the House

ChaCha a Cane Corso mix, is our rescue dog from Italy,  the Queen of our House. One among 11 other dogs in this house, she is the one with a dominant glamour. She is lovely, but also determine. ChaCha loves life to the fullest and can also tell you when something is not as it should be (in her eyes). 

Even when she and I do selfies, ChaCha pushes me away.

However, for several days have I felt that something was wrong with her, you know.....mother feeling. Something!

Last week I went to the veterinarian with a sick Senior and I brought ChaCha with me. This big dog normally would snarl and snap, like a big Monster. And now we needed to take blood tests.

Muzzle on, and "big strong" people entered the room to assist. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was nice as a lamb!

I asked for many different kind of blood tests, to be able to quickly find out, in what direction we had to look for. The tests costs around 150 euro. --The veterinarian thought she also is over weight, 56 kg! 

ChaCha gets one big cup dry food a it can be from that tiny meal a day! Something!

Three days later the test results came back, and her Thyroid is not working as it should.

Happy Dance. I knew there was something.....and together with a good veterinarian, that trusts your feeling (instinct).....that's what teams should be all about.

ChaCha is now on medication and after a month we are going back for another blood test. But, at least, we are on the right way.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Multicultural confusing. or will it be a good story! 

Swedish Christmas 🎄 last night and American Christmas 🎄 this morning. 
Yesterday, Santa knocked on our door, then he came back during the night via our chimney, and left us more presents! 

Multicultural Family Rocks

Monday, December 19, 2016


In the writing mood.

This is how my writing table looks like.

There is so much to write about that my mind is spinning around. I want to write about children rights, how you like me go from victim to survivor, and now....a warrior.

Then I want to write about my favourite work, rescuing animals.

I love sharing my stories and I always hope it will inspire and help someone.

That's Amore

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Home Schooling Children (1)

I have been homeschooling my daughter Olivia (11-years-old), for one and half years now, and Max my son (9-years-old) for four months.

It was a scary decision I wont lie about that, however, I had a horrible “traditional” school experience myself. However, I am very glad I forced myself and took that big step to start homeschooling my children. The reasons why I took them out from their regular school are different. My children’s needs were (are) different but what they have in common is working with their confidence. It will take me many posts to write about our Homeschooling Program and Thoughts.  I hope you want to follow our stories and us.

Many thoughts have become questions from friends to acquaintance. Several of you asked me to write more about it on my blog.
I spoke to my children about it and they also are thrilled to answer any of your respectful questions.

It’s a long journey to come to this decision, and a lot of research about Homeschooling, but today when I can already see the results, I am proud I dared to face the fear.

The first time I heard about homeschooling children, when living  in America, my feelings were mixed by several horrifying thoughts.
I kept them to myself, and I asked the homeschooling moms that I met along the way with the same questions I today get from many other positive curious people.

Please, every family is not the same and not doing the same as anyone else. You have to create your own perfect way. One must find the curriculum that seems to cover the needs you are looking to satisfy. The groundwork may be the same; different programs adding some subjects and taking away some others. When you find your way, you will develop confident, well-mannered, happy, loving, bright children.

I am so thankful today, that we can have this opportunity to homeschool our children.

Before you assume you know an answer on this subject, please send me the question, and I will gladly relay to you our experience.

Give me some credit to start writing and telling you our story; why we homeschool, the support from other home-schooling families and friends, and even “ordinary” schools.

Our homeschooling is not “forever” they will go back to school…..
but for now, it is the best option for our family.

That’s Amore!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I am so thankful and thrilled at the same time, over my new logo! It is so me holding lectures about things I love and are passionate about. 

Relations, Children and Animals. 

Thank you @sanne_stenbeck (Instagram) You are so talented. Amazing You 👑 

(She is also a gifted singer check her out on Instagram @houseofsay )

Friday, December 9, 2016


The last couple of day have been fantastic winter days.

Blue sky, sunshine and no wind.

Olivia wanted to ride out (on her Sunshine) and we also brought with us, her dog Twittie. Twitte is a dog Olivia rescued from a shelter were 500 dogs sat and the adoption rate was a couple of dogs a year. Olivia was only four years old when she adopted Twittie, but showed us all how responsible she already was back then. She has always been there for her dog.

Twittie is to left behind the Pony.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Nedan ar den pa svenska, eller klicka in har till Tidningen Nara

The Darkness is the Light's Way of Preparing us for Something Beautiful

Animals and children are our great teachers of wisdom.
Their wisdom is always spot on, and inspiring.
It was the day before Christmas Eve two years ago; my daughter Olivia broke her femur in a riding accident. Weeks turned into months as Olivia was home alone in her home.
The school did not support her, despite pressure from me. Relatives and friends were far away! It was a hard dark time, with pain and tears.
"Mom, it hurts to live! "Olivia said one morning.
As mom it made extremely painful to hear those words. We talked about that after the darkness comes the light, and not to try to lose hope.
One day asked Olivia me to drive her to the stable where the accident had occurred. She went to the big beautiful horse. ' "It was not your fault and I do still love you!"
The place where the accident had happened sat deep within her, like a vicious thorn in the heart.
We decided to search for a new riding school. We found one that was not far from our home. There was a beautiful sand-colored (palomino)  pony named Sunshine. Olivia and he hit it off immediately. Never before had I seen a horse and rider become so attached to each other that quickly.
I looked up to the Universe and smiled.
"Mom, do you remember the day when we talked about never losing our hope when it feels dark. Not to see an accident as only something negative. " said Olivia
I recalled a message from a street dog that reminded of what Olivia said.
To my luck, I found my notes from the time I met the homeless dog.
Most people are afraid of pain, but they also fear facing their fellow beings pain. They many times flee and judge it to maybe, it can be a drama they do not want to be involved in. A person's pain is not only his or her lesson; it is everyone's lesson. It shows if you are judgmental and walks away, or if you are the one who helps. A lesson is not only negative, but if the fear comes in, it will become negative.

That's Amore!

Mörkret är Ljusets sätt att förbereda oss för något vackert

Djur och barn är fantastiska lärare. Deras visdom är alltid klockren och inspirerande.
Det var dagarna innan julafton för snart två år sedan som min dotter Olivia bröt lårbenet i en ridolycka. Veckor blev till månader som Olivia tvingades ligga ensam i sitt hem.
Skolan stöttade inte henne trots påtryckningar från mig. Släkt och vänner fanns långt borta! Det var en svår mörk tid, med smärta och tårar.
”Mamma, det gör ont att leva! ” sa Olivia en morgon.
Som mamma gjorde det oerhört ont att höra de orden. Vi pratade om att efter mörkret kommer ljuset, om att försöka att inte förlora hoppet.
En dag bad Olivia mig köra henne till stallet där olyckan hade inträffat. Hon gick fram till den stora vackra hästen. ’”Fina du, det var inte ditt fel och jag älskar dig fortfarande!” sa hon.
Platsen för olyckan hade satt djupa spår inom henne, som en ond tagg i hjärtat.
Vi bestämde oss för att söka efter en ny ridskola. Vi hittade en som inte låg långt ifrån vårt hem. Där fanns en vacker sandfärgad ponny vid namn Sunshine. Olivia och han fann varandra direkt. Aldrig förr hade jag sett ett ekipage vara så sammansvetsade som de två.
Jag tittade upp mot Universum och log. 
”Mamma kommer du ihåg den dagen då vi pratade om att aldrig förlora hoppet när det känns mörkt. Att inte se en olycka endast som något negativt.” sa Olivia
Jag mindes ett budskap från en gatuhund som påminde om vad Olivia sagt.
Till min lycka hittade jag noteringarna från den hemlösa hunden.
De flesta människor är rädda för smärtan, men ni är även rädda inför era medmänniskors smärta. Ni flyr undan många gånger och dömer det till att det kan vara ett drama ni inte vill bli involverade i. En människas smärta är inte endast deras lärdom, det är allas lärdom. Det visar om ni är fördömande och ryggar, eller om ni är den som hjälper. En lärdom är inte endast negativ, men om rädslan träder in, blir den till negativ.

Med dessa ord vill jag, Olivia, Max, vår Sunshine passa på att önska er underbara läsare en riktigt God jul och ett Magiskt 2017.
That’s Amore!