I have been homeschooling my
daughter Olivia (11-years-old), for one and half years now, and Max my son
(9-years-old) for four months.
It was a scary decision I wont
lie about that, however, I had a horrible “traditional” school experience
myself. However, I am very glad I forced myself and took that big step to start
homeschooling my children. The reasons why I took them out from their regular
school are different. My children’s needs were (are) different but what they
have in common is working with their confidence. It will take me many posts to
write about our Homeschooling Program and Thoughts. I hope you want to follow our stories and us.
Many thoughts have become
questions from friends to acquaintance. Several of you asked me to write more
about it on my blog.
I spoke to my children about it
and they also are thrilled to answer any of your respectful questions.
It’s a long journey to come to this decision, and a
lot of research about Homeschooling, but today when I can already see the
results, I am proud I dared to face the fear.
The first time I heard about homeschooling children,
when living in America, my feelings were
mixed by several horrifying thoughts.
I kept them to myself, and I asked the
homeschooling moms that I met along the way with the same questions I today get
from many other positive curious people.
Please, every family is not the same and not doing
the same as anyone else. You have to create your own perfect way. One must find
the curriculum that seems to cover the needs you are looking to satisfy. The
groundwork may be the same; different programs adding some subjects and taking
away some others. When you find your way, you will develop confident, well-mannered,
happy, loving, bright children.
I am so thankful today, that we can have this opportunity to homeschool
our children.
Before you assume you know an answer on this subject, please send me the
question, and I will gladly relay to you our experience.
Give me some credit to start writing and telling you our story; why we
homeschool, the support from other home-schooling families and friends, and even
“ordinary” schools.
Our homeschooling is not “forever” they will go back to school…..
but for now, it is the best option for our family.
That’s Amore!

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