Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I always say that there is no Christmas without a book (or several books) I always love to open up one book at December 23. In Sweden we call that day for Little Christmas. In southern Sweden was it the day before Christmas, and people were allowed to taste a small amount of food from the up-coming Christmas table.

I invented myself that we could open one Christmas present the day before Christmas. However, this year I couldn't wait. When the books came from Amazon, I opened it up.

I had also totally forgotten that I ordered Vegan Jerky. Spicy and Smokey!
My children and our Dentist loves me extra these days. I baked chocolate chip cookies, and made hot chocolate with mint, marshmallows and on top with vegan whip cream --I have to say, we love Vegan whip cream  more than the "normal" whip cream.
We already jump started our Christmas celebration . "Why not enjoy everything as many days as possible", tells the little child inside of me.

That's Amore!

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