Monday, October 12, 2009


Read about Ruffus scratch from earlier blog

I returned today to the gas station, together with Charity to see if he still was there. I talked to a wonderful Italian lady who worked inside the coffee shop next to the Q8 gas station. She had been feeding him for two months now, and was so happy to see AWL. She thanked us for taking care of "Benjamin" , the young dog that looked so horrible, and now he was also bleeding. I could see the pain in the woman's eyes.

Benjamin's little young body was so hot from fever, and we lifted him into my SUV very gentley. He was a trooper in the crate back in the SUV, not a sound as we drove to the vet.

At Dr. Damiani's clinic, he got shots and antibiotic and can only stay over the night--lack of place--Benjamin got Demodex Mange, or scabies in another word.

It kills my heart that tomorrow I have to pick him up and let him out at the cold gas station again. Rain and storms are on the forecast!

What I want is a family without pets or children, to have him in a doghouse out in their yard, give him good healthy food, and a lot of vitamins. Of course, plenty of love.
He is so full off love, this little Benjamin.

I hope for a miracle! Amore Miracle!


Äppelblom said...

I´m hoping for a miracle too!!!! He really shouldn´t have to be on the streets in that condition...

Can someone help?????

Mother in Action said...

People are discusted by Benjamin, I dont know what to do?

Jennifer said...

Oh, Mia. Just like people to ignore need in those who don't look acceptable. Just because we ignore things doesn't make them better.
That poor dog. That poor sweet dog.

Äppelblom said...

There HAS TO BE someone who can give him a place to recover...

There are so many people in this world an in your area...someone MUST be able to step in and help....

Where are you SOMEONE?????