Sunday, October 11, 2009

Animals Without Limits Hospice

On my way home I saw this beautiful dog, trying to find food for the day. She is very old and is having a problem standing on her legs. Tired and the hectic traffic is passing very close. Every day is a struggle.

She is not in pain, she is tired and alone.

I stopped to give her food and she was a little timid. My husband stopped today and she was more allowing him to be close to her, but still very tired.

I remember Lupa, the very old German Shepard that we rescued from a horrible shelter, and gave her a warm bed and food. She slept for nearly two weeks. She had a short time with us (and we with her), but it was incredible to see the life in her eyes, after resting. She got a peaceful end when she wanted to go.

Everyone should have a peaceful end.

Here are so many old strays that are struggling, and the law says you are not allowed to put a healthy dog to sleep. Even some people are leaving their old pets on the highway.

AWL is working on a project with a hospice/rehab clinic, together with veterinarian's to rescue old strays and to let them have a good amore ending.

Please join us in our project!

Pictures Copyright (c) 2009, Todd A. Mercer. All Rights Reserved.


Äppelblom said...

I`m with you!

As soon as you get a place for hospice so I can overnight there, I`m free to come and help you. Just let me know when the time is right.

Everyone deserves a peacefull amore end.

Lot of hugs to you and your hole family. You are in my thougts every day.

Mother in Action said...

Bella, I couldn't find her ...not a good day! Not any good news today about our strays....

Unknown said...

Jag säger samma som "Äppelblom"
Jag kommer !!!!!!

Äppelblom said...

Strenght for you Mia in days like this! I´m here if you need me.

It cant be easy to carry such a big weight on your shoulders. You really need more people to help you!

Anonymous said...

I cannot think of anything more rewarding than to take in a forgotten, sick or old and dying dog to a warm bed, love, food, pain meds if only for a week or two before its time to go.
I support you 100%, I will follow and learn from your project.
Sara Hoover