This is sweet Abby, she was dumped at a gas station, with an infection in her body and full of fleas. Shivering and cold, she tried to stay warm, she tried to lay under cars! Blankets were put out for her trying to give her some comfort. AWL's Jackie has been there, giving her food and water. And when Benjamin was moved to his foster-home, his kennel cage was cleaned out and new blankets were put in.

Jackie is a volunteer that can get the strays calm and they trust her, she is a joy to work with and has very good experiences. Today we picked Abby up and drove her to Dr Damiani for a health check up, since Jackie had found a foster-home for Abby. Abby is so wonderful she sat in my lap during the car ride. At the veterinarian, she laid on the examination table trusting Jackie, she trusted us both so much.
We found a microchip but when searching on the computer, there was no match. We will have to wait until next week to call ASL. She got antibiotics for her infection, and we de-wormed and frontlined her. Dr Damiani explained everything so well and I love when he explains and even pulls out books and shows pictures. Thank you, Dr Damiani for helping and giving us so much of your time.
Jackie drove and let Abby off at her new foster-home. Thank you Tiffany with family for opening your home to Abby.
Jackie thank you for your generous donation. You already do so much! Amore Tutti
Wonderful how many good people there are!
Now I really need your help..
Could you keep Bambi in your thoughts on tuesday, she´s being operated then, we´ll see the vet at 8 am.
I found a small tumor in Bambis udder back in october 2005 that was operated right away and they took away her matrix at the same time so that there wouldn´t come more of those hormonal tumors. In an x-ray they found one more little udder-tumor that was operated at the same time. Then she was fine as I thought, I checked her regularly and didn´t find any tumors.
Then in march 2008 I found a small lump in Bambis stomach but the vet told me that she was sure that it was one of those bumps that she´s having in other places of her body, and yes, she´s been having many of those during years. (Some dogs just do get them, I´ve heard..?) So I trusted what the vet said and didnt do anything.
Now in april 2009 I showed her lump to another vet and even he told me that he was sure it wasn´t anything serious. But now in august we went back to the vet and I demanded that they would operate it away since it had started to grow. The lump was about as big as a stone of a plum. It showed out to be a utter-tumor!
I was devestetad, WHY didn´t I demand them to operate it away right away in march 2008??? Why did I trust them?
Now I demanded them to take an x-ray, to make sure that there wouldn´t be any more tumors and it didn´t show any as they told me.
But now I´ve found one more :( It´s little, maybe about a half of a pea, but it´s there.
I don´t trust on the vetenarians we´ve been seeing, there has been mistakes as I feel and they are always in a hurry and don´t take time to examine well. So now we are going to the animal hospital in Växjö and hopefully get Bambi better care.
On tuesday they will make an ultrasound on her and maybe even x-rays to see what they´ve missed last time. Then they´ll operate her and examine the tumor. The vets we´ve seen before haven´t done that (send the tumor to be examined) because they said that it didn´t need to. Why was I so childish to believe them? Of course it needs to be examined! I really don´t care about the money when it has with Bambis health to do! I just can´t forgive myself that I´ve been so stupid and haven´t taken a better care of Bambi..
I´m so nervous on what they will find, she is my little baby and I´d do anything for her.
So please keep her in your thoughts and prairs and hope for the best..
I will let you now as soon as I know more.
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