Thursday, October 15, 2009

Harris Parkway Animal Hospital Client Joey

This story comes from Dr. Young himself at Harris Parkway Animal Hospital. Fantastic story;

"I learned something today. This is "Joey" He is deaf and his mom has trained him to respond to visual commands. (Hand signals and body language).
Six months ago he began to lose hair. No itching I was promised. No sores. The skin was a little red and irritated. He had what we call "bilaterally symmetric alopecia".
There was a mirror image of hair loss on his body. These are usually hormonal problems, but after checking for thyroid problems I was scratching my head. What the heck was going on?
He was about to be totally bald and I was lost. Maybe it was a sex hormone imbalance?
Kind of looked like it but I never really see that.
Well, off to the dermatologist with you little "Joey". Dr. Reid Garfield, practices dermatology (yes a real live veterinary specialist) in Dallas, and he made a diagnosis in ten minutes. He asked the owner if she happen to use a topical estrogen therapy.
Well, yes...she puts a dose on the inner part of her forearm each day.
Of course, "Joey" snuggles with her everyday, and has been getting a nice daily dose of estrogen himself.
Goodbye hair and hello whatever mixed messages a little guy gets when he's on strogen.
Happily "Joey" is doing great, but it's a good thing for us baby boomers to remember. (that means were getting a little older). Whether mom is cuddling with her dog, cat or human grandchild, remember that these "transdermal" drugs penetrate what ever skin they comes in contact with. :o) DrYoung"

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