They want AWL to come and clean, they had seen what a great job we did at the horrible shelter. And why not?
Many volunteers have contacted AWL and want to help to clean, both the shelter and the dogs. And a great day to socialise with wonderful souls.
So more about this later.
Monday I delivered food to the horrible shelter, the dogs had no food again.
Tuesday, it was time for Fox to go to the clinic and become "it." He is such a good boy, 35 kg and never been inside a car or a house. He was should I put it....heavy!
He laid flat down and even when a lady came in to the waiting room, dropped her cage with three cats that flew around the chairs, Fox laid in swimming position on the floor.
Since discovering the puppies were dead I have been in a haze, and have a kind of writing block I don't even feel for taking pictures, just numb.
I am soon back.....hold on then you will see an even stronger AWL.

I know that you have been struggling deeply with senseless murders of your stray puppies in the skeleton house. (Or, I should say all of our puppies who read your blog religiously) They stood for hope, a ray of light in this cold and heartless world in which we live.
Lately, I have heard so many stray animal activists feeling a sense of defeat and hopelessness regarding the war against our defense stray dogs. The evil seemingly gathering more momentum every day.
I am reminded of one my father's favorite sayings and want to pass it on to you.
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
Dont let the evil creep into your mind and infect you into inaction.
Your skeleton puppies will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge, along with an Army of other innocent dogs taken before their time, ready to thank you for the kindness and love you gave them while they were on this earth.
I anxiously await for you to regain your strength for the fight and hope that I can be there by your side helping, even if it is from across the ocean.
Thank you for everything that you have done and all that you will do for the animals and for me.
Love you- Kath
Kath, you will be so missed, but I love your comment, you are so bright....stay in touch friend
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