Thursday, February 12, 2009

BitterSweet Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th!
Animals Without Limits is going out to the "terrible shelter" the ASL (dogcatchers with their own veterinarian, guess I can explain it like that?) police and LEDA (an Italian organization) are going to close down the shelter.

AWL is bringing out four final dogs (I have already three in my house) I have been told that LEDA is taking twenty dogs (not sure --- I get different information all the time, about everything Italian!) The rest will go with the dogcatchers, and that breaks my heart!

Why? I have never heard anything positive about their shelters.

Tomorrow we will have a wonderful journalist with us that will cover the situation.
Tomorrow, it will be a new chapter.


Anonymous said...

Good luck for you tomorrow! We hope for a miracle...

Lots of warm thoughts from us all

Bella, Rickard & Bambi

Mother in Action said...

Thank you so much you are so sweet guys....thank you :-)

It went well, I have no voice because of a bad cold, and I am dead tired....
