Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finally He Got His Freedom!

Thank you Dr. Gigi for your love and support to Morris. You still have your sensitivity, that makes you a wonderful veterinarian. Morris finally got his freedom. He had to get the injection directly into his heart, his veins had collapsed.
He was covered with these wounds. He couldn't lay down, he was in severe pain. When we tried to lift him he wailed like a puppy. His male part was so infected that it was black.

Click on the image to get it bigger. I asked Dr. Gigi, "On a scale 1- 10 is he a number 9?"
"I would rather say a 10."

Morris was around 8-10 years. His teeth were bad from eating rocks, he was a skeleton.

This was a bittersweet morning. Morris, I am proud over you. Rest finally in peace!
More later!


Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking!I have never seen anything like it. Rest in peace, poor fella.

Mother in Action said...

Thank you for your thoughts and concern, it means a lot for Morris where he is right now.

Anonymous said...

Tack och lov att du fick honom "fri", tårarna rann när jag såg bilderna...
Var rädd om dig!
Kramar från Ulla & Maxi

Mother in Action said...

Underbara Ulla & Maxi, det betyder mycket att ha erat stod. Man mar ju inte sadar jakla bra, det ar en dubbel sidig kansla. man fick honom fri och avlivade honom!

Det gor sa jakla ont i en....han ville inte do.


Anonymous said...

Mia, du är helt underbar som har gjort så att denna stackars hund äntligen har fått komma till ett bättre ställe och nu slipper allt lidande! ...och han har inte dött :-) han lever för fullt där han befinner sig nu. Kram Erika med Giove

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking care of Morris. Sometimes, the right thing to do is also the toughest.

Solveig said...

Du gjorde helt rätt Mia! Även om han inte ville dö, så hade hans kropp gett upp. Jag är säker på att han är tacksam att slippa lida mer.
Sköt om dig!
Kram Solveig

Anonymous said...

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still the master's own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonour'd falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth,
While man, vain insect, hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven."
Lord Byron

Mother in Action said...

Thank you so much for being there for me and Morris. It was asleepless night with a lot of wonderings, anger and sadness. I wish

reading your comments means a lot to me, I feel our team.

I want to start a project in Morris name. A woman donated money in his name, and that made me think. A Mission Morris

Thanks Erika, David and Solveig your words keeps me going. Thank you all.

Mother in Action said...

I like that poem. Thank you!
