Friday, February 27, 2009

Freedom Better Part 2

Today I sat a long time and watched our Lupa sleeping in her IKEA igloo. Lupa that was in the terrible shelter is now having her mind resting.

(To understand this text better , read yesterdays blog first)
During the night I woke up having these nightmares about the German Shepard I had seen, the skeleton was just starring at me.
This morning I felt so sad and powerless. I tried to remember what I had read from the book before falling asleep last night,
"To become successful you have to focus on the future not the past."
How easy was that with horror pictures on my eyes.
My husband drove by the place before heading into work. No dog in sight!
By noon, I layed down and did what I haven't done in many years. I visualised, I saw everything in front off me like it was happening.
#1 The skeleton dog was standing free out side the gate on the street
#2 The skeleton dog was tied up by the gate but on the outside.
#3 The skeleton dog was handed over to me by the owner.
Yesterday I had told the 5 people that I would return the next day and I wanted to see the owner at 15.00!
I drove down to the beach area at 15.30 and I felt I wouldn't meet him, but the feeling told me to drive down. And so I did!


Anonymous said...

Hur fortsätter berättelsen...?!?

Jag har också haft den här "nya" hunden i tankarna hela dagen och har hoppats från hela mitt hjärta att Du lyckas rädda honom...

Man kan ju inte rädda alla men...

Varför finns det människor som gör andra illa?? Det går inte att förstå..

Kärleksfull helg till hela familjen!

Många STORA kramar och varma tankar

Anonymous said...

So, what happened? did you find the dog? tell us the end!!!!

Mother in Action said...

Wonderful Bella, thank you for your support and that you are with us.

Warm Amore