Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time for Killing

Eager to go out on a whale hunt, the Japanese are sharpening their harpoons. Four hunting ships are ready to go out on the biggest whale hunt in decades, that will include hump back whales: they plan to kill up to 50 humpbacks, 935 minke whales and 50 fin whales.

Japan says it needs to kill the animals in order to conduct research on their reproductive and feeding patterns.
The anti-whaling group Greenpeace said its protest ship, Esperanza, was moored just outside Japan's territorial waters and would chase the fleet to the southern ocean. ~CNN~

Many species of whales live in big family oriented groups. When one is being slowly killed the other family members refuse to leave. The whales' grieving songs are the most heart breaking complaints from deep and can be heard miles under water. Why don't we listen?

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