Monday, November 26, 2007


One night I woke up by two children laughing running in our stairs. I went out and looked, but it was pitch black and not a sound. Hmm, I thought that I had dreamt and went back to bed.

Some afternoons when Olivia took her nap I heard children cry. I rushed into her room to discover she was sleeping, deep and sweet. Hmmmm maybe she just cried in her sleep, I thought.

But, sometimes her toys starts to play without anyone in the room, in the middle of the day and her door is open so we can see that no one is in there.
Some nights when Olivia is being put into bed and we are laying next to her reading, she suddenly sits up, looks up at a corner and says, "Baby"

Last night when we all went to bed, we woke up by Christmas songs that started to play from our radio--downstairs. I don't think it was one of our dogs that wanted some Christmas spirit and turned the music on.

It is nice to have a playful spirit in the house and it doesn't seem to bother Olivia or the dogs, they are already found their "friend" to be lovely.

That's amore!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Mia...isn't it amazing that Olivia can see the "baby"? I hope I can help my kids keep their links to other existances.

You'll have to find out who they are. How interesting!!

Mother in Action said...

You should have seen dads face :-)
he has to get used to two spiritual girls.