Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dog Fighting Petition

I got this e mail from an animal friend on Cyprus, and I really want to share this with you. Please, you too sign the petition, it will just take you one minute of your time. Think off the animals that are stuck in this cruelty till they stop breathing, and being released from the humans cruelty.

"Did you know that for the sake of human profit, dogs are trained for dog fighting by being beaten, chained and fed gunpowder, illegal drugs and even live animals -- and sometimes they are not fed at all for long periods of time? In the end, dogs that do not win are either killed or left to die horrific and painful deaths.I can't even imagine what these dogs must go through. Every animal deserves the right to live a cruelty-free life.

I just signed a petition to end this horrific practice, and I hope you'll join me in urging the U.S. Congress to support the Federal Dog Protection Act:



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