Friday, January 31, 2014


Earlier on this blog, I have written about how I had started painting instead of eating pain killers for the severe pain from Lyme disease. Painting made my mind focus on something other than the pain.

 I realized I liked playing with colors a lot. It is fun!

My neighbor came over one evening and looked at my painting. Suddenly she said, "That is so cool, I like it. But the fish skeleton is backwards."

I still chuckle!

Sometimes, when I look at art, I do wonder what is going on in the artist's mind and heart when they are creating. Now, I do wonder what is going on in mine?
I guess that's called "Art". A creative mind working though a hand and brush not canvas!

That's Amore!

Monday, January 27, 2014


                                 Är du nyfiken på djurkommunikation?

Rottweilerns Sunne var stressad över att vara ensam hemma. Han förstörde saker och matte var förtvivlad. Efter att välkända djurkommunikatören Mia Mattson pratat med Sunne slutade matte att använda telefonsvararen som oroat hunden. Sunne blev lugn och glad igen.

Ditt djur är en älskad familjemedlem som du så gärna vill kommunicera med. Ibland blir du frustrerad av att ni inte förstår varandra fullt ut. Kanske har du hört om djurkommunikation och blivit nyfiken.

Nu har du möjlighet att lyssna på och få svar från välkända Mia Mattsson-Mercer, välkänd expert på djurkommunikation. Mia, som vigt sitt liv åt att hjälpa utsatta djur, har under sin spännande karriär både anlitats av kungligheter och hotats av maffian.

Under tre fullspäckade timmar får du ta del av Mias spännande erfarenheter. Du kommer att förundras, häpna och bli rörd over vad djuren har att förmedla. Mia lär ut hur du kan stilla ditt inre och lyssna till djuren omkring dig. Med dig från föreläsningen har du inspiration och nycklar som hjälper dig att förstå ditt djur bättre. Till dig som sörjer ett älskat djur har Mia också ett trösterikt budskap…

Föreläsningen The Wellness Room, Regementsgatan 14, Malmö den  29 Mars. Kostnaden 150 kr, inkluderar vin/vatten med tilltugg.

Antalet platser är begränsat. Först till kvarn gäller så anmäl dig direkt på Anmälan är bindande.

Mia Mattsson-Mercer är författaren bakom succéböckerna Lyssna när djuren talar, Föra djurens talan och Lär dig ta emot djurens budskap. Via sina böcker, mängder av artiklar och åtskilliga tv-reportage har Mia blivit känd over hela världen för sin effektiva kommunikation med allt från katter till hästar. Hon har anlitats av såväl det svenska kungahuset som av kungen i Bahrain. I dag driver hon ett djur-hospice i Neapel där gamla och sjuka gatuhundar får kärlek och vård. Hon har också ett hospis för hästar i Sverige. Utöver detta driver Mia organisationen Animals without limits som agerar för att hjälpa djur som drabbas vid krig. Allt djurskyddsarbete sker enligt no kill-principen som innebär att inga friska eller behandlingsbara individer avlivas.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Skriv ditt namn i mitt hjärta!
Snart är det Alla Hjärtans Dag! Vi som bor här på hospicet har plats för många i våra hjärtan. Vill du skriva ditt namn i mitt? Sponsra gärna mig eller några av mina vänner här på bilden genom att köpa ett eller flera hjärtan för 50 kr via bankgiro 476-9246 fram till Alla Hjärtans dag. 

Skriv ditt namn på inbetalningen så vi kan tacka alla som hjälper oss. 

That’s amore!
Stella – chef på Casa Dell’Amore

Write you name in my heart!
Valentine’s Day is soon upon us! You humans will express your love for that sweet someone special. But what of us? We Seniors here at the hospice also have big hearts; big enough for all of you! Make us your sweet valentine --- write your name on our hearts! You can sponsor me or one of my friends by donating 5 euro/dollar per heart thru Paypal here on the page.

Please don’t forget to earmark your donation with the name of your Senior 4-legged sweetheart!

That’s Amore!
Stella – President at Casa dell'Amore

Monday, January 20, 2014


So finally! I got my website done.

Well, never done its under construction all the time. On this website I added on a blog too, but I will very seldom write the same things that I have here. Two different blogs.

Please visit my homepage 

Let me know what you think.

That's Amore!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Its interesting how little we know about ourself. When I look back at my years I have done so many things I wouldn't had expected from myself.

Thanks to my Lyme Disease I started to paint. I absolutely do not call myself artist. I call myself Creative.

I find it so much fun, inspiring and scary. Scary since I never know what will come up on the canvas.

This is so far from being done, and some of the things I will re-paint. Before the helmet was painted I had painted feathers. From Indian Chief to Soldier Peace. Yep, you never know your own path.

Stay Brave.

That's Amore!


Being a mom is the most wonderful thing on Earth-- and sometime nerve-wracking.

I love the early  mornings on the weekends. When the kids and dogs sleep longer, no school, and I wake up 0530 in the morning. I make my big glass of coffee. Some dogs goes out  for a quick "out in the garden pee and quick in the bed again"

I turn my computer on. Start reading a little, answering some messages, updating AWL page, and then write a little more on my next manuscript. Dreaming a little about the future!

Its pitch black outside. Dogs snoring. Soon the house will wake up.

Olivia is 8 years old and already starting to think about beauty, being popular in school. Her hormones are really going up and down. I am amazed and a little shocked. Already!

Here I am trying to talk to her about the uniqueness in every one person, friendship, inside beauty. Some time ago I read in a magazine that girls puberty are starting earlier then when I was young.

Between 8-11 years old girls!

Bah! What happen to childhood?

I think I need another coffee....the sunlight is coming up. Time to run back to bed!

That's Amore!

Monday, January 13, 2014


 Many times do we AWL ( see horrifying pictures of old dogs in cages. The text tell us they have been there more than 10 years. In a cage, no grass, no bed, no healthy food. No medical attention. They smell and have bad skin problems.

We contact the shelter operators about many of them, asking if we can adopt them to our Hospice in Southern Italy, where the client can have their own bedroom, couch, small garden, healthy food, and a veterinarian that comes and makes sure they are not suffering. Most important is that they get attention and love, a place to call home.

The sad thing is that many shelters turn our offers down! They prefer to have their dogs like this for a slim hope that people will come and donate money to them. Many are scared of letting them go, they have been their "friend" for 15 years in that cage, wagging and hoping one day to get out. I do believe in some cases, it is similar to "horder syndrome" where the people just can't part with anything, even living creatures that are suffering. Some people are in worse condition than the dogs, and claim they love the dog, and don't want the dog to go to someone else. They say it is better if we help with money for medicine and food.

AWL does not do that. We never give money to shelters. We work with shelters that have trust in us and our veterinarian. Those who know who I am and what AWL stands for.

I urge FB readers to know that sometimes a dog is indeed suffering, but regardless of what we want, we are not allowed to do anything.

In February will we have some Senior rooms ready. I hope we can work together to put some deserving dogs in them.
That's Amore!


Sunday, January 12, 2014


Finally I am getting to like my Nook Book!

That really took some time. I bought the Nook Book several years ago, read one book and handed the "thing" over to my husband. Since he traveled more often than me, he loved to bring the "thing" with him on his long flights-- Germany-Africa. He loved the idea of being able to have many books in one little "thing" that didn't take much room in his bag.
Me, as a Swedish writer I love to sit in my office and look at my book shelves that are stacked with all the books I am going to day!

I felt lost not seeing my books in the Nook Book, or feel them.

Until, a week ago!

At Christmas I didn't get the book I wanted. The book I had been longing to have in my hands, curled up in the couch. The book I wanted wasn't there under the tree. I tried not to show my disapointment. And, I knew it would take two weeks before I would have my book delivered at my home.
I sneaked up to my husbands room, found the Nook Book and downloaded the book I wanted so badly.

Tadaaaa! I could read right away.

No one saw me downloading another new book, since my husband frequently suggest, " Mia! You got the whole room full of books. Read them first!"

And, the best part.... My husbands credit card is attached to the purshasing/downloading the book.

Now That's Amore!

Friday, January 10, 2014


I have written many times in anger about the abuse of a dog or other animal.  I’ve written in mourning about the passing of one of our clients.  I’ve pleaded for donations, and I’ve reported on our successes.  All of those are difficult to write in their own ways.

Today, I write of the passing of a dear friend to Animals Without Limits.  One who, though we never met, had helped us not only monetarily, but with kindness and wisdom, concern and humor.  And love.

Louis Charles “Chuck” Kleber is one very special man.  AWL and I will dearly miss getting warm, interesting emails from him.  He always made me smile, and even brought joy to my children. You could tell he loved life, and shared that love of life with all he met.

In my opinion, he was a great thinker, and full of knowledge which he imparted with very well written correspondence. He shared his memories from different countries and different experiences. His enormous heart for animals was evident from his lovely support to our organization, Animals Without Limits.

I loved how he shared his own memories in his messages.  Sharing. It meant so much to be able to take part in a person’s interesting life, and his certainly had been (and was) interesting.  He gave dog food to shelters through us. It was such a great Halloween gift!  He helped fund our hospice operations.  One of his most touching donations was to fund “Vinnie’s Rescue Van”. You see, Vinnie had been a special dog to his son Craig and daughter-n-law Tracey, and had also touched Chuck’s life. Chuck wanted Vinnie’s spirit to live on in a tangible way helping others less fortunate.

I loved his positive spirit, so wise and so calm. He had a way of being able to see the light in many dark things.  He taught me that not knowing each other doesn’t mean kindness cannot be shared.  My children received postcards from him with wild animals pictures, and he always took the time to write some words about the animals. He was educating in an interesting, engaging way a couple kids he had never met.

He was a funny, serious, loving, interesting man who probably is laughing right now, saying to his new angel friends, “this is not so bad up here.”

He was a great storyteller, and I am so thankful to have received some of his stories. 
One of his favorite quotes;
The Scottish veterinarian and writer, James Herriot (1916-1995), said
"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude,
then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

Godspeed, distant Animal friend.  You will be greatly missed.  

Animals Without Limits
Mia Mattsson Mercer with AWL TEAM ITALY

Saturday, January 4, 2014



I love interesting people!

People that has experienced somthing in life. Quiet often I imagine how it would be to have a cup of coffee together with the person  I find fascinating. What would be my first question?

I of course, would love to have a longer moment together with the person that just one cup of coffee. The first time meeting and we were eating there would not be to much time to talk in between the chews.
And, its like a date. If the person is boring in flesh, coffee would be much quicker than dinner.

I remember, as an Author myself, how exiting and nervous I was at the same time when I had to talk  about my books, in different seminars. Many people came, and every one wanted a little bit more from the person they had read about.  Some writers can be so wonderful storytellers in their silence but so terrible dull in real life. And we many times expect them to be funny all the time.  Impossible!

Sheryl Sandberg (her last name sounds  Swedish) I heard about her on television. The interview caught my attention since I always liked successful women. (they can be successful mothers, doesn't have to be in the business world) I downloaded her book Lean In right away. I couldn't wait until the paper book would come in my mail-box.

I haven't finished it yet, but there are great reminders to fresh up my mind with. Also, some things are very great investing thoughts, for the future. Definitely, I will also buy a paperback to my son and daughter, for their upcoming adult life. I think I will give it to them when they are teenagers.

Now that is a good investment.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Finally 2013 is over!
I didn't like that year very much. I felt like 2013 was a hard year with many different tests and lessons. Interesting enough I saw the same kind of postings on FB from many different people. Not a good year!

Manny people that I am close to, suffers from depression. It has been hurtful to watch (and is), and also to notice that they think its something shameful. To one person I sent the words;
" Depressed people are those that has tried to be strong to long"

 It is nothing shameful.

2014 feels hopeful. I feel Harmony and many new exiting projects. Cannot wait, to try out new things, and finish old projects, and read many books.

Lyme Disease; I feel so much better. I finally noticed how important the diet is. Raw food in the morning, lunch and 80% in the evening. I have read about many people that stopped eating anything with white flour and sugar. I think we are so heading towards the right direction, stronger this year.

I am in love with 2014