Thursday, September 3, 2009

Erika's Dad Watching Over Us

Olivia is sad to say goodbye to her new beloved friends Erika and Bobby. Has nothing to do with the text.

Giove's "parents" stayed in our house only for 2 nights. My daughter Olivia, who is only four-years-old adored them and wanted to be around them a lot. But the last evening she was up on third floor watching TV and Erika and I were sitting downstairs talking. Suddenly, Olivia comes down and is very exited in a positive way, saying to Erika; "Why you not on third floor, with dad?" and she points at Erika that it's her dad.

We both stare at her like we didn't understand what she said. Frustrated, Olivia says it again and again. I ask Olivia "Is he sad?"

"nooo he is happy" she said in a very comfortable tone.

Erika is looking at Olivia and says; "How does he feel?"

"Ohhh he is much better!", my little angel says.

Erika's dad died a couple of months ago at a young age. The cancer took him. Olivia had no knowledge about Erika's dad. He had been involved in the adoption of Giove in the beginning, very supportive of it.

Erika had been sad that her father would not meet Giove in person (even if she knew he would spiritually) Now she has confirmation that he has, thanks to Olivia)


Ulrika said...

What a wonderful gift your daughter have!

Mother in Action said...

Thank you-- I am still working with the e mails, please have hope and trust with me :D

She is an amazing girl ;)

Ulrika said...

No problem.