Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stockholm Sweden

My wonderful friend Milla-- in the middle-- who owns the first dog resturant cafe Himmelska Hundar together with Katie. Were the owners also can have a plate of food.
Monica (to the left) is a fantastic warm person that I met many years ago back to when AWL first started 1999.
Milla and Monica recently returned from China, after visitning rescued bears that they support..

A dogowner is ordering a meatloaf for her big hunting dog.

Dog bites, tasty and yummi, the dogs leave happy.

Ronja the 6 month labrador, love mom and dad...and the food.

And, Himmelska Hundar are great supporters for those who doesn´t have the ability to go into a dog resturant/cafe...they support many organizations that are out rescuing bears and dogs (Ours are to the right).
I love you guys

I totally forgot how beautiful and fantastic Stockholm is. So green, clean and full of green parks, dogs being walked, and always with their owners.

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