Thursday, September 17, 2009


For many months I have had a worry inside of me about Grace and Cuccis' future. You remember them from an earlier blog.

Grace's wrists couldn't take the winter that's arriving since she now has arthritis, and to have to sleep outside in the cold and try to get food would be very hard on her. Even the veterinarian Dr. Gigi said so.

I got a call from two ladies, a mother and a daughter that they wanted to adopt a dog, short hair but medium to big size. I told them about the shelter with 500 dogs (where AWL organized several "dog walking missions") and I arranged with the lady that runs the shelter for us to come when they had closed at 17.00 (due to the problem of these ladies in getting off from work)

When we arrived at the shelter, another worker opens the door claiming she didn't know we would come at this hour. I explained that I'd called and made arrangements.

This lady was very rude and when we pointed at different dogs she said, "No, too hectic." Well, we understand, she's been inside a cage for a long time!

The mother and daughter said they would like to take two. How about this old guy?

"No, too old" the lady told us. (Don't they want to adopt these dogs away?)

She told us to come back another day, maybe on the weekend ... we had to go now.

I can understand that she wanted to go home, but there was another person living there. They know AWL, we have been organizing volunteering and donated food so they know we are serious.

The mother and daughter and I drove away pretty disapointed, and upset over the lady's shortness and unwillingness to help us us to take two big dogs out from the cages. The weekend before, when I heard different speakers at the Spay conference, one had said that some shelter personal get so attached to the dogs that they don't want to adopt them away! Could this be a factor in this otherwise unexplainable rudeness?

While driving away, going another way to the ladies' home I suddenly see Grace and Cucci sitting by the side of the road, at a place we've never seen them, like waiting for something. I stop and throw myself out of the car, petting them and shouting at the same time, "What are you guys doing here?'

The ladies comes out and I tell them the whole story about these two dogs. I hear the mother say, "Can we adopt them?"

I was stunned, all the various emotions went through me, it was a miracle!

Grace and Cucci are now living together with these two wonderful heart-warming ladies, and are already getting lovely spoiled.

I could never, ever have dreamed about this. Some might say 'It was meant to be' ....yes I believe so too, but my heart aches when I think how happy this one energetic female at the shelter was, probably believing she had found freedom. I will never forget her eyes when she was put back into the cage again. This was a bitter sweet moment, because someone who claims she loves the dogs perhaps would never want them to find new happiness together with someone else.


Erika said...

Gud så glada både jag och Bobby blev när vi läste detta! Eftersom vi fick äran att träffa dessa fina två hundar när vi följde med dig ut Mia, när du stannade för att ge dem mat.

Båda hundarna var så lugna och rara, och som du själv sa då så är det inte rätt att separera dem när de levt så länge tillsammans på gatan.

Det är underbart att höra att dessa människor verkligen existerar!

Dem kommer inte att ångra sig.

Kram Erika

Ulla said...

I think they were waiting for you and the Ladies :-)
Underbart att de äntligen fick ett hem tillsammans!


Äppelblom said...

Oh, vad lycklig jag blev av att höra att dessa underbara själar har fått ett hem tillsammans precis som dom förtjänar!! Jag tror också att dom väntade på er, att "det var meningen"...

Otroligt med kvinnan på sheltret! Man skulle tro att det är det ultimata för alla att hundarna får ett riktigt hem! Hoppas hon med förtvivlade ögon får sin frihet på något sätt...

Vad jag ser framemot att träffa dig om 1 1/2 vecka! Har du möjlighet att ta med dig hundgrejer hem till Italien efter Sverige-besöket? Eller får du bara ta det vanliga 20 kg med dig på flyget?

Vi ses snart!
Många kramar till hela familjen!


Mother in Action said...

Tre av mina underbara animal friends, sa roligt att lasa era kommentarer...jag blev sa rord att ni foljer mig och mina fina fyrbenta hundar. Jag ar sa jkla glad over detta och jag skall gora up to date bade Giove och dessa. Fick ett underbart mail fran mamman och dottern som jag sklal posta. Shelter agarn, en Italienks van var har idag och hon skall kora dit och prata med dem. Trist nar de gor saker ses snart. Tyvarr ar det 20kg gransen, men vi kan val losa det pa nagot satt. Ulla kan bunkra upp och flyga ned det till hosten hahaha