Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Memories from Bosnia
It is painful to witness an animal’s death struggle in front of your eyes. The only thing you can do is cry; cry over your own helplessness. It is cramping, with it’s eyes starring into your own eyes asking for mercy.
I feel doomed over not having the tools of either rescuing or killing the animal. My hands are just empty. I do not have the equipment for anything, not even a jeep were I can quickly transport the suffering animal to shorten its struggle.
Certainly no taxi will allow me to take the animal with me. The peoples’ religion says that if you bring an animal inside, no angels will ever come in.
The only power I have is to pray and walk away from the animal. Praying for a fast death for him. Praying for his soul. Praying that the madness will stop. The feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are killing me slowly and the more I get closer to God, the heavier the burden seems to rest on my shoulders.
To see a dead animal is not a comfortable sight but not as scary as to see the death solidifying its grasp on an animal’s still warm body. The anguish as its soul struggles to leave the carcass that moments before was its vessel. In my stomach I could feel the animal’s angst, worries, fears and horror. It is a terrifying picture I will carry with me for a long time.
I can even still smell the cloaked atmosphere of terror caused by the people’s cruelty. The sense of guilt is knocking on my shoulder.
We are all guilty if we turn away from anything breathing.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A Shelter in Sweden
Inside the shelter I saw a mixed dog that they had found in the woods tied to a tree. For how long, no one knows, but he was just skin and bones and very frightened. When rescued, given a bath and food he started to vomit, and up came a piece from a tube and small leaves and sticks.
Dogs with a tough up-bringing can many times be kind of wild. And, as un-patient that we humans can be, we want fast results, even in behavior changes that are deep rooted. We should try to understand that it takes time to build a new trust in an animal that has been abused and we must have insight and the understanding that animals do have memories and feelings.
Animals can show misbelieve through “eating” up the home, or if they are in pain they can growl and bite. But four out of five dogs that bite can be saved, and ultimately be at home in a loving environment. It demands time, of course, knowledge and – love. One love that will be returned a thousand times over.
At the same time we must realize another important factor: Dogs and others are pack animals by nature, and need structure and leadership.
A wise leadership… friendly but firm.
From my first book, Listen when the Animals Talk.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Our Angels Sick and Helpless
When adults are starting to feel ill; (most of the time) they get slowly sick and maybe most important, they can communicate. Yesterday Olivia started to look "not feeling" so well. I felt her forehead and it was "ok" then one hour later...boom...high fever, and she looked so helpless.
You become scared, you know the decision is in your hands and time is ticking--will you make the right decision with what kind of help to give her? You call the advice nurse, you take notes of when you gave her Tylenol and checked her temperature--that didn't go down even a couple of hours later--
For the first time we had to take her to the ER to get help, the fever didn't go down, and the zombie look on Olivia was heartbreaking. We got great help and fast, and could return home after one hour.
Our little girl is sleeping with a more peaceful face now, and my heart have stopped feeling helpless. I am so thankful.
Amazing with children and animals. When they get the right treatment they heal so quickly, thank God.
A lot of thoughts went out last night when I was laying awake watching Olivia sleeping and breathing. Parents that are watching over their children that are so sick, and no one knows the outcome, and these little "soldiers" are so brave and are the ones comforting their parents.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Runny Nose to Runny Butt
But in another way I am very happy and lucky that I have been able to stay home with Olivia-- these 2 years--. Sometimes I think of these mothers and fathers who cannot stay home with their child(ren) for different reasons. In Sweden we are very lucky that the mother can stay home 1 1/2 year with a good paycheck, and I think the father can stay home 4 months with a good paycheck. In US a lot of mothers can just stay home 6 weeks!!!
I talked to a day-caretaker in North Carolina who reported she had to make the phone calls to children’s parent(s) to come and pick up their sick child. The next day the child was back, still sick. Some parent didn’t answer their cell phone the whole day. They told they had been in meetings, or the connection was really bad in the office. [Her request for a work number was met with evasion, no number]. It is a rule in all these centers that sick children should not be brought in until well. Shouldn’t be a rule, but common sense!
A professor at the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden stated that children under two-years old shouldn’t go to day-care centers at all. Only when they reach the age three and four that they are more resistant to infections that run rampant in day-care centers.
In fact, research indicates that for those toddlers under one year of age who regularly attend a day care center, they face a 69 percent higher risk of being hospitalized, compared to children that are kept at home. Between 1 and 2 years old, 47 percent higher risk, 2-3 years old: 41 percent higher risk. And over 3 years old, 8 percent higher risk.
To be sure, children will (and should) get infections as they grow. The Professor said that 6 infections a year/per child is “normal”. But being at a day-care center gave the young toddlers double amount of infections.
It is a hard balance.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me
Monday, October 22, 2007
Our House
Before moving over we had our eyes on another house but my husband thought that probably that house were to old and would have to old pipes and plumbings. Risky.
So we moved into this new three floor house with five bathrooms and six bedrooms and two living rooms.
That we couldn't get Internet in 2 1/2 month we couldn't blame the house, more the system, and us being "to nice" on the phone to the company. When we showed them our back bone they came and installed Internet the day after.
The cold weather came "over night' and our heat system is just working on first and second floor. Of course, my office with Internet is on the third floor were all the penguins are now having a blast in the cold rooms. Sorry for short e mails!
Our security gate out from here doesn't work so you have to hand push them to get out with your Suburban or Truck. being pregnant it isn't that easy to push, well not yet anyway.
Well we have had everything going in this house from constantly electricity shut down to lightning hitting our house but I have to say we have an awesome landlord who really is trying his best. And he was awesome not to yell at me when I backed into the wall with my Suburban and left a big hole. Ops, blond, pregnant and Swede--lovely combination!
The dogs are digging holes in to the lawn so we have planted bushes to cover up what our miss behaved dogs are/have been doing.
So, old house or new house, doesn't matter when the Mercer family moves in with four dogs a blond wife, well it is not any boring moments here.
PS The snow on top of the Mountains-- that we can see from our windows-- are covered with snow, belissimo.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Already a Groupie
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Empty Heart--Huge Heart
That is the danger, to get drowned in to the negative state of mind and forget to start doing something and acknowledge those who does something positive. It is a difficult balance.
I want to thank you all who watched the video clip from the date 16th and forwarded it to friends. Also for you who put it up on your own blog. We cannot forget and we will keep on talking and educating us. We have to talk about things that are uncomfortable and scary. Teach our future, the children, they don't do what, we tell them, they do what we are doing, what they see.
I got an e mail from an American friend that really touched my heart.
I watched the video you attached and it is just sickening.
I've seen one like this back home and the images haunt me still. I tried to click on the link I NEED YOU, however it says the page can not be displayed. Let me know what I need to do in order to help.There is a small pack of dogs who live on my street. They come and visit us every day. They would make for some nice black and white photos.Skippy, the first dog we took in when we arrived (Italy) appears to have been their "pack leader", so when the pack dogs arrive Skippy goes crazy until we let him out to play or they move on.
Remember the Corgi I told you we took in? Well we
found her a home of her own! She moved in with them on Thursday. Our Italian vet gave her a clean bill of health and her new family picked her up the same day. A husband, wife, an 8 year old girl and 2 year old boy. They fell in love with her and they are doing wonderfully. Yay.
Around the same time I found a puppy laying in the middle of the street, barely able to walk. She's a fox hound mix and about 5 weeks old. I brought her to the vet and she tested positive for Parvo- however she has made an astounding recovery. I'll tell you, she doesn't even look like the same dog anymore. I have her quarantined in one of the bedrooms. She is a little
piglet! She eats a can of puppy food a day. I am watering her through a syringe as she has some trouble lapping up too much air when she drinks from a bowl. In two weeks we return to the vet for new blood tests, and hopefully her first set of vaccines. After which time, I can introduce her to Pepe and Skippy. They sit outside her door and whine, i think because they know she isn't healthy. They are anxiously awaiting meeting her! I'm calling her Polly for now. Once I nurse her back to health I will begin to look for a family for her. (that is of course, if I can bare giving her away...) Kathy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Cruelty there is no Excuse for this.
Well I don't want to watch, but if I don't watch and sign on the petition, and get educated, then I am as bad as these men on the video. I have invisible blood on my hands.
You, who wear fur, this could be one of the animals suffering because of you. You can change.
God didn't create us livings to do this or be hiding scared of giving them--the animals-- your voice.
Please, help them by clicking here I NEED YOU
www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video.asp?video=fur_farm&Player=wm&speed=_medS http://www.petatv. com/tvpopup/ video.asp? video=fur_ farm&Player= wm&speed= _med
Monday, October 15, 2007
Dog Cruelty 2
Here is a follow up from yesterday Pets being killed
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dog Cruelty
Many times I do not understand the human race. It makes me sad and upset, that we are an evil species. Here we complain on how some animals can be cruel and attack other animals -- most of the time to survive--Just look at us, how we humans destroy Mother Earth, and each other. We shouldn't talk about respect and put ourselves on a pedestal.
Trip to Pozzouli
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thumb Down for Catty Women
Not so some women!
This phenomena starts early in age and I am sad to discover that it continues up in ages.....There are some women who want to have everything and socialize with different groups by themselves... to be the center of attention by themselves. Even with help organizations. How terrible is that?
One lady told me how she helped a child organization, and I told her I had a lot of children's clothing I wanted to donate. And maybe write a story about the organization when visiting them. "Sure" she said.
Well, I did remind her several times, but I never got the phone number or any information.
So sad for the children!
There is another organization here in Italy, and I would like to join and become active to a degree in what they do. I know one member, and I ask her every time I see her for information on future meetings and such.
She says, "Sure" , but then I either get no information.
Then later on I hear or read that the meeting already have been taking place, and how much fun they had!
Meow on you Catty women.
Alfred Nobel Peace Prize
Congratulation Al Gore, you did it! Better this than being a President....see how fast you made something good in this world.
"Former Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Friday for their efforts to spread awareness of man-made climate change and lay the foundations for counteracting it. "I am deeply honored to receive the Nobel Peace Prize," Gore said. "We face a true planetary emergency. The climate crisis is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity." (quote from Yahoo news)
Please Mr Gore, come down to southern Italy and teach us, we need help.
Children & Parents
In front of the judge she is saying, "I am not a monster I just made some bad choices."
Children is suppose to have a warm loving parent(s) that will always be there and comfort, teach and nurture them. That is our job, we chose that, not the children.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Animal Love
Monday, October 8, 2007
Just a dream?
I wrote the previous post Saturday morning, enjoying my morning's cup of coffee and peace and quiet. For the first time in a long time, we had internet in our home, and were feeling that much more "normal".
Not 12 hours later, the reality is once again no internet.
Saturday night, we had a horrible electrical storm. Olivia and the kids were all keeping close to Todd and I, afraid of the noise and the light. As Olivia says, "faus". (We have no idea where she got that word.)
A near strike of lightning zapped our TV antennea, and arc'ed across two outlets in the family room. There are now charred marks on the white walls where the sparks flew. An electrical access panel in our bedroom also blew across the room, and some things like the elecronic gate latches and door buzzer, hot water heater and some lights now don't work.
But worst of all, the DSL modem/router, that glorious portal to the rest of the world, is dead.
So, begins again our wait for Italia Telecom to bring and install a replacement.
I guess I should be happy that no major damage occurred, or God forbid that something would happen to Olivia, Todd or the kids.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
It is incredible how used to Internet we people have become, and that many people couldn't believe what I was telling them. You have that problem in Italy? Well you should see the garbage "mountains" that would scare you.
But I love the people here, they are wonderful.
So I will see you in the mornings, great to be back.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Yesterday evening the Internet guys came, since my Italian friend had called them and been very angry and said some well choosen words. Couple of hours later they were in my office. BUT no internet yet, but a least we are on the right way....hmmm.
Next, is to get television into our living room....funny, I can live without TV but not Internet.
I have some interesting research about East block women strategi to hook up with a man. Next time I will tell you a little about that even if it doesnt go under "Animals and Children"