Thursday, October 11, 2007

Animal Love

Animals are great teachers, and full of respect towards us.
The first thing my daughter Olivia asks for in the morning--ok except for a bottle of milk--is "Where is Shiloh?' She then runs around to our four dogs and hugs them all good morning... each in turn.
They teach her things I cannot, and probably wouldn't have the patience to do even if I could.
She loves to help me feed them--and they love her for doing it--they always get too much dog food.
She is the best poop finder you can have--suddenly you hear; "oooohhhh poooop" and she goes and gets me to pick it up, to take it out of the yard.
What makes me sad is that all children don't get to explore the animal kingdom like she does. It is a fascinating side of life, just ask Olivia!

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