Monday, July 7, 2014


                                Everyone has Angels in their Hearts

published 2014-07-03 Magazine Nara

Children have a tremendously beautiful, wise vision within themselves.  They're the light from the other side, which in His clarity has not forgotten truth.  Many children who come to this world still believe that it is the same energies here as on other side.  For many children, it is difficult to adapt to "our world".  My daughter Olivia is one of those who find it difficult to fit in to a “normal” world.
Olivia daydreams a lot, like she is flying away out of her body. And she thinks many things operate at too high a decibel.  She thinks there are too many injustices and is moved to tears easily.  Olivia loves animals, nature, and people; she sees the goodness in so much.  Even her teachers say that Olivia is different.  It's a difficult balance and many times very painful to watch.
Olivia has always been in close contact with the other side.  Even at age three, she talked about the things she saw that neither her father nor I saw.  The toys in her room started to play and several times the radio started to play when we had all gone to bed for the night.
Max, her little brother, is also very soft of spirit, and tries to fit in among the tougher boys here in the village where we live.
My kids and I were sitting at the kitchen table when Max suddenly exclaimed, "Mom, you have an angel in your heart!"
As always when my kid state these wonderful, fine clarities, I become speechless.  Olivia looks at her brother with her big blue eyes and says with deep richness in her voice, "Everyone has angels in their hearts!"
That's Amore!

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