Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Feeling Forgotten

Helping organizations, foundations or someone, is a wonderful thing. Volunteering for a worthy cause is a blessing. It should be a wonderful feeling to go on with in life, knowing that you helped in something noble or important. But I have noticed that many persons want something in return. Not only a thank you... but more!

I spoke to a coach last summer, to get some ideas how I could make people do more for the AWL foundation. She told me that many people would expect something in return. Could I have a little party for them, give them presents, give them something that would make them feel special?

My mother apparently knew this all along. She never ask(ed) anyone for help, she always said "They always expect something from you in return!"

When I finished my second book I thanked people in the book and it was with anxiety that I would possibly forget someone. Or, would I thank someone that later on in life I would come to dislike or who would disappoint me? (Well that happened, pumpkin!) My former fiance was angry because he didn't get thanked higher up on the page.

When I started the foundation (1999) Animals Without Limits, there were some people who donated or helped the AWL, and in return wanted me to communicate with their pets. At that time it was nearly impossible since I had up to 2 years of waiting list, and it felt so wrong to push the ones that had been waiting even further back on the list.

And today, I am afraid that someone will feel forgotten, or not feeling thanked enough (Please send me an e mail if that is the case, it is not ridiculous. For me that is important to know).

I wish I could give you all presents, but a small comfort for you maybe is; the dogs are the one receiving the gifts.

And that is AWL Amore goal number one.


Anonymous said...

No Mia, don´t feel like this, You have more than enough on your shoulders! The things You do for all the animals is more than enough and if anyone feels otherwise - it´s their problem, not Yours!

Fasen, att människor kan vara så knepiga!

Stor kram/ Big Hug!

Mother in Action said...

hi Elinor,
Thanks for your comment it means a lot to me. I know I have a lot of readers but it is always fun/nice to get a comment. I wish it could start a discussion here too.

Ja, manniskor ar en konstig ras.
