Monday, July 21, 2008

One Working Solution with Strays

In Maricopa County, Arizona, 18 million dollars where spent each year on stray animal control. Sheriff Joe Joe Arpaio offered to take over the department, and the County Supervisors agreed. The animal shelters are now all staffed and worked by the prisoners. They feed and care for the dogs.

Every animal in Sheriff Arpaio's care are now taken out and walked twice daily. He has prisoners who are now well educated in animal health and behavior. (Not only prisioners should learn this) They give great classes for people who adopt an animal.

He has taken stray dogs off the street, and given them to prisoners to take care of. The budget is now down to 3 million dollars. You can adopt a neutered dog with current shots, good health, and a microchip inserted. Adopting fee is around 80 dollars.

It seems also that the prisoners are making fantastic progress. Many are being "healed" by the dogs, and love to come out of their cells. For some, it is the first time anyone or anything has depended on them, and provided unconditional love. And the prisoners are responding accordingly!
Sheriff Arpaio has a history of taking controversial stands and doing what many say can't (or shouldn't be done). According to many people he's a living legend in the American Southwest. An dealing with the stray solution --and prisoners is something I agree on.
This time, his common-sense approach to a problem has a great payoff for his prisoners and the county taxpayers at the same time (not to mention the strays). It's a classic "win-win" situation. Maybe this is something for everyone to take after, and specially Canada.

This is good Amore solution--two species learning from and helping each other.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story - AGAIN! THANK YOU for shearing it with us!

Lots of hugs and Amore to your family!


Mother in Action said...

Wonderful to know you are still rading my blog!!

Thank you so much
