Thursday, December 31, 2009


I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and at the same time thank you all for your support to AWL --and to me. Your donations, kind words and hard work have made a huge different for the strays here in Campania.
2010 will be a big change for AWL, I hope you want to follow us on the big adventure that lays ahead.
A big Amore hug from me and Scooby!


Ulrika said...

Happy New Year to all of you who makes a big difference to our 4 and 2-legged friends!!

Äppelblom said...


We moved yesterday (we were ready at 2 at night!) and today we cleaned our old department. Now we´ll have a nice evening in Richards parents house. Our new apartment is a total mess with all our things laying around on the floor :( So we´ll start our new year by trying to make some order in our new home...

LOTS OF HUGS to your hole family!

Are Olivia and Max better now?

Amore from Bella with family

Mother in Action said...

@ulrika thank you so much and our best to you too.
@Bella, what a great thing to start a new year, a new home a new start! All our best.
Olivia and Max are doing much better, now its my turn :-)
Amore to you all!