My two Angels are, and have been very sick since a couple of days ago. Yesterday, and today they have really been sick. That's why I haven't been on my computer wishing you all wonderful friends and family and AWL fans, a Merry Christmas.
I have been so worried for my children's health and felt so helpless, I know that's how most moms feel but it is a horrible feeling. You just want to take away their pain.
We had two go twice to the hospital..short sleepless nights but it seems like they are getting much better this afternoon. Thank God.
Thank you everybody for your support, your love for the animals, and to AWL.
Love and Holiday light to you all from us.
We send lots of "get well soon"-wishes to Olivia and Max!
Hope you little-ones feel better soon...
Lots of hugs!
Thanks for your thoughts and love as always.
I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …
Wow thank you Anonymous that was a warm hearting thought to us.
THANK YOU it means a lot since many AWL volunteers are reading the blog and can also feel great about your comment :D
It agree, very good information
Jag hoppas innerligt att dom mår bättre!Skickar härmed massa "krya på er" kramar till barnen och styrkekramar till dig som mamma, det är inte lätt när ens barn är sjuka. Vi hörs
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