Friday, January 1, 2010


picture vet. Mariagracia taking a blood test on Phillipo

Ulla Linder. a volunteer from Stockholm, came down back in November with a lot of care packages. She had also designed my buisness cards and AWL buisness cards---wohoo I feel so important ---And she had also made AWL stickers, really nice ones.

She went with us to the shelter and fell in love with Phillipo. And in my house she fell in love with our Capri. Both dogs will have a great owner, fantastic athmosphere and life being spoiled.

We put Ulla to work while she was here, hard work like taking care of Benjamin, cleaning his pen, his surroundings and bath him every day in special treatment shampoo.

Ulla was tested very hard by me, since I cannot have "coffee ladies" around me who want to socialize but not work. Ulla passed the test with great verve. Also Ulla, thank you for your Christmas donation, what an amore gift.

Thank you for everything, all the presents, leashes, collars, brushes, you name it ... and MONEY!


Ulla said...

Thank you so much for all kind words! I'm so greatful that I got the opportunity to visit you in Italy and I admire you and all the volunteers so much for the GREAT WORKS you all are doing. My wish for the new year is that AWL will be able to continue it's work and hopefully get the hospice that they realy need. I also hope that AWL Sweden will be succesfull to help you with your work.
Looking forward to take care of my new "pack" and I hope they will enjoy their new swedish life :-)
I wish you, your family and all the wonderful volunteers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I love you all, big Amore!

Äppelblom said...

CONCRATULATIONS for your new familymembers, Ulla!!!

I`m sure you´ll be a big happy family together ;)

Lots of hugs!

Bella & co