Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This morning I dropped off our dear Abby for blood work and for Dr Damiani to examen her right front leg. Lately she has not used it, jumping around on three legs. I left her there for x rays and are soon going to pick her up. Keep fingers crossed.
So I went on base to do some shopping. When I walked out in the rain I saw something more or less crawling in the rain. A young Setter maybe pregnant.

She was in a horrible shape, skin and bones and "dead' tired. I called her, and it took long time for her to move, she was in a lot of discomfort. I took out some food and she took only three bites. She was to tired to eat.
My animal friend Jackie came and helped me lift her into my SUV and the poor Setter collapsed. In high speed I drove 30 minutes to the vet. clinic were wonderful Dr Damiani came out and carried her in. She will stay there under observation. Keep your Amore fingers crossed for this young beautiful soul that I named Daisy.

Dr Damiani thank you for your fantastic help! That's Amore.

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