Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Abby's Return

Friday, May 29, 2009
Meet Abby

She is now with LegaProAnimale, and Dr. Friz is giving her the full treatment: spaying, de-worming, and treating that ear wound. She won't get her initial shots until at least 10 days after the surgery, which was Thursday. Dr. Friz, by the way, estimates Abby's age at just 3 months.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Missions go on despite illness

Please visit www.animalswithoutlimits.blogspot.com
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Cat in a Serious Problem
Saturday, May 23, 2009
When You Want to Look Good
Well, this article shows that statistics can kill, too.
Statistics. Numbers of stray dogs. Numbers of rabies cases. Numbers of ... the lists and tables go on. Then, for one reason or another, it becomes a crisis, and the 'normal' process is thrown to the side, and people are activated to do that which they wouldn't normally do.
Why? Statistics! And fear of making the city or country look bad on the world stage.
Lives sacrificed for image. Souls cast aside for convenience. Death on a massive scale.
Homeless humans cause much the same problems, and have many similar "statistics", yet society never stands for the wholesale slaughter of them. Why? What makes humans so special?
This article is about bureaucrats sitting behind desks, making decisions totally removed from reality, or from having a heart.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Horses & Children
Watching my daughter ride is a true pleasure. And today, she trotted for her first time. Bouncing up and down, her helmet was flopping around, and she just giggled!
These two boys --on the picture-- were holding their mothers horse while she was helping another lady, that touched my heart.
But it was difficult watching one boy riding his horse in the riding arena, in the same group as my daughter.
He did n’t use his feet to increase the speed of the horse. He did n’t use his seat to hold an even tempo together with his horse. He used his whip on the horse the whole time.
The instructor did n’t say anything, nor his father whom stood watching with an unexpressed face. The roller coast of emotions.....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Island Cat Work

We took the 45 minute boat ride (ferry) over from Pozzouli, and it was magic for my soul today. We managed to treat 6 cats, and one had lost his eye and it was running around with a big open wound. Dr. Inga and I tried to catch him but had to give up since he was hiding under a boat and fishing material. Dr.Inga will be returning to the island again soon, and will seek out this cat to try to catch him again.

Gosh what a great Amore day.
I brought my camera with me, only to realize that I had forgotten the memory stick. I could kill myself. But I was able to get these few pictures in the internal memory.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Fiora is Getting a New Family

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Fine Word
A quick return from her with the line, "You are a fucking wise woman"
This is the best compliment I have ever got...since the F word is so strong, that means that I am SO wise. I love it! That's Amore
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lui The Fourth
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Computer Nightmare
The e mails are gone, so please re-send me e mail(s) again. How stupid can I be?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wonderful People
One couple had decided to adopt a dog (in the States) and went to a very nice shelter, found a Rottweiler that they fell in love with. A donation fee was asked for, and the couple gladly paid, and they even paid a little more than double the fee. Later they found out that one man could not afford the adoption fee but wanted one particular dog very much. Because of the generous donation from the couple, this man was able to adopt the dog for free.
This is so much Amore.
The family Wyro are a great Amore family, and even the grandmother has donated to AWL. We thank her dearly.
Our friends from Germany visited us yesterday and they brought donations with them; toys, blankets, dog food and money. You are so wonderful, our dear friends.
Bella with her family, thank you again for your donation. Your support means so much to (us) me.
Veterinarian Inga donated to AWL, not "only" her time but also money. Such Amore.
Vittoria, who spent the whole Tuesday morning translating and seeking/research after Oscar's owner. A very frustrating day.
You wonderful people donate and give us help, hope and strength. I love you!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mission Question
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Horse Moment
I want Olivia to learn how much work it is with a horse (or any animal) and also the importance to be connected with the horse from the ground, from that perspective of the relationship.
The teacher smiled when I told my daughter to thank the horse after the lesson. I find it very important to be thankful to the horse, who is after all, the one working hard for our pleasure.
Oh dear! Mothers always have internal fears. But I promise you, when she is having her lesson my lips are closed.
Respecting Time
The moment of joy, honesty and love, pure living that we all seek.
My biggest frustration however is most of the time with humans, the people that many times lie, make an appointment but never show up, selfish handling and get pissy if you are not there for them when they call.
They can be quick to euthanize their dog since the dog is suddenly inconvenient or you are on your way back to your home country and cannot bring the dog you are "fostering". Or, adopts it but brings it back after two days; it was too hairy!
I wish everyone could respect time. And when they know you have children, how can they be so ignorant and not show up? You pay babysitter to facilitate the the appointment, but the person never shows up -- a total waste of time and money.
Today when everybody has a cellphone--use it for information and messages to other people who respect your time.
Like I said to a friend today, hell I have so many stories that it can become a new book. Like the American Professor that wrote the book, "Bullshit" (about why we bullshit other people).
But then, then you met a wonderful person that gives you hope about humans behavior. Like today at the vet clinic. A lady brought two puppies in that she found left by the side of the road, and now had them spayed. Like she asked me, "Why don't more people help?'
Can you answer that question?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My Days Are Words
The teacher was wonderful with the kids, and they all loved him back.
Two older girls in Olivia's class had bigger horses, and when the lesson (50 minutes) was nearly over, I saw Olivia pointing at the other horses. Teacher stopped one, took off the rider and put Olivia on top of this huge horse.
Olivia didn't want to ride a pony, she wanted her own big horse. That's my girl!
I can tell you that it is a very strong book about strays in different countries, dogs healing children and communication between me and strays ...not giving you too much information here now (I hope).
I still go out on mini missions, more about that later. Ciao for now!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Dumping Friends
An International family left their two dogs at a Park yesterday and took off for good without them.
How can anyone justify doing something to a "family member" by dumping their problem into someone else's hands! How can you abandon someone who gave you love and trust?
Then I read the news about parents leaving their children at a resturant and disappearing. Many would say they have had a disturbed childhood, many would say they don't know right from wrong about what causes others pain and suffering.....But that is blaming instead of taking full responsibility for your own actions.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Friends New Book

I sin nya bok tar Benny Rosenqvist oss med på en resa till andra sidan en plats fylld av kärlek och ljus. Alldeles för många av oss låter rädslan styra våra liv. Vi är rädda för att aldrig hitta kärleken, rädda för att välja fel jobb och fullständigt livrädda för att dö. Vissa av oss är så rädda för döden att vi inte vågar leva livet fullt ut. Med sin tredje bok, Ljusfolket, visar författaren att det faktiskt inte finns något att vara rädd för. För livet tar inte slut när vi dör. Våra själar lever vidare på andra sidan och när vi är redo återföds vi till jorden för att skaffa oss ytterligare erfarenheter och växa som människor. Som läsare får du här veta mer om din egen livsplan som du utformar redan innan du föds! och om hur det vi kallar intuition i själva verket kan vara viktiga budskap från din himmelska guide. Följ med på en resa bland änglar och onda andar, tvillingsjälar och utomjordingar en resa till andra sidan!
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Me who thought it was only human girls that stung