I was standing talking to a woman and her dog Pippi (named after Pippi Långstrump). They had just moved into a, new two-story house.
“I am concerned about our dog,” she said “when she walked into our master bedroom she became so frightened! It was terrible to see.”
“Maybe you have a ghost in your bedroom.” I suggested, only half kidding.
She took me for a guided tour in her beautiful new house, on a leash Pippi walked next to us. When we went up the stairs I took the leash and asked the woman to be quiet so I could pick up on what Pippi was sending to me.
“Her family from the past found her one day on the second floor and punished her badly”, I told her after a time.
“That explains why she has been afraid in all the two-story houses we visit, our former home was just one floor.”
I told the woman to just ignore Pippi’s behavior. I could sense from Pippi that she felt so secure with her family, and this behavior would soon pass.
A couple of days later I spoke with Pippi’s owner and she told me happily that Pippi first refused to sleep on the second floor but one night she came up and laid next to their bed, just as she had in their old, single story home.
“I am concerned about our dog,” she said “when she walked into our master bedroom she became so frightened! It was terrible to see.”
“Maybe you have a ghost in your bedroom.” I suggested, only half kidding.
She took me for a guided tour in her beautiful new house, on a leash Pippi walked next to us. When we went up the stairs I took the leash and asked the woman to be quiet so I could pick up on what Pippi was sending to me.
“Her family from the past found her one day on the second floor and punished her badly”, I told her after a time.
“That explains why she has been afraid in all the two-story houses we visit, our former home was just one floor.”
I told the woman to just ignore Pippi’s behavior. I could sense from Pippi that she felt so secure with her family, and this behavior would soon pass.
A couple of days later I spoke with Pippi’s owner and she told me happily that Pippi first refused to sleep on the second floor but one night she came up and laid next to their bed, just as she had in their old, single story home.
The people that had found Pippi-- before she got adopted by the lovely Family Sims--, told me that she had lived in a two-story house, before the family moved and kicked her out on the street.