Friday, January 11, 2013


 The more I research Lyme disease, the more surprised I am about the ignorance towards so many sick people --- . As with other illnesses, it's possible to be very ill and outwardly look fine. Very low energy levels, neurologic and brain dysfunction don’t often change a person’s appearance. Family and friends are sometimes hard on victims simply because they don’t look sick. Don't give up searching for your answer to why you are sick.

 This is Mullet, a dumped dog and now searching after a new family. He is such a sweet heart, he just wants to stay close to people and especially boys. He was out hiking with teenage boys escorting them around where he now lives. He is around 8 years-old, castrated yesterday thanks to volunteer Lori and sponsored by Animals Without Limits. He is in Southern Italy, but we can arrange a passport and have him at your door whenever you say YES!
This is how I look in the mornings. With two small children and "around" fifteen dogs. But it is also very soothing for my body especially when seven of them lay in my office snoring while I am writing.

I wish you all a stress free weekend! That's Amore.

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