Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Picture Can Make A Difference

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Broken Legs But Not a Broken Heart
Friday, August 28, 2009
Feeding Missions
Ulla Linders, and Bella Appleblom our faithful animal sponsors, thank you so much for your donations. Also AWL want to thank old "animal friends" Jeanette, and her husband Waldemar --with their company Dreamlight AB --for their donation so we can keep up our work with the medical treatment to our fantastic strays.
Our next mission; going to get a dog with broken back legs out from a shelter.
Thank you Kim from Denmark, you and your wife donated a super fantastic dog bed, bowls, brushes. Millions Amore Thank you to all
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Jackie Makes Wonders
Jackie was one of the hard working volunteers last Saturday. She is a very gentle, patience and loving person. The dog's loved having her around, she gave them so much, so much to remember after we left. Amore Bella!
Also visit www.animalswithoutlimits.blogspot.com
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cool Nice Bath
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Molly My Molly

Molly was the one most loving. One day one dog was gone, killed we presume...another day the other one was gone, probably killed.
We tried to ask people to adopt her or foster her, no luck. On our way home from the dog walk I had the AFN team filming her situation and help me maybe find someone that could take her home.
We couldn't bring her in here, 14 dogs and another one can risk the harmony in the pack. And, my neighbor's they are so wonderfully patience with us.
I think it was a week ago I got a feeling that something bad would happen to Molly, I told my husband. He asked me several days what we should do? My answer was the same every day; "I don't know!"
Todd drove out to see Molly but she was gone...the whole surrounding area was burned down.
We are keeping our eyes open, and keep driving past, hoping against hope that she will turn up. But increasingly, we fear that Olivia's channeling is right. And the world has lost another sweet, innocent soul, needlessly.
Someone Kicked Him Out
This beautiful German Shepard was found abounded. His fur was horrible but Eric and the AWL team did a great work giving him a bath and brush.
Rossella brought him into her shelter. You can tell she does a hard great job. Amore work Rossella!
New Camera
Saturday, August 22, 2009
AWL Volunteers Did It Again
Photos Copyright (c) 2009, Todd A. Mercer. All Rights Reserved
Friday, August 21, 2009
From a Dogs Day
From a shelterdog's eyes (or ears), not much Amore to look at from their side of the cage.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Adopted Fish
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Magazine Harliga Hund

Monday, August 17, 2009
A Big Thank You Again

Sometimes well intentioned efforts can cause unintended problems, but AWL listened and learned and this time it went much smoother and better.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Small Walking Mission
Friday, August 14, 2009
Giove Got His PassPort

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stella Is Adopted

It is now official after changing the microchip. Stella has been adopted by a lovely loving couple. She's already been living with them for a couple of weeks. After we changed the documents we went all to have a good cold coffee drink in 35 C.
We are so Amore happy for Stella.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Giove--Follow up

We have paid, me and my husband, 700 euro for his treatment and lodging. And then the trip for him is not included. This is one reason why Sweden gets a lot of sickness and problem dogs since adopting a healthy dog is expensive and no organization can afford to spend up to 1000 euro per dog on many cases.
Today, me and my children picked him up and he was so sweet in the car, sitting looking out through the back windows. He was a good gentleman when walking into my yard and 6 dogs greeted him sniffing him very carefully and he stood absolutely still and wagged his tail.

Right now he is outside laying in his first grass ever, together with his former "terrible shelter" friends wondering...what is this green stuff?
A Big Thank You
There are so many I want to thank and I am so afraid to forget someone. Please forgive me if I do.
Thank you everyone that made the dog walk possible and into a positive chaotic success. Americans, Brits, Germans and even one more Swede helped out. It was a chaotic, wonderful day!
All the 70 volunteers that walked in the heat and gave the dogs something to remember while laying in their cages. AWL also wants to thank St Franscesco who let us "invade" their shelter and with a lot of patience for us roaming around. To the persons who brought in the sick cat that laid injured outside on a street, so the veterinarian -- located in the shelter-- could put in an IV and examine the little one, thank you for your kindness.
Vania, Keegan, Bruce and Dennis (and Rosa's spirit) my top team, thank you for helping to spread the word, and for helping our new volunteers. It's not easy being new in something that is very different from "back home".
We donated around 30 bags of dogfood to the shelter, thank you all for helping with this.
And all the treats, and petsmart balls and frisbees and collars (Eric) and blankets (Cindy).
Gennifer and Tim's beloved pet, Charlote's things. Her spirit lives on with her things' new users.
So many wonderful hearts, all at the same time.
Money donations; Lisa Tullis, Keegan Kasten, Bruce Armond, Eric Wooley, Lynn Woodalls, Tracey Kleber, Cheryl Kelman, Todd Mercer, Tamara Hampikian, Patricia Hoskins, Paola Maria Gaetano, Traci Van Field, China Plauto, Bella Appelblom, Mitra Talarman, Ulla Seidel, A wonderful couple from Cuma.
Chans Organization donations from their members, thank you so much.
Thanks to Jackie who informed Anna on the base about us, Anna made sure that AWL could get 50 boxes of "dog hamburger food" that we donated to Shelter Franscesco.
For the drinks and fruit thank you Mia, and Vania brought ice, and Jackie plastic cups. Team work!
And Lisa at Panorama, for shining a light on our work.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Small Update
Gosh I am so behind many things, and I will not get any vacation this summer. Eh, who can have vacation with 13 dogs and 2 children?
Of course, every day I still go and feed Grace, the German Shepard with the problem front wrists-- and she is starting to be worse again--, and Cucci the Rottweiler. I am worried since the neighbors don't like Cucci chasing their tires when passing. One mother stoped and told me the rottweiler is a dangerous dog. I asked why, "He is chasing the tires when my children are passing."
I can understand a mothers concern, I believe I would feel the same. But I am worried that they will do something bad to Cucci. It is fantastic though and others have said so, Cucci doesn't chase my tires. They hear my SUV and out they come to greet me. Today they wagged their tails, but they only ate a little and then they didn't want to cuddle as we always do. I pray nothing will happen to them, but I'm worried for them just the same.
There is another dog two streets away that I have started to stop and feed, also. One house was giving him water and food, but a couple of days ago I saw the plates were smushed, and no more food. I don't have the heart to pass him while he is still waiting for the house to feed him as they always did before. How will he understand that they don't want to feed him anymore?
(I feed away from the house, more into another street)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
More Dog Walk Pictures

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Romeo Needs A Home
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Olivia's Dog

Dad said, "Ah, what is 13 dogs?" Olivia came walking towards us not knowing that her parents had accepted this little Twittie. "Please put her in the car."
We drove Twittie to the vet clinic were she got sterilized, de-wormed and frontline'd and had to stay for three days. Olivia was so happy to get her little friend home and the whole night slept with Twittie at the end of her legs. Titte due Amore!

Monday, August 3, 2009
Defending His Own Pain
We were going to move an abandoned dog from an open Parco. The Italians who lived there didn't want the dog and hit him with brooms and other sharp equipments. Since he was abandoned he returned down to the place were he had once felt secure, outside what had been "his" villa. He could snap at you if you came and tried touching his head but that was just a defence mechanism.
When I came there today he had gotten into an Italian garden and couldn't get out. He sat so close to the fence, happy when we came in. I had a collar and leash and after some minutes I got him, without need to tranquilize him. I got him into the SUV and you could understand he had been in a car many times before. He loved sitting there in the A/C while we drove to the veterinarian to have him castrated.
"Sammie" as we named him, had of course no microchip, no collar, and when it was time to weigh him, he showed his teeth. We tried to put a muzzle on, and it didn't work, he snapped at us. Trying to do the injections in his neck, he bit me and he went after my hand four times.
"Sammie", likely a Husky/Sheltie mix, had been so damaged by people hitting him, and we also don't know why someone abandoned him. Clearly he had been someone's pet before.
We couldn't dare to adopt Sammie to anyone since he bit without a warning; not just once but many times because he was scared. We did the right thing by removing him from his cruel environment, or so some people say. One part of me says that too, but darn it that a dog has to pay a price --- his life --- because of cruelty and stupidity and irresponsibility of humans. I most of all wish the people who loved him as a family member and then left him when they departed, would know that their little friend isn't happily living with some other family, but rather had to be put down after being abused for too long by cruel and stupid people.
AWL Dog Walking Mission: Something for Everyone

Please also visit http://www.miamattsson.blogspot.com/ for more pictures.
Pictures Copyright(c) 2009, Todd A. Mercer. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dog Walking Success!

More information, follow up and pictures later. Just a super amore day.
Or as Olivia says: "cool".
Pictures: Copyright (c) 2009, Todd A. Mercer. All Rights Reserved.