Fox is learning so fast, I am very proud over him. Fox, who had been locked inside a small lot his whole life; never have been in a car, never played with other dogs, never got to read human body language. His "human contact" consisted of a plate of food pushed in under the gate. When the plate was not reachable the person used an umbrella to pull it out for refiling. That is the extent of his "socialization". Pretty pathetic, on the part of the humans.
Our teacher said today that Fox is well behaved, since he allowed me to hang over him when trying to figure out how the heck his harness worked. It was tough, a brilliantly designed harness, in two colors so you knew which was up and which would go under the stomach. But still a struggle to put on for the first time.
Then he learned how to listen when hearing his name, and he who didn't even know his name, but after few minutes he got the hang of it. It took me the whole lesson (not my name... to keep track of the different commands, and when to reward!)
We tried a clicker. And gosh that was great, so on our way home we bought a yellow one....important with colors so I can spot it in a heartbeat were I put it the last time.
On our way home Fox and I went and fed the new puppies that AWL is going to try to help at the skeleton houses.
Fox was a brilliant student, like the teacher said, "he is very curious." And that is a good grade for a beginner.

This is Adonis. He is up for adoption. He is one of the five puppies at the skeleton house. More on him and his siblings in a later post.
Good work, both of you! :-)
Vad härligt att det går så bra med Fox!
Ni ger honom ett riktigt bra start på "det nya livet"..
Många kramar
Bella & co
Thank you guys....I am telling you he is GREAT. He slept at our home last night....what a boy. Dad got up at 0400 this morning and not a beep (eh bark)
But we have a long way to go...still half the pack has to join him.
He will be a great working dog, he got the spirit.
Congratulations for proving everybody wrong! Trust your gut feeling, you are always right on the money! I am so proud of you and Fox!!! AMORE
Amore mia, grazie. Thanks for coaching me with the coffee and choclates. And sometimes my frustration :-)
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