Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rain Mission Impossible

Today was like fighting the devil himself. Rain and more rain, and these 7 dogs are just chained up with the water getting higher and higher by every hour.
The veterinarian and I stood there in water up to our knees. It was hard to see anything, and even harder to examine the dogs. As hard as all that was, it was even harder to leave these dogs. Will they be drowned tomorrow?

One of the dogs is a black Labrador that someone had left on the street; another one is a female and is pregnant. Everyone of them is freezing and miserable.

Gosh ... more later, I am freezing myself and I am not happy with what I have seen today.
Helplessness and failure are my main feelings right now. I will tell you the whole story, and my thoughts in a couple of hours. A dopo! (Later)

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