Monday, June 27, 2016

What Kind of Language do the Animals Communicate in?

My column in Tidningen Nära 

What Kind of Language do the Animals Communicate in?

Can a foreign dog from Italy understand the Swedish language when adopted in that country?

The brilliance of animals is that they can communicate in any language.

Animals talk in images and emotions. Its as if we would see a silent film that changes shades like a mood ring. They have clarity in what they are sending and do not send out different or contradictory signals as we humans can do. We can say one thing but mean something completely different.

Children and animals have the cleanest and clearest communication.

What is scientifically proven is, when animals communicate (or small children) they transmit images. These inner images are 0.4 seconds faster than our spoken words. We can think of something and often the animal perceives (or receives) it.

Body language is of course also a major factor in the whole process of communication, just as with humans. However, the animals must be required to learn not their own language but also the human language.

Giovanni was a small terrier abandoned in a shelter. I sat down beside him and felt a tremendous sadness flowing from the little dog. He had lost someone he loved!

The owner of the shelter nodded, and told me that the dog’s owner had died, but the remaining members from the family didn’t want him. I laid down next to him and was only in the moment.

I was later told where his master was buried, and I took the dog with me to the cemetery. Directly, Giovanni jumped out and began to sniff, and then moved up to the newly made grave.

Later Giovanni jumped into the car and his energy field had changed. Several days later, we could see a huge difference in his behavior. He ate, and he eyes sparkled again.

At the cemetery, I could "think" the emotions in peace and quiet while Giovanni picked up "pictures". There was no one around that could interfere with us, with his or her negative feelings, or send pictures that they felt sorry for Giovanni. Pity turns into negative emotions and allows children and animals to translate them into a message of  "useless". They feel like “no one likes me”.

A few days later Giovanni was adopted. His new energies attracted the new family, an elderly couple, like his former master.

Animal Language has no words; energies can speak all languages. If we are clean and clear in our thoughts and flow we then become understandable. Swedish as well as  Italian.

That's Amore!
Mia Mattsson-Mercer

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Vilket språk kommunicerar djuren på?

Både djur och barn har en ren kommunikation med bilder och känslor. 

Vilket språk kommunicerar djuren på?

Krönika av Mia Mattsson-Mercer

Kan en utländsk hund från Italien förstå det svenska språket? Begåvningen med djur, är att de kan kommunicera vilket språk som helst.

Djuren pratar i bilder och känslor. Som om vi skulle se en stumfilm. De har en klarhet och sänder inte ut olika signaler som vi människor kan göra. Vi kan säga en sak, men göra något helt annat. Barn och djur har den renaste kommunikationen. 

Vad som är vetenskapligt bevisat är när djur kommunicerar (eller små barn) sänder de bilder. Dessa inre bilder ligger 0,4 sekunder snabbare än det talande ordet. Vi kan tänka något och djuret uppfattar det oftast. 

Kroppsspråk är dessutom en stor faktor i det hela kommunikationsspråket, precis som med människor. Oftast måste djuren vara tvungna att lära sig människans språk också. 

Giovanni var en liten terrier som satt i ett shelter nere i södra Italien. Jag satte mig ned sidan om honom och kände en enorm sorg strömma från den lilla hunden. Han hade mist någon han älskade! 

Ägaren av sheltret nickade och berättade att hans husse hade dött, men resterande familjemedlemmar ville inte ha honom. Jag lade mig ned sidan om honom och bara var i situationen. 

Jag fick veta var hans husse var begraven och jag tog hunden med mig till kyrkogården. Direkt hoppade Giovanni ut och började sniffa, för att sedan gå fram till jordhögen.

Giovanni hoppade senare in i bilen och hans energifält hade förändrats. Flera dagar efteråt kunde vi se en enorm skillnad på hans beteende. Han åt och ögonen gnistrade igen. 

På kyrkogården kunde jag ”tänka” hela proceduren i lugn och ro medan Giovanni plockade upp ”bilderna”. Där fanns ingen runtomkring oss som kunde störa med sina negativa känslor eller skicka bilder att de tyckte synd om Giovanni. Tycka synd om förvandlas till negativa känslor och får barn och djur till att översätta dem till ”värdelösa”. De känner, ingen tycker om mig.

Giovanni blev adopterad ett par dagar senare. Hans ”talande” sätt lockade den nya familjen, ett äldre par, likt hans förra husse. 

Djurspråk har inga ord, endast energier och kan tala alla språk. Om vi är rena och klara i våra tankar blir flödet förståeligt. Svenskt som Italienskt.

That’s Amore!

Mia Mattsson-Mercer

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Olivia is Back on Horse Back

This weekend we went to the riding school were Olivia is taking lessons. This time Olivia watched  the jumping competition. She was amazed and thrilled! Now she wants to start jumping again.

Olivia started a couple of weeks ago at Nordstetten taking lesson from Frau Hirsch

Olivias first riding out in the woods. Twice a week is she taking care of a handsome horse named Sunshine. In the picture is Maria who also takes care of Sunshine. She is very kind to Olivia helping her when feeling insecure.

Here they ride out and Olivia was HAPPY!

Olivia and the horse she takes care of "Sunshine" Olivia wants of course her own horse, but I think she is to young, we don't live on a farm however, this is a great way of getting experience.

Thats Amore!


Some of you have asked if I cannot translate my columns that I write for Magazine Nara. Here is my latest. Happy Reading!

Chained Animals in the Human World

He stood frozen with a thick chain around his neck. The beautiful Rottweiler’s neck weighed down and I could feel his pain along his entire back. Our eyes met!
I could not understand why the owner kept him chained and locked up in a cage! Despite the dull eyes he did radiate a strong wisdom. I feel a strong despair about chained animals, for all animals that are being held in captivity. 

Suddenly I heard an inner voice from him:
"You people show more fears than any other animal on this planet. You want to own and claim the lives of those who radiate love and wisdom. Your fears go on for generations and wont end until every single person says stop.
We animals have an important role in your life. Together!
What comes out from you affects the chain of life. It affects your neighbor, zoos, families, friends, strangers and most importantly, children."
My daughter Olivia, was maybe three or four years old, when she went a couple of hours a week to an Italian kindergarten. One day the Kindergarten would go to the circus. My heart clenched. I did not want Olivia to go there, the circus used live animals. I expressed my despair to a good friend.
"Mia let her go there and get her own impression. If she does not get to go, it will be even more difficult for her to understand all the children's joy the next day in school. She will feel excluded. In addition, she will never learn to argue either, " said my wise friend.
It was with a fake smile, I waved goodbye to the happy children at the school bus. A few hours later I picked Olivia up at the schoolyard. She was walking towards me with her head bowed. Her little arms hugged me, "Mom, it was so horrible to see these animals, they do not feel good!"
My eyes filled with tears, I whispered quietly, thank you universe, and to my friend and to my wise little daughter Olivia.

You're probably wondering what happened to the Rottweiler? I tried to talk to the owner of the Rottweiler and the police, but they all looked at me with empty, bland eyes. One night, "someone" cut the padlock and the neck chain with a bolt cutter. Today King lives at an unknown location with protected identity.
That’s Amore!

You can read the column in Swedish on Tidningen Nara

Friday, June 3, 2016


Do you want to arrange a workshop, there are some dates left if you want me to come to your city, country. 

Either in Swedish or English. Send me an email for more details
Can the Animals speak to us?!
Do not miss this unique opportunity to listen to animal communicator and author Mia Mattsson-Mercer, who has dedicated her life to helping vulnerable animals.
She is the author of the (Swedish) Best Sellers: "Listen when the animals talk," "Become the animals' voice" and "Learn to receive animals messages".
Mia is a real globetrotter who has lived and worked in a number of countries, including Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, Bahrain, and the USA, but now she’s living in southern Germany.
She is the woman behind the organization Animals Without Limits (AWL); that among other things runs a hospice for dogs in Italy, where the old and sick street dogs receive care and love. Mia works according to the "no-kill" principle, which means that no healthy or treatable individuals are being killed under her watch.
AWL also works with neutering and medical care of street dogs and help to animals in war-torn, chaotic and crisis-ridden countries.
Participants will take part in Mia's exciting experiences and also get the keys to how they themselves can understand their animals in the best way.
You will laugh, cry, be amazed and impressed when Mia starts her program. With great empathy and great gestures she tells us about her commitment - no animal is too small or insignificant to be embraced by her love and commitment.
She works with everything from turtles to prominent racehorses, dolphins in captivity to family pets.
Listen to exciting stories, such as when Mia was hired by the Swedish Royal Family and invited to the Royal Family in Bahrain, and when she worked with Dolphins in captivity at an aquarium in Switzerland.
Can you really have a conversation with animals?
Yes, it is actually possible. Just take the time

to listen. And Mia takes the time!
Hear her tell about her "conversation therapy:" dogs who complain that they can not share the bed with mom or dad or who believes he is a Police Detective; the depressed turtle; or the horse that wouldn’t jump anymore! 
Picture and slides will be displayed to illustrate, stimulate and entertain.
Welcome to an exciting day full of knowledge and new insights!
*How do you discover that you can talk to the animals?
*My way
*Senior (animal) Stories About Life
*Is there a Heaven / When is it time to say goodbye / How does the pack mourn?
*Street Dogs have a different language than our own pets
*Disabled dogs
*How-to Start Communication
*What do the animals think when they see we humans
and much more. That's Amore!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Torsdags Krönikan pa Tidningen Näras Web

Hästen som ville fortsätta med sin medicinering

Dagens första klient var en stor vacker svart häst. 

Jag satte mig ned på stolen utanför hans box och tog upp block och penna. Men jag blev snabbt avbruten av hästen som stod bakom mig. Han försökte ivrigt fånga min uppmärksamhet. 
Nu är det inte vanligt att ett annat djur försöker gå in och avbryta min kommunikation med ett annat djur. Men den här hästen gav sig inte.

Jag vände mig om och tittade på den vackra hingsten som såg ut som om han försökte komma ut genom gallret. Hjälp! Jag har så ont i min mage, det bränner. Det gör ont och jag äter något som ger mig extra syra i magen!

Jag skrev ned vad han skickat till mig i mitt block och fortsatte sedan med min klient. Hingsten slutade vara ivrig efter att ha fått min uppmärksamhet och vände sig om för att titta ut genom sitt fönster.

Ägaren och jag började samtala och jag kände mig tvungen att berätta vad hans häst bakom mig hade framfört om sin mage. ”Va!?” utropade han för att sedan stå tyst en stund. ”Jag har medicinerat honom för dålig mage, men vi slutade för han verkade må bättre!”

Jag såg hur tränaren tittade länge på sin häst med oroliga och lite sorgsna ögon. Jag förklarade att vi människor kan se en förbättring hos våra djur och slutar många gånger för tidigt med medicineringen och problemet uppstår igen.

Ungefär som när vi äter antibiotika. Vi mår bättre efter ett par dagar men fortsätter kuren under en längre tid.

Det som gav hästen extra syra i magen var alla äpplena han och de andra hästarna fick under dagen. Tränaren ropade till sin hästskötare, ”Inga äpplen till Crispy utan byt ut dem till morötter!”

Crispy gnäggade lågt som om han visade att han var nöjd med beslutet.

That’s Amore!
Mia Mattsson-Mercer
Foto: Shutterstock