Last Saturday I wrote about the Italian Mastiff that was found with his leg twisted (and with a big chain hanging around his neck) He needs surgery to amputate the twisted leg.
I got an e-mail from Genni, the President of Naples Friends of Animals, and I want to share it with you;
"I know, this dog's condition is unbelievable and so heartbreaking. "Bull" as my husband calls him for now or "Bull Frog" as I affectionately say as he hops around, is doing well, eating a lot, and getting all of the attention and care that he needs and deserves. The heart that dog has!! It breaks my heart to see them like this!! Please feel free to post his pictures on your blog. I am also contacting several mastiff rescues in the States about this wonderful dog, hoping to get some assistance. "
Lets help Bull Frog! That is frog jumping good Amore!
Thank you for helping my rescue! I hope he is still happy and healthy.
Did you rescue Bull Frog? I would like to have more information since I write about him in a column!
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