Mia Mattsson-Mercer Born in 1964, Sweden. Author to three books. Writing a web-column for the Magazine NARA. “That’s Amore” is my catch phrase. Finishing the manuscripts for two different books. Also HomeSchooling Mother. Worked: United States, Germany, Switzerland, Bosnien, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Bahrain Founder/CEO Animals Without Limits. I am a proud Lyme disease, Child Abuse and Animal Warrior.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Chosen by a Horse

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Caddo Parish sheriff's deputies say the woman stabbed the dog, and two neighbors alerted to the commotion helped subdue the animal by beating it with a pipe and a board.
Deputies say the dog will be euthanized because of the viciousness of the attack and the extent of its wounds.
Caddo sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick said 27-year-old Kathryn Long suffered severe dog bites to her arm and buttocks and had to be hospitalized. (Foxnews.com)
What a sad story....disciplining a child and stabbing a dog (that has to be euthanized)
No discipline Amore there!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Who is Transfering to Whom
Text Copyright (c) 2008, Mia Mattsson-Mercer
Animals in pain transfer their pain so intensively that I can feel it. If they are having pain in their stomach I get pain in my stomach, but as soon as I have written it down or otherwise acknowledged it, the feeling disappears. It took a long time before I understood this. In the beginning I thought I had become a hypochondriac.
So who transfers the pain and emotions to whom?
I wrote the above in my first book 1999 and I made presented some examples in the book too.
Tjojs my 13 year-old German Shepard/Rottweiler/Border Collie mix started to walk slower and has been limping. I heard how she walked slow on the stairs and putting both feet at the same step like limping up. At the same time I started to have pain in my hips all the way down to the toes. When I was trying to get off the bed in the morning, I was walking slower and limping, it felt like painful electricity in my legs. I went to see the doctor!
The doctor told me I had arthritis. The type that afflicts the joints, since apparently there are more than 100 different types, but I guess I got the most common one. I was prescribed medicine that I still haven't gone to pick up yet...But with Tjojs, I got her medicine and started immediately...a mother always puts her children first!
The next day I could see a difference in Tjojs. When time to get food--her specialty--she was dancing around like a puppy. I laughed and applauded, and suddenly I realized that I felt better too. I am not saying that we are 100% better, but we sure know how to dance now, without any cane!
Are we not "just" sharing Amore symptoms?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Amore Animali

Today we went and visited the animal cemetery here in Southern Italy where our dog Ranger is buried. Hundreds of tombstones with pictures and loving text from their former packmates (owners). I burst out,
"Just think, all these animals have made so many people happy!"
Can you walk in to a human cemetery and say the same?
These are Amore Animali.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ignorance, Pride or Stupidity?
"Have you seen my two babies," he asked proudly?
I shook my head in a 'no' and followed him behind the gas station office.
In a worn down cage stood two huge Rottweilers --- one male, one female ---and they glared at me. I could see every bone in them stiffened up. I surprised the man by going closer and scratching the male dog behind his ears (don't try this at home). But when the female came closer I backed up.
On top of her ears were two big wounds --- it looked like burned off skin --- red and fleshy.
In the cage was a lot of poop, and just dry sand/dirt. They were ticking bombs! And the worst part is, if they would get loose and something happened to a child or human or another animal, it would be the Rottweiler's fault, not the owner. Sad thought!
Anyway, I told the man that I was heading to the veterinarian and I could bring his dog with me. He took a step back. I explained who I was and that it would be no problem at all. He stiffened up and told me he had medicine for the dog!
I offered to pick up more medicine!
"No, it is the mosquito's"
I tried again, "I know how it is with time, you work a lot and I am going to the veterinarian anyway."
"Ma'am, your car is filled up!"
Ignorance, pride, stupidity or lack of knowledge? Isn't Amore the will to learn?
Later on I asked the veterinarian what it could come from, and described the wounds on the dog. She told me it probably was leishamaniasis, and it can be a danger for people/animals with mosquito's that are carrier of disease.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Animals Heal
Animals and humans have the same emotional feelings.
When two people meet and are starting a conversation their blood pressure is going up. But when we meet a friendly animal and start to talk, for example, a dolphin or horse or a dog, our blood pressure goes down. To look at an aquarium is lowering the blood pressure too.
Animals make us feel good, laugh and smile. They help to "ground" us.
When we do that, we have a better reception to heal and be opened up for/to life.
Another study; People that are allowed to bring their dogs to work have fewer sick days.
Animals make us feel good, we become more relaxed.
Animals (and Children) are Amore!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
One Day of Different Feelings
Heard - Leaving an animal inside the car is against the law in the state of Texas.
Met - A beautiful Setter who was found in a bag together with her dead mother. She is such a loving soul, but the people might not keep her!!!
Vet.news - Results from the Lega Pro Animale Spay and Neuter day 18th July: 104 stray cats (76 female cats and 28 male) neutered free of charge.
Dislike - People who say they work for the animals' best interests but cannot cooperate and share with each other.
Saw - A mother teaching her son how to pet a dog/stray gently.
Feel - The sometimes fleeting notion that we are doing this out of Amore?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Water to Our Four Legged
Still very hot here in Southern Italy I can go in and take myself something cold to drink. I make sure that our five dogs are having enough water, outside and inside. But not everyone are that "lucky".
Animals get quickly dehydrated, and can get heat strokes and brain damage. If you have your dog outside make sure he has a cool place to go too.
Please go to this great site and read more. My dog is cool.
Keep a cool Amore out in the heat today!
Lost and Found Pets
Lost and Found the center for lost and found pets.
This site is Amore important!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Surgery for Bull Frog

"I know, this dog's condition is unbelievable and so heartbreaking. "Bull" as my husband calls him for now or "Bull Frog" as I affectionately say as he hops around, is doing well, eating a lot, and getting all of the attention and care that he needs and deserves. The heart that dog has!! It breaks my heart to see them like this!! Please feel free to post his pictures on your blog. I am also contacting several mastiff rescues in the States about this wonderful dog, hoping to get some assistance. "
Monday, July 21, 2008
One Working Solution with Strays
Every animal in Sheriff Arpaio's care are now taken out and walked twice daily. He has prisoners who are now well educated in animal health and behavior. (Not only prisioners should learn this) They give great classes for people who adopt an animal.
He has taken stray dogs off the street, and given them to prisoners to take care of. The budget is now down to 3 million dollars. You can adopt a neutered dog with current shots, good health, and a microchip inserted. Adopting fee is around 80 dollars.
It seems also that the prisoners are making fantastic progress. Many are being "healed" by the dogs, and love to come out of their cells. For some, it is the first time anyone or anything has depended on them, and provided unconditional love. And the prisoners are responding accordingly!
Sheriff Arpaio has a history of taking controversial stands and doing what many say can't (or shouldn't be done). According to many people he's a living legend in the American Southwest. An dealing with the stray solution --and prisoners is something I agree on.
This time, his common-sense approach to a problem has a great payoff for his prisoners and the county taxpayers at the same time (not to mention the strays). It's a classic "win-win" situation. Maybe this is something for everyone to take after, and specially Canada.
This is good Amore solution--two species learning from and helping each other.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Communication Book
I was pleased to write the forward in her book, that was published by Tun Forlag.
We are all waiting for the book to be translated into English.
Her work is speechless Amore ... translated into words.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Three Legged Amore

This is children Amore to our four legged--er three legged friends."I sat down with all the children and told them that our dog had been to a lady that could 'talk' to the animals, and our dog complained about the shoes everywhere. He was afraid of getting hurt."
"After that conversation the shoes have been placed beautifully together in a long row next to the wall, because no one wants him to fall and get another twisted ankle"
Friday, July 18, 2008
Street Dogs Days
Good Amore is good Karma!
Bad Karma
OTTAWA -- Stray animals picked up in rural LaSalle County may be destroyed before ever having the chance of being reunited with their owners, a county official studying the issue said Wednesday.
The County Board’s animal control committee heard a complaint this week from Animal Control Officer Gary Wind of Streator about having to euthanize some animals immediately because they have no place to go. The committee discussed the matter but took no action.The county has no animal pound, so it relies on a single veterinarian’s office that is willing to accept a stray at the county fee of $75. The county payment covers keeping the animal for three days and then euthanizing it. If that facility, Novak-Brainard Veterinary Clinic, Ottawa, is full, a stray is euthanized as soon as it is picked up.Al Piecha of Oglesby, a member of the committee, said he regrets that has to be done “but if there’s no place to take them, what are you going to do?”
State law does not allow an animal to be destroyed unless there is no other option, Piecha said. Piecha said publicity about how strays sometimes are handled may bring protests from animal activists, but the county has little choice and cannot afford a facility for maintaining strays.
“That’s just signs of the economy,” he said.
“If you can’t afford to feed an animal, you get rid of it.” Wind told the committee he tried to save a beautiful dog recently but gave up after trying to contact 15 shelters.
At that point, “they get the needle,” said Glenn Garretson, a committee member from Streator. He agreed with Piecha that the county is short on ways to handle strays but said the committee will check with the legal department about the county’s policy of bypassing the three-day holding requirement. Garretson said
he hoped the county would consider building its own pound, “but that’s going to cost money we don’t have.”
Pantagraph.com by Greg Stanmar
This is no Amore solution, only bad Karma!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Waterbowls and Blankets
We are now starting to drive out with water to the dogs (and cats). Bowls with cool water are being spread out in different areas. Cleaning, and filling up with new fresh water will be done frequently. It is a sad view to see many strays standing along the streets thirsty. In some cases you can see how their heart is working, beating fast. AWL (Animals without Limits) really need more bowls, cleaning detergent, protective gloves, dish gloves and blankets.
On one street where I came driving, there were three dogs laying near each other, killed on the road, hit by cars. I prayed that they were killed instantly. This is a terrible sight. And, I didn't have any more blankets to cover them up and put them to the side. It is a terrible situation to drive around them, seeing their body in my rear mirror being smashed by the car behind.
Water is an inside Amore, blankets an outside Amore!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Humans ~~ Animals Best Friend?
“That stupid dog has chewed off all the fur on her ass!” He proclaimed.
Of course that comment made me curious so I asked why she had done that? “I guess she has fleas.” he answered.
“Well excuse me but who is the stupid one here?”
Elsewhere, it was reported that some teenage girls were running around an area and lit some horses’ tails on fire. When they were caught, the girls said they were “bored”… that’s why they did it.
There are quite many non-Amore people out there!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Children Giving a Helping Hand

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Gastrits Among Dogs
Gastritis is common among our “pet” animals. Since we human beings and animals have much the same intestines and emotional feelings we tend to get the same problems/sicknesses. The number one sold medicine in the word is Losec (for heartburn), especially among competition animals, which often have some amount of stress inside; negative or positive stress. We treat the animals the same as people, with antibiotics, etc, etc. Ok, since I have not met her dog with her together it is hard for me to give them the correct advice, but I can tell a little about some experiences with animals’ health, and training.
This will also be short since I "normally" give the advice to the owner in person, also the client and I talk for 1 ½ hour at every appointment.
Yellow vomit: since the acid is burning in the stomach, the stomach needs easy food to digest, no milk products or not even yogurt (yes some dog owners are giving their animals that, cold and nice they say/think). It is very important that you put the dog food to get moist. You can talk to your veterinarian about what to give for heartburn (if he knows, some veterinarians have no knowledge at all since it is wide area of education.) You can also use some oil to spread/pour on the wet food. Or give your dog breakfast gruel, which will be soft as cotton in her stomach. (Some people need to start their morning with something smooth or they will have heartburn the whole day.)
Vomiting and diarrhea: is usually a bacteria, just like we can have. When it is a bacterium the body is defending itself by emptying the whole system out (like with us) it is very important that the dog have two bowls of water, but in one bowl put some ice cubes. Sometimes they prefer inside temperature water, but some want ice-cold. Since they cannot talk (eh?!), we have to give them different options, so that they can chose for themselves. After one or two days, start very easy to give her boiled rice and boiled chicken in tiny portions but often (many times) during the day. Since the animal’s stomach is empty, you should not shock it by giving a lot. When we have the stomach flu, we start with chicken soup when feeling better. If she has the problem more than two days, you should call a veterinarian as they can dehydrate quick. --Remember my dogs had these symptoms and were lightly poisoned--
Some veterinarians would keep the dog and “starve”them, but they can also give a dog intravenous drip (IV) if necessary. If the dog drinks and is moving its tail, stay and pet their head, but do not pity. You are a loving person, but never forget, they are thinking as a member of a wolf pack. Your strength and calm energy goes over to your animal.
Animals do not have a logical sense--some say-- (not many adults I know can think logically either), they have “surviving sense”.
I'm not a veterinarian, so I strongly advocate staying in contact with veterinarians for advice.
One veterinarian here seems to default to the opinion that any ailment is likely caused by worms. But in this case the owner is a very stressful person, and we know that our personality many times 'colors' our children and animals. Look at the situation combined with veterinarian expertise/advise to find the most likely cause for the situation.
Good health is happy Amore!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Plastic can Kill
I get frustrated when I hear some International people say, "What is it with these people and how can they live like this?" And then when the people protest I can hear the same few International people saying again; "What is it with these people?"
It is frustrating, yes, but what can they do? And if these "few" people are having the solution why not do something about it. I dislike "couch thinkers" (or as Americans say, "Armchair Quarterbacks"). They sit on their butt inside four walls having all these great solutions and then... and do nothing. Well they are not successful...they succeed at telling what others should do rather than doing themselves.
So where am I heading with all this? Garbage of course and stupidity out of thoughtfulness?
Plastic bottles, big ones. They take a lot of space in the trash bags and in the dumps. Some people, thinking they are helping the situation if only a little, cut them in three pieces so they will take less space in the garbage. Good for garbage, bad for the animals! The edges are sharp and when a cat or dog is rooting around in the garbage piles looking for food they can cut themselves very badly. The garbage is all mixed, and the food the animals are after can be on or around the sharp plastic edges. The same goes for can with sharp edges or broken glass.
One cat licked the sharp edge since it had some food smudged on it. She cut her tongue so badly, it got infected and swollen to the point she couldn't eat. She starved to death!
I don't know how many cats and dogs that have similar bad cuts, infected, and in this heat, the flies just love to feed on the puss. Besides disease, the flies then leave their eggs that become the maggots. Being alive and having maggots gnawing on you can't be pleasant. So please, when doing something you think will help, take a step back and think of the unintended consequences, or 2nd and 3rd order of effects. And please, do not cut plastic bottles, someone can get hurt!
We all know that recycling helps save our planet. This is another reason to recycle. If we separate out the glass, plastic, cans and other material that can be sharp... there is less chance of animals foraging for food to survive cutting themselves in the process.
Thinking is Amore!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Towels & Blankets
Monday, July 7, 2008
Shopping Pet Tag

Sunday, July 6, 2008
We All Have a Story to Tell
"I read the article about you in the Stars and Stripes recently. I too am horrified at the conditions for homeless or abandoned pets in Italy.
In the last three years we (husband and I) have adopted two dogs from a rescue group near Rome. Both were older dogs around 6 years old. One was a german Shepard and had a family for six years. She then was left at the canile because they could no longer care for her. We were informed that she cried every day for some time.
The other one is a german shepard and labrador mix, and he was left outside to guard the chickens. His owner stopped feeding him, and after some time turned him loose to roam. Local hunters shot him and now one ear is broken and will no longer stand up. A local woman finally captured him after two weeks of trying. We adopted him a month later. He is very sick as he tested positive for 4 types of tick diseases as well as leishmaniasis. A couple of thousand dollars later he is still being treated for things but he is very happy.
These two represent only two of the 10 dogs we have rescued and kept or rehomed in our marriage. I feel it is my duty as a human being to help those who cannot help themselves. We are happy to donate whatever we can to the local shelters ie. food, beds, etc. I regret that I cannot go to the shelters myself. If I did that, we would have 100 dogs. I am too tenderhearted.
Sincerely Elisabeth"
What a wonderful big Amore heart!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Stars & Stripes Article
Thank you Ms Sandra Jontz for helping the animals to have a voice.
This is journalist Amore!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Shiloh is doing remarkably well. It is fantastic to see her being more active now.... and that tail is really going, too!
Olivia (3 years old) walks around saying: "Shhhh, Shiloh got a boo-boo in head!!!"
Donations from United States have arrived. From my wonderful friends Ann, Annika and Jenn (with their families). You guys are fantastic.
Two fans--not Mia fans, but blowing fans-- are being donated by Julia and her husband (+2dogs)-- here in Naples--to the Animal hospital. More help to keep recovering animals comfortable.
Molte generous Amore!Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Ratatouilles Short Visit
I ran out yelling at them to stop it! It is then I see what it was they were all excited about... they were trying to kill a rat!!
Different emotions flushed through me. Scared since there is something about rats that makes me get goose bumps. Old fairy stories, maybe?
The other feeling was, "oh, no, poor thing!"
With the dogs off of it, I could see the rat was still alive but in shock. I took the dogs inside and went out several times to check on the rat. I didn't want it in the yard, and I didn't want it to die. So many mixed feelings about rats, since I actually have had rats as clients in Sweden and I know they are very smart. But nobody wants to deal with the normal garbage/sewer rats they have here in Italy!
Our dogs' veterinarian told me once, "Rats are very intelligent creatures and carry the poison around to watch what happen to the animals they place it on."
The little Ratatouille died while I was debating what to do with it--and with a shovel my neighbor took him--sorry there is something about rats and snakes even if they are dead--and then what to do? .....Up in the trash cans?
No, I cannot put the rat there--ok, I am not buying a funeral for him, but it just feels so....so disrespectful to throw a formerly living creature among trash...well it would be like being buried in a Smorgasbord for it, wouldn't it?! Hmm... maybe not a bad thought.
For him, garbage is Amore!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Changing Names
Some people had told her that it could give the dog some kind of psychological difficulty in the future. On that issue, my answer was; “Dogs don’t become permanently marked by you changing their name, it is the human that can make them permanently marked.”
When I adopted Tjojs 12 years ago her name was Blackie. I didn’t like it, it was too masculine on a very feminine dog. But I could see why the former owner had named her Blackie, she is Black! I re-named her and it didn’t matter what I called her she didn’t listen! So many different people had called and yelled at her, so to be able to survive, she shut down—just like children and humans (even husbands ha ha) But after a time she learned and understood that she would stay with me—I promised her that out loud—It took 8 months before she wagged her tail out off happiness (I thought it was broken at first)
We adopted a new dog that was named Speedy by the shelter where she had stayed over a year. We disliked the name, too masculine for a very petite lady, among other reasons. Today her name is Capri!
Same here, she doesn’t listen to her name, but after one year in a shelter who would know what his or her name was?
Look at every dog individually. Old dogs were you can see the dog loves his name since he loved his owner so much, you probably don't want to change the name. Maybe the owner died and the dog is re-homed, maybe confused and grieving, there I would not change a name. That’s also out of respect to the owner and the pack.
If you got your dog from a breeder, you are probably "safe" adding a new name to your dog's existing name, or renaming him completely. They likely have many dogs and different names so the dogs (assuming) haven’t learned their names yet.
With our yellow Labrador puppy we recently adopted, we took his "existing" name, and added to it. His name on his papers is Romeo, so we added Trooper. Of course, all he hears is "Trooper" around the house, and he seems to be responding to it. But then again, he is young and was in a kennel for over 3 months, and likely wasn't called much of anything. So, he is nearly a clean slate.
As in most things with your four-legged companion, use and trust your intuition. Take it as it is, enjoy together and feel if the name is right for you and your dog. You'll know in your heart if it is.
That is Amore and I wouldn’t want to change that name!